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Tags: 2024, Adult, American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part C: Seminars in Medical Genetics, Anderson R, Article, Bierer R, Carey J, Child, Chromosome Disorder, Clinical Article, Content Analysis, Diagnosis, Down Syndrome, Edwards syndrome, Female, heart surgery, Human, Infant Mortality, Male, Mladucky J, Narrative, November List 2024, Parent, Patient Comfort, Personal Experience, Qualitative Research, Quality Of Life, rearing, shared decision making, support group, Therapy, Trisomy 13, Trisomy 18
Tags: 2024, Adolescent, Adult, Autrey AK, Bereavement, Bereavement Support, Caregiver, Caucasian, Cause Of Death, Child, Collette J, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Cross-sectional Study, Female, Grief, Hispanic, Human, James C, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, June List 2024, leisure, married person, Needs Assessment, Palliative Therapy, Personal Experience, Pilot Study, Sample Size, Social Support, support group, time of death, Total Quality Management, Vaden A
Tags: 2022, 2023 SE3 - Oncology, Akard TF, Article, Barrera M, Bereavement, Child, Child Behavior Checklist, Compas BE, Controlled Study, Cooperation, Demography, Distress Syndrome, Education, Educational Status, Fairclough DL, Father, Female, Gerhardt CA, Gilmer MJ, Health Care Personnel, Hill KN, Home Visit, Human, Major Clinical Study, Male, Malignant Neoplasm, mental health service, Mental Health Services, Mother, Multicenter Study, Olsavsky A, Palliative And Supportive Care, Palliative Therapy, race, Randomized Controlled Trial, self help, Self Report, Sibling, support group, Vannatta K
Tags: 2020, Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Article, Battles H, Bedoya S Z, Bereavement, Caregiver, Child, childhood cancer/dm [Disease Management], Content Analysis, Emotion, Female, Gerhardt C A, health care need, Human, Infant, Interpersonal Communication, Mack J, Major Clinical Study, Male, Newborn, Nurse, Oncology 2020 List, open ended questionnaire, Parent, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, pediatric oncologist, pediatric patient, Priority Journal, Psycho-Oncology, Psychologist, Quality Of Life, quantitative analysis, Retrospective Study, social media, Social Support, Social Worker, support group, Tager J, Terminal Care, Thematic Analysis, time of death, Wiener L, worker
Tags: 2020, Abbas A, Article, Bereavement Support, Cai S, Child, China, Comfort, Controlled Study, Death Education, Guo Q, Hematology, Human, Luo Y, March 2020 List, Palliative Medicine, Palliative Therapy, Pediatrics, Peng X, Qualitative Research, Religion, Spiritual Care, support group, terminally Ill Patient, Zhou X, Zhou Y
Tags: 2019, Adolescent, Adult, Article, Barnett M, Bereavement, Brief Symptom Inventory, Caregiver, Child, Childhood Cancer, Clinical Article, Complicated Grief, Controlled Study, Female, Grief, Health Care Personnel, Human, Infant, Journal of Palliative Medicine, Madan-Swain A, Male, mental function, Oncology 2019 List, Perception, prolonged grief, Questionnaire, Reynolds N C, Schaefer M R, Spencer S K, support group, time of death