Browse Items (68 total)
- Tags: Childhood Cancer
Characterizing Pain in Pediatric Palliative Care Clinical Documentation
Tags: 2024, Aderibigbe T, Adolescent, Carney KB, Child, Childhood Cancer, Clinician, conference abstract, Consultation, Content Analysis, Drug Therapy, electronic health record, Ethnicity, Female, Hispanic, Human, interrater reliability, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, June List 2024, Linder L, Longtin E, Major Clinical Study, Male, Moore D, Newborn, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Retrospective Study, School Child, social life, special situation for pharmacovigilance, Therapy, Wilkes J
The burden and scope of childhood cancer in displaced patients in Jordan: The King Hussein Cancer Center and Foundation Experience
Tags: 2023, 2023 SE5 - Low Resource Setting, Article, bone sarcoma, Brain Tumor, cancer center, Cancer Patient, Cancer Registry, Child, Childhood Cancer, drug cost, Female, Follow Up, Foundations, Frontiers in Oncology, Health Care Cost, Human, Iraqi, Jeha S, Jordan, Jordanian, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Major Clinical Study, Male, Mansour A, Nababteh M, Neoplasms, Overall Survival, Palliative Therapy, Public Health, refugee, retinoblastoma, Rihani R, Rodriguez-Galindo C, Social Support, Sultan I, Syrian, Yemeni
Effects of COVID-19 on Pediatric Cancer Care: A Multicenter Study of 11 Middle Eastern Countries
Tags: 2023, 2023 SE5 - Low Resource Setting, Abdelmabood S, Ahmad S, Ahmed S, Al Daama SA, Al Mashaikhi N, Al Rawas A, Al-Hebshi A, Al-Mulla NA, Al-Sweedan S, Alhadi A, Alharbi I, Almajali RM, Alshamsi ET, Article, Bayoumy MS, Boudiaf H, cancer center, Cancer Chemotherapy, Cancer Palliative Therapy, cancer radiotherapy, cancer surgery, Cancer Therapy, Childhood Cancer, coronavirus disease 2019, Dammag E, drug shortage, Elzembely MM, emergency surgery, Fadel SH, Farah R, Gachi F, granulocyte colony stimulating factor/pv [Special Situation for Pharmacovigilance], Haddad H, Health Care Access, Health Care Availability, high income country, Human, Ibrahim AK, Journal Of Pediatric Hematology/oncology, Kaleem WK, low income country, Madney Y, Middle East, middle income country, Mohammad HS, Pandemic, pediatric oncologist, prophylaxis, Ragab I, Ragab SM, Salami KH, social distancing, social status, Sultan I, Telemedicine, therapy delay, Zain GH, Zein AA
Nurses' effort for providing end-of-life care in paediatric oncology: a phenomenological study
Tags: 2023, 2023 SE3 - Oncology, Analgesia, Article, care behavior, Child, Childhood Cancer, Clinical Article, Female, Ghaljeh M, Honesty, Human, International Journal of Palliative Nursing, Male, Mardani-Hamooleh M, Nurse, oncology nurse, Palliative Therapy, Personal Experience, Phenomenology, psychotrauma, Rezaee N, Terminal Care
Early Versus Late Outpatient Pediatric Palliative Care Consultation and Its Association With End-of-Life Outcomes in Children with Cancer
Supportive care for cancer-related symptoms in pediatric oncology: a qualitative study among healthcare providers
Tags: 2023, 2023 SE3 - Oncology, acupressure, Acupuncture, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Adult, Aged, alternative medicine, anxiety, Arcury TA, Aromatherapy, Article, BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, Canada, Cancer Chemotherapy, Cancer Therapy, Childhood Cancer, Clinical Article, Constipation, Content Analysis, dietitian, Education, Fatigue, Female, Germany, Health Care Personnel, Human, insomnia, Integrative Medicine, Interview, Jong MC, Kristoffersen AE, Leukemia, Male, Massage, Mora DC, Music Therapy, Nausea, Netherlands, Norway, Nurse, Palliative Therapy, Philosophy, Play Therapy, Professional Practice, psychodrama, Qualitative Research, Quality Of Life, Quandt SA, Semi Structured Interview, Stub T, United States, vincristine, Vomiting
Unfolding parental knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs toward palliative care for children with cancer
Tags: 2023, 2023 SE3 - Oncology, Abboud MR, Article, Caregiver, Child, Childhood Cancer, Demography, Education, Educational Status, Emotion, Fares S, Female, Huijer HAS, Human, Lebanon, Major Clinical Study, Male, Multicenter Study, Noureddine S, Pain, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, Pediatrics, quantitative analysis, Questionnaire, Rassam RS, Smith EML, Structured Interview, Wolfe J
Palliative care for children with central nervous system tumors: results of a Spanish multicenter study
Tags: 2023, 2023 SE3 - Oncology, antiemetic agent, Article, asthenia, Cancer Patient, Central Nervous System, Central Nervous System Neoplasms, Central Nervous System Tumor, Child, Childhood Cancer, Clinical and Translational Oncology, communication disorder, Controlled Study, Cruz MO, de Noriega Í, dexamethasone, Female, Garcia AM, Garrido CC, Gros SL, Hospital Mortality, Huidobro LB, Human, Lassaletta A, Llort SA, Lopez IB, Major Clinical Study, Male, Marquez VC, Medulloblastoma, Moreno L, Morey OM, Morgenstern IA, motor dysfunction, Multicenter Study, Navarro-Marchena L, Opiate, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Perez-Torres LM, Place Of Death, pontine glioma, Portugal RR, Preschool Child, Quiroga-Cantero E, Retrospective Study, Rubio PE, School Child, Sedation, Solano-Paez P, Surgery, Tallon GM, Valero AL
Parental Perceptions of Hospital-Based Bereavement Support Following a Child's Death from Cancer: Room for Improvement
Evaluating the Need for Integrated Pediatric Palliative Care Services in a Pediatric Oncology Setting: A Retrospective Audit
Bereaved Parents' Perspective on Communication of Transition to Palliative Care in Pediatric Oncology - Hungarian Experience
Tags: 2022, Bereavement, Child, Childhood Cancer, Clinical Article, communication protocol, conference abstract, Consultation, Female, Foldesi E, genetic transcription, Hauser P, Hegedus K, Human, Hungary, Male, March List 2023, Nonverbal Communication, Nyiro J, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, Semi Structured Interview, Terminal Care, Zorgo S
AquaScouts: ePROs Implemented as a Serious Game for Children With Cancer to Support Palliative Care
Tags: 2021, 2022 Special Edition 3 - Oncology List, Belova T, Bonotis P, Chatzimina M, Childhood Cancer, Didi J, eHealth, Erhardt J, Frontiers in Digital Health, Gollmer D, Graf N, Hoffmann S, Kakalou C, Karamanidou C, Kröll T, Mauck C, Meyerheim M, mHealth, Natsiavas P, Palliative Care, Patient Reported Outcomes, Sander A, Scholz W, Schraut R, serious games, Zacharioudakis G
Parent Perceptions of Team-Delivered Care for Children with Advanced Cancer: A report from the PediQUEST study
Tags: 2020, 2022 Special Edition 2 - Parent Perspectives, Al-Sayegh H, Ananth P, Childhood Cancer, Dussel V, Feraco AM, Feudtner C, interdisciplinary care, Interprofessional Healthcare Teams, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Ma C, Multidisciplinary Care, Pediatric Oncology, psychosocial oncology, Rosenberg AR, Team-Delivered Care, Wolfe J
Protective and risk factors associated with psychological distress in cancer-bereaved parents: A cross-sectional study
Parental Perceptions of Hospital-Based Bereavement Support Following a Child's Death From Cancer: Room for Improvement
The effects of animal-assisted interactions on quality of life in children with life-threatening conditions and their parents
Advances in pediatric psychooncology
Tags: 2020, Adult, Attention, Bereavement, cancer center, Cancer Patient, Child, Childhood Cancer, chimeric antigen receptor T-cell immunotherapy, Current Opinion In Pediatrics, Devine K A, Distress Syndrome, evidence based practice center, hereditary tumor syndrome, Human, Infant, Oncology 2020 List, outcome assessment, Palliative Therapy, patient reported outcome, Psycho-Oncology, psychosocial care, Review, Sibling, Survivorship, Thompson A L, toddler, Wiener L, Young Adult
The COVID-19 pandemic: A rapid global response for children with cancer from SIOP, COG, SIOP-E, SIOP-PODC, IPSO, PROS, CCI, and St Jude Global
Tags: 2020, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Baker J N, Balduzzi A, Basset-Salom L, Betacoronavirus, Bouffet E, Burkitt lymphoma, Caniza M, Challinor J, Child, Childhood Cancer, Consensus, Coronavirus Infections/*epidemiology, COVID-19, Disease Management, Fuchs J, Hawkins D S, Hessissen L, Hodgkin lymphoma, Humans, Kearns P, Kebudi R, Khan M S, low-grade glioma, Luna-Fineman S, Marcus K, Medical, Medical Oncology, Morrissey L, Neoplasms/complications/diagnosis/*therapy, nephroblastoma, Oncology 2020 List, Pandemics, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, Pediatrics, Pneumonia, Pritchard-Jones K, retinoblastoma, Rodriguez-Galindo C, SARS-CoV-2, Societies, Sullivan M, Sullivan R, Viral/*epidemiology, WHO Global Initiative on Childhood Cancer, Wilms tumor
Oral and dental considerations in pediatric cancers
Tags: 2020, Adolescent, Cancer metastasis reviews, cancer prevention, cancer screening, Cancer Survival, cancer survivor, Cancer Therapy, Child, Childhood Cancer, Chrisentery-Singleton T E, Complication, Counseling, dental procedure, English (language), Female, Human, immunosuppressive treatment, Male, Medline, mouth infection, mucosa inflammation, occupation, Oncology 2020 List, Pain, Palliative Therapy, pediatric dentist, Practice Guideline, Prevention, Review, Ritwik P, Survival Rate, Systematic Review, tooth malformation, vulnerable population
Comparison of child self-report and parent proxy-report of symptoms: Results from a longitudinal symptom assessment study of children with advanced cancer
Unrealistic parental expectations for cure in poor-prognosis childhood cancer
Tags: 2020, Article, Bagatell R, Baker J N, Cancer, Cancer Palliative Therapy, Cancer Prognosis, Cancer Recurrence, cancer risk, Child, Childhood Cancer, Clinical Decision Making, Cohn S L, Cohort Analysis, confidence interval, Controlled Study, Cronin A M, Diller L R, Expectation, Female, Glade Bender J, Granger M M, High Risk Population, Human, Interpersonal Communication, Levine A, Mack J W, Major Clinical Study, Male, Marachelian A, Medical Record, Neuroblastoma, Odds Ratio, Oncology 2020 List, parental behavior, Park J, Patient Care, pediatric patient, Priority Journal, Prospective Study, Quality Of Life, Questionnaire, Rosenberg A, Shusterman S, Taddei S, theoretical model, Twist C J, Uno H
Seven Types of Uncertainty When Clinicians Care for Pediatric Patients With Advanced Cancer
Tags: 2020, Advanced Cancer, Article, Cancer Patient, Cancer Prognosis, care behavior, Child, Childhood Cancer, Controlled Study, DiDomenico C, Feudtner C, Hill D L, Human, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Oncologist, Oncology 2020 List, Organization, Palliative Therapy, Parikh S, Patient Referral, pediatric patient, Pediatrics, Qualitative Analysis, Semi Structured Interview, Szymczak J E, Uncertainty, Walter J K
An Integrative Review of Factors Associated With Symptom Burden at the End of Life in Children With Cancer
Defining the Boundaries of Palliative Care in Pediatric Oncology
Tags: 2020, Article, Boss R D, Cancer Patient, Child, Childhood Cancer, Comfort, Content Analysis, Controlled Study, Cuviello A, Donohue P K, Female, genetic transcription, Human, Interview, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Major Clinical Study, Male, Mental Health, Nurse Practitioner, Oncology 2020 List, Palliative Therapy, pediatric oncologist, Quality Of Life, Raisanen J C, Skill, standardization, Terminal Care, Wiener L
Serious Illness Conversations in Pediatrics: A Case Review
Bereaved mothers' and fathers' prolonged grief and psychological health 1 to 5 years after loss-A nationwide study
Tags: 2019, Adaptation, Adult, Attitude To Death, Child, Childhood Cancer, Depression, Depression/psychology, Fathers, Fathers/*psychology, Female, Grief, Humans, insomnia, Kreicbergs U, Male, May 2020 List, Mental Health/*statistics & numerical data, Middle Aged, Mothers, Mothers/*psychology, Parents/psychology, Pediatric Oncology, Pgd, Pohlkamp L, Posttraumatic stress, prolonged grief disorder, Psycho-Oncology, Psychological, Sveen J
Palliative care in an underserved community: Striving and thriving
Tags: 2018, Alladin A R, April 2020 List, Awareness, Bereavement Support, bone marrow, Cancer Patient, Cantwell G P, Caribbean, Child, Childhood Cancer, conference abstract, Congenital Malformation, coordination compound, Ethnic Group, Europe, Female, Heart, Hispanic, Hospice, Hospital Patient, Human, Japan, Juanico K, kidney, liver, Major Clinical Study, Male, Medicaid, Memory, Middle East, Music Therapy, Nares M, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Newborn, nursing education, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Pastoral Care, Pediatrics, Perception, Posthumous Care, Resident, Sibling, Social Work, Terminal Care, terminally Ill Patient, Webster-Carrion A
Development of an innovative program to improve provision of palliative and hospice care to children and families in the community: The story of QoLA Kids
Tags: 2019, Baker J N, Blazin L J, Cancer Patient, Cancer Prognosis, catchment, Child, Childhood Cancer, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Counselor, Distress Syndrome, Female, Hospice Care, hospital personnel, Human, Kaye E C, Kiefer A C, magnet, Major Clinical Study, Male, March 2020 List, Nurse Practitioner, Outpatient, Palliative Therapy, Patient Referral, Pediatric Hospital, pediatric patient, Pediatrics, Prognosis, program impact, Quality Of Life, registered nurse, Social Worker
Trends in the aggressiveness of pediatric cancer near the end-of-life
Tags: 2018, Adult, aggressiveness, Artificial Ventilation, Cancer Patient, Child, Childhood Cancer, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Death, Diagnosis, Female, Fushimi K, Hematologic Malignancy, Human, Intubation, Japan, Major Clinical Study, Male, Matsumoto K, Oncology 2019 List, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, Resuscitation, School Child, Shinjo D, Terminal Care, Yotani N, Young Adult
Content review of pediatric ethics consultations at a cancer center
Tags: 2019, Article, cancer center, Child, Childhood Cancer, Clinical Article, Ethics, Female, Friedman D N, Human, invasive procedure, Male, McCabe M S, Oncology 2019 List, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, pediatric patient, Pediatrics, Physician, Resuscitation, Retrospective Study, Risk Benefit Analysis, Terminal Care, Voigt L P, Winter M C
The 'good death' in pediatric oncology
Tags: 2019, Adult, Advanced Cancer, advanced practice provider, Aged, avoidance behavior, Barton K, Childhood Cancer, Clergy, Clinical Article, Cohort Analysis, conference abstract, Content Analysis, Controlled Study, Female, genetic transcription, Human, Male, Medical Staff, music, Oncology 2019 List, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, Pediatric Hospital, physiotherapist, Prospective Study, Rosenberg A, Semi Structured Interview, Software, sudden death, Taylor M, Terminal Care, Young Adult
Participation in Online Research Examining End-of-Life Experiences: Is It Beneficial, Burdensome, or Both for Parents Bereaved by Childhood Cancer?
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Parental Decision-Making Roles in Pediatric Oncology
Legacy Artwork in Pediatric Oncology: The Impact on Bereaved Caregivers' Psychological Functioning and Grief
Tags: 2019, Adolescent, Adult, Article, Barnett M, Bereavement, Brief Symptom Inventory, Caregiver, Child, Childhood Cancer, Clinical Article, Complicated Grief, Controlled Study, Female, Grief, Health Care Personnel, Human, Infant, Journal of Palliative Medicine, Madan-Swain A, Male, mental function, Oncology 2019 List, Perception, prolonged grief, Questionnaire, Reynolds N C, Schaefer M R, Spencer S K, support group, time of death
Barriers to Palliative Care in Pediatric Oncology in Switzerland: A Focus Group Study
Tags: 2019, Adult, Article, Awareness, Child, Childhood Cancer, Clinical Article, Controlled Study, De Clercq E, Education, Elger B, Female, Human, Journal Of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, Male, Nurse, Oncologist, Oncology 2019 List, outpatient care, Palliative Therapy, personnel shortage, Politics, Qualitative Research, Rakic M, Reimbursement, Rost M, Social Worker, Switzerland, Thematic Analysis, Wangmo T
Medication utilization for symptom management by pediatric inpatients with cancer at end-of-life
Tags: 2019, Adult, anxiety, Benzodiazepine, Black person, Cancer Patient, Child, Childhood Cancer, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Davidoff A, Death, Decision Making, do not resuscitate order, Drug Therapy, Ethnicity, Female, Gender, Hospital Patient, Hospitalization, Human, Length Of Stay, Major Clinical Study, Male, manager, Massaro S, Medicaid, Multicenter Study, Nausea, Oncology 2019 List, Opiate, Pain, patient history of bone marrow transplantation, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, pediatric patient, Prozora S, Recipient, Retrospective Study, Shabanova V, solid malignant neoplasm, tumor diagnosis, University Hospital, Young Adult
Medical marijuana use for pediatric oncology patients: single institution experience
Tags: 2019, Adolescent, Adult, Adverse Drug Reaction, anxiety, Article, Bar-Sela G, burn, Cancer Patient, Cancer Therapy, Child, Childhood Cancer, Clinical Article, Drug Safety, Drug Therapy, Female, Human, Male, medical cannabis, Medical Marijuana, microcapsule, Mood, Nausea And Vomiting, Ofir R, Oncology 2019 List, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Hematology and Oncology., Pediatric Oncology, Postovsky S, prescription, Side Effect, Sleep, smoke, Smoking, Supportive Care, throat, vaporization, Weyl Ben-Arush M, Young Adult
The conceptual understanding of pediatric palliative care: A Swiss healthcare perspective
Parents' acceptance and regret about end of life care for children who died due to malignancy
Tags: 2019, Agrawal N, Analgesic Agent, Arora A, Article, Cancer distress, Cancer Patient, Child, Childhood Cancer, Controlled Study, Das K, End Of Life Care, Health Care Personnel, home environment, home-based palliative care, Human, India, Khanna T, Oncology 2019 List, open ended questionnaire, Paediatric cancer, Pain, Palliative, Palliative Therapy, Qualitative Research, Qualitative Study, respiratory distress, Supportive Care In Cancer, Terminal Care