Browse Items (7 total)

Trisomy 18 syndrome, also known as Edwards syndrome, is the second most common autosomal chromosome syndrome after Down syndrome. Trisomy 18 is a serious medical disorder due to the increased occurrence of structural defects, the high neonatal and…

Adolescence is a challenging time at baseline, and a sibling receiving end-of-life care can alter an adolescent's life irrevocably. It is imperative for the medical team to understand the unique needs and perspectives of such an adolescent sibling.…

Outcomes: 1. Participants will be able to identify the impact current bereavement resources have on patients and families treated at our free-standing children's hospital. 2. Participants will be able to identify periods during bereavement where…

Background: Spiritual support should be offered to all patients and their families regardless of their affiliated status with an organized religion. Aim: To understand nonreligious theistic parents’ spirituality and to explore how parents discuss…

Background: Legacy-making (i.e., a way for patients with terminal illness to create or do something for others as a means of remembrance) is rising in popularity in palliative medicine, although only one study has examined its impact in a pediatric…
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