Browse Items (13 total)

Aims A fundamental right for patients and their families presented with life-limiting condition, is maintaining choice, in terms of place of care and of death, with evidence to suggest that most patients and their families would prefer home.1…

Background: Pediatric palliative care supports children and young adults with life-limiting conditions and their families, seeking to minimize suffering and enhance quality of life. This study evaluates the impact of specialized palliative care (SPC)…

Outcomes: 1. Utilizing a quality improvement-approach, participants will self-report the ability to assess the implementation of several opioid safety components (i.e. opioid safety contract, open-ended question, and mental health screener) and how…

Background/aims: Turkey has a population fo 85 million and also hosts the larger number of refugees with 3,7 million mainly from Syrian. Globocan 2020 data estimates 233,000 new cancer cases and 126,000 deaths due to cancer. By the end of the 90s,…

Objectives Using transmucosal fentanyl as an opioid for rapid acting, needle-free breakthrough relief of symptoms is established within paediatric palliative medicine.1 2 Medication administration via the buccal route is commonly used in paediatric…

Introduction: The high incidence and prevalence of chronic pain in patients with CF is well documented. In patient surveys, reports of intense pain range from 33% - 82% of respondents. Commonly reported sources of pain include headache, sinuses,…

Purpose: There is lack of standardized resident' curriculum or training for the rapidly emerging field of pediatric end of life care. Goal: To assess pediatric residents' perception of their clinical competence with end of life care and their…

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