Browse Items (30 total)

INTRODUCTION: Mortality is prioritized in critical care studies, and is invariably a component of composite outcomes. Composites, such as ventilator-free days, combine mortality with other outcomes, such as duration of mechanical ventilation (MV).…

Background: Pediatric palliative care supports children and young adults with life-limiting conditions and their families, seeking to minimize suffering and enhance quality of life. This study evaluates the impact of specialized palliative care (SPC)…

An eight week old baby should no longer be kept alive on a ventilator and should be given palliative care to spare him the risk of a “painful, agonising death,” a High Court judge has declared.1 There are no further treatment options for the baby,…

Children with medical complexity (CMCs) represent a subgroup of children who may have congenital or acquired multisystemic disease. CMCs are frequently predisposed to respiratory problems and often require long-term mechanical ventilation (LTMV). The…

Objectives Pediatric palliative care (PPC), especially among noncancer pediatric patients, faces challenges including late referral, limited patient care, and insufficient data for Asian patients. Methods This retrospective cohort study used the…

Objective: To pilot feasibility and acceptability of HomeVENT, a systematic approach to family-clinician decision-making about pediatric home ventilation. Methods: Parents and clinicians of children facing home ventilation decisions were enrolled at…

The unexpected birth of a critically ill baby raises many ethical questions for neonatologists. Some of these are obviously ethical questions, about whether to attempt resuscitation, and, if the baby is resuscitated and survives, whether to continue…

Background: over the last 30 yrs, many studies have investigated long-term ventilatory support (LTVS), focusing primary on medical issues. Few researches have focused on social burden for families with a child in need of LTVS. Objectives: aim of the…

Backgrounds: Many adult patients with cancer who knowthey are dying choose less intense care. High intensity careis associated with worse caregiver outcomes. Little is knownabout intensity of treatment of end-of-life care in children withcancer in…

Introduction: IFiReaPed study is a prospective ongoing study about perceptible end-of-life signs in Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). IFiReaPed main hypothesis is that a better information of parents about those perceptible end-of-life signs…

Learning Objectives: Palliative Care (PC) is a scarce resource. Little is known about its allocation among critically ill children. Previously proposed criteria may help identify children who may benefit from PC. Method(s): This is a retrospective…

Introduction: Many paediatric hospitals are treating increasing numbers of children with medical complexity (CMC), diagnosed with chronic life-limiting illnesses and requiring life-sustaining home medical technology. These medically fragile children…

Aims & Objectives: To study the epidemiology of deaths in our paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) over 5 years, so that we can better understand the dying experience of these patients and improve on palliative care for patients with life-limiting…

Objective To evaluate current attitudes and barriers to advance care planning for adolescent patients with life-threatening conditions among paediatric neurologists. Design Cross-sectional study. A self-reported questionnaire was administered to…

Medical advances over the past two decades have increased the numbers of children who survive serious conditions. Mortality from premature birth and genetic syndromes has improved such that more clinicians offer, and more families request,…

Background: Inpatient hospice care (IHC) for adults in Germany is used in the last weeks of life. Children, adolescents and young adults (ACA) with life-limiting diseases are entitled to 28 days/year of IHC during their lifetime. We explored various…

Decisions to initiate long-term ventilation (LTV) for children with medical complexities often involve unclear risk/benefit ratios. Although the technology may prolong a child's life, the added months to years could largely be spent in the hospital,…

Rationale: The decision of whether to initiate or forgo long-term ventilation (LTV) for children with life-limiting conditions can be complex and impactful. Providers are responsible for helping families to understand the consequences of their…

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