Browse Items (203 total)

A retrospective, qualitative, preliminary study examined if parental involvement in a life-support withdrawal (LSW) decision impacts the perceptions and adjustment of parents whose child died in a pediatric critical care unit. Participants were…

OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to explore the multifaceted experiences of families with children and adolescents enrolled in the pediatric palliative care (PPC) program, with a particular emphasis on understanding their perspectives regarding the…

Introduction: This study focused on understanding the experiences of forced migrant families and the health care professionals who care for them within palliative care. Palliative care for children requires an active, holistic approach to care, with…

Understanding the meaning of loss for racialized immigrant fathers and addressing their experiences in a culturally competent manner is important in an increasingly ethnoculturally diverse country like Canada. Culture, customs and rituals influence…

Background: Pediatric palliative care (CPP) is defined as active and holistic care of the child's body, mind and spirit, actively supporting the centrality and role of the family. They have as their primary objective the improvement of the quality of…

INTRODUCTION: Caring for children living with life-threatening and life-limiting illnesses can be challenging for families. Parents' roles as primary caregivers can be complex, with extensive responsibilities. METHOD(S): A mixed-design study was…

This qualitative study explores the perceptions of impact associated with engaging in a therapeutic recreation-based bereavement camp for families whose child has died from serious illness. Interviews were completed with 12 parents who had…

Background: Paediatric palliative and hospice care aims to improve the quality of life of children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions and their families. The number of these patients has risen significantly in recent years, resulting…

Background: Parents of children with life-threatening conditions may have to balance their personal, family, and professional lives in the anticipation of child loss and the demands of providing medical care for their child. The challenges these…

Context: Families are vital providers and recipients of pediatric palliative care (PPC) services. Understanding the scope and nature of evidence at the intersection of family science and PPC research is necessary to develop family-focused…

Any experience that a child perceives as threatening or detrimental and has long-term consequences for the child’s holistic health and welfare qualifies as trauma. Whether an experience is traumatic depends on the 3 E’s of trauma: the event, the…

INTRODUCTION: Pediatric mortality is an often underestimated and overlooked figure but has significant impact on providers and families. University Hospitals Rainbow Babies and Children has launched a program to identify factors surrounding pediatric…

Outcomes: 1. Discuss how families use perinatal palliative legacy items after they return to the community. 2. Understand how perinatal palliative legacy items can affect deceased infant identity in the family. Key Message: Current literature does…

Outcomes: 1. Participants will be able to define and summarize the major themes characterizing CMC family caregivers' experiences of rest, rejuvenation, and respite and then illustrate examples of those themes from family caregivers' stories. 2.…

Outcomes: 1. Use strategies to understand family's hopes, wishes and worries for their chronically and often critically ill child and what they perceive to be prolonging life versus prolonging death. 2. Utilize specific language to make…

Outcomes: 1. Identify key actions that help prepare families for the dying process. 2. Consider how the defined key actions may apply to other settings of practice. Key Message: Preparing families for end-of-life symptoms and circumstances may help…

BACKGROUND: Children with life-threatening and life-limiting conditions can experience high levels of suffering due to multiple distressing symptoms that result in poor quality of life and increase risk of long-term distress in their family members.…

Abstract Perinatal loss, the tragic event of losing a baby before, during, or shortly after birth, is a profoundly distressing experience for any family. We focus on the unique challenges faced by diverse families, encompassing those from…

BACKGROUND: Children and young people with life-limiting conditions and their families need physical and emotional support to manage the challenges of their lives. There is a lack of synthesised qualitative research about how music therapy is…

Background: Experiencing the illness and death of a child is a traumatic experience for the parents and the child's siblings. However, knowledge regarding effective grief interventions targeting the whole family is limited, including how to integrate…

Abstract Background Grief in parents has been described as a very intense long-lasting experience, characterized by deep sadness, and social isolation, therefore, the recommendation of scientific societies in pediatrics is to provide bereavement care…

In Portugal, there are over 7800 children with life-limiting conditions. The context of pediatric palliative care represents a complex and distressing experience for families. Compared to parental caregivers and healthy siblings, grandparents are…

Objectives: In the modern pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) physicians are often faced with the need to interrupt life-sustaining treatment (LST) and to allow children to die when no further treatment options are available. Consequently, the…

OBJECTIVES: To examine the circumstance of death in the PICU in the setting of ongoing curative or life-prolonging goals. DATA SOURCES: Multidisciplinary author group, international expert opinion, and use of current literature. DATA SYNTHESIS: We…

OBJECTIVES: To describe practical considerations related to discussions about death or possible death of a critically ill child. DATA SOURCES: Personal experience and reflection. Published English language literature. STUDY SELECTION: Selected…

Kim, aged 3 years, lies asleep, waiting for a miracle. Outside her room, the nurses on the night shift pad softly through the half-lighted corridors, stopping to count breaths, take pulses, or check the intravenous pumps. In the morning, Kim will…

BACKGROUND: Despite rising childhood cancer incidence, low-middle income countries often fall short of quality resources to prioritize and develop psycho-oncology services. Patients and families suffering from cancer are subject to great…

Portugal has been identified as the European country with the most rapid evolution of Pediatric Palliative Care provision, where approximately 7800 children have life-limiting conditions. This is a highly complex experience not only for the children…

The objective was to know the vulnerabilities experienced by family members/caregivers of children with a chronic. Qualitative research supported by the theoretical framework of the French philosopher Rosello Un which 15 family members/caregivers of…

Purpose: Pediatric palliative care is a rapidly developing multidisciplinary approach that supports children with life-limiting conditions and their families. However, there is limited evidence on how to effectively support bereaved parents and…

In Europe, Portugal has been identified as the country with the most rapid evolution of paediatric palliative care provision, which is a highly complex experience for families. The present descriptive-exploratory study seeks to contribute to the…

Two separate bodies of literature point to the link between family bereavement and cardiovascular health and between sleep quality and cardiovascular outcomes. However, less is known about the joint influence of family bereavement and sleep quality…

Sibling relationships are one of the most long-lasting and influential relationships in a human?s life. Living with a child who has a life-threatening condition changes healthy siblings? experience. This scoping review summarized and mapped research…

Objective: The present study examined the role of maternal posttraumatic growth in changes in behavioral problems among the siblings of children with complex chronic health conditions. Methods: Data were collected from a sample of 70 siblings from 58…

Sibling relationships reflect a unique childhood bond, thus the impact on a sibling when a child is seriously ill or dying is profound. We conducted a prospective, longitudinal, qualitative study over 2 years using interpretive descriptive…
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