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BACKGROUND: In Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) two types of population require the intervention of neuropediatricians (NP): chronic brain diseases' patients who face repetitive and prolonged hospitalizations, and patients with acute brain…
Aims & Objectives: To develop three linked projects to enumerate, reflect upon and identify ways to improve the experience of children with life limiting conditions (LLC) admitted to PICU without previous contact with palliative care services or…
Aims & Objectives: End of life conversations form the basis of many complex communication scenarios in paediatric intensive care (PICU). These conversations are sometimes initiated late in the disease process. Anecdotal evidence is that many…
Purpose According to the most recently published data from National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, approximately 78% of hospice providers in the United States serve pediatric patients, and the majority of these serve 1-10 patients per…
BACKGROUND: Parents of children admitted to neonatal and pediatric intensive care units (ICUs) are at increased risk of experiencing acute and post-traumatic stress disorder. The integration of palliative care may improve child and family outcomes,…
Aims & Objectives: To study the epidemiology of deaths in our paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) over 5 years, so that we can better understand the dying experience of these patients and improve on palliative care for patients with life-limiting…
OBJECTIVE: Prognostication of survival is difficult in children with life-limiting illnesses because of the rarity of these conditions and technological advances improving survival. The objective of this article is to describe the characteristics of…
STUDY PURPOSE: The purpose of this qualitative study was to understand, from the parent perspective, the experience of the family whose child has Type 1 spinal muscular atrophy (Type 1 SMA), in the emergency center, hospital, and clinical care…
Aims & Objectives: Caring for dying children is complex and requires coordination of all resources. In PICU the main objective is to save lives and ensure vital functions in critically ill children. However due to the child's critical and life…
Aim: Specialised paediatric palliative care has not previously been a priority in Denmark. The aim of this study was to support its development and organisation, by examining why and where children died using official national data for 1994-2014.…
BACKGROUND: Chronic conditions are the leading cause of mortality, morbidity and disability in children. However, children and caregivers are rarely involved in identifying research priorities, which may limit the value of research in supporting…
Aims & Objectives: Preference for care in dying children is important for the quality of end-of-life care but little is known about attitudes of the relatives of the children toward the preference according to the expected life span. Methods We…
Objective: Stillbirth devastates families and leaves them struggling to grieve the death of their baby in a society that expects grief symptoms to decrease over time. Previous research has suggested that increased memory sharing opportunities can…
Background:: In 2005, the Israeli parliament passed the "law of dying patients" legalizing life and death decisions (do not resuscitate) in patients with life expectancy less than 6 months. Objective:: To determine whether ethnic and religious…
Background: Here we present additional information from the Safe Passage Study, where the effect of alcohol exposure during pregnancy on sudden infant death syndrome and stillbirth was investigated. Objective: To explore bereaved mothers' attitudes…
Objective To evaluate current attitudes and barriers to advance care planning for adolescent patients with life-threatening conditions among paediatric neurologists. Design Cross-sectional study. A self-reported questionnaire was administered to…
Abstract Background: Lack of pediatric palliative care (PPC) training impedes successful integration of PPC principles into pediatric oncology. Objectives: We examined the impact of an enhanced implementation of the Education in Palliative and…
CONTEXT: Implementation of pediatric palliative care as a primary practice relevant for all pediatricians and pediatric subspecialists requires a grounding, shared knowledge. This study reports on the innovative application of a monthly Palliative…
OBJECTIVES: The role of parents in life-and-death decision-making for infants born at the border of viability is challenging. Some argue that parents should have the final say in decisions about life-sustaining treatment. Others disagree. In this…
BACKGROUND: In Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) two types of population require the intervention of neuropediatricians (NP): chronic brain diseases' patients who face repetitive and prolonged hospitalizations, and patients with acute brain…
Prior research has found high levels of distress in parents who experience the death of a child; however, Romanian parents, whose experiences are influenced by the nation's shared historical trauma, have not been studied. This mixed-methods study…
OBJECTIVES: Following publication of detailed national neonatal palliative care guidance, practical regional guidance, in the form of multidisciplinary 'checklists', was implemented aiming to improve the quality of neonatal palliative care. METHODS:…
BACKGROUND: Substantial variability exists among countries regarding the modes of death in pediatric intensive care units (PICUs). However, there is limited information on end-of-life care in Japanese PICUs. Thus, this study aimed to elucidate the…
Background: Medical advances have led to new challenges in decision-making for parents of seriously ill children. Many parents say religion and spirituality (R&S) influence their decisions, but the mechanism and outcomes of this influence are…
Aims & Objectives: Providing family focussed care through lessons learned from bereavement follow-up. Methods RMCH is a tertiary PICU in UK with 750 admissions annually. Families of all patients who die in PICU are offered bereavement follow-up at…
Aims & Objectives: To identify patients admitted to PICU who might benefit from palliative care using the Spectrum of Children's Palliative Care Needs. Methods Prospective study between July 2016-December2017. Cases admitted to the PICU were assessed…
Aims & Objectives: 60% of children admitted to RMCH PICU might benefit from palliative care (previous case review). Co-coordinating and maintaining continuity of care in these children with multi-speciality input is challenging. Weekly Multi…
To understand the lived experience of parents who have lost their child to a chronic life-limiting condition, six major databases were searched by adhering to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses guidelines. Articles…
In most children's hospitals, there are very few ethics consultations, even though there are many ethically complex cases. We hypothesize that the reason for this may be that hospitals develop different mechanisms to address ethical issues and that…
Medical advances over the past two decades have increased the numbers of children who survive serious conditions. Mortality from premature birth and genetic syndromes has improved such that more clinicians offer, and more families request,…
BACKGROUND: Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an inherited neuromuscular disorder and a leading genetic cause of infant death worldwide. However, there is no routine screening program for SMA in the UK. Lack of treatments and the inability of…