Browse Items (18 total)
- Tags: Management
How doctors manage conflicts with families of critically ill patients during conversations about end-of-life decisions in neonatal, pediatric, and adult intensive care
Tags: 2022, Adult, Akkermans A, Article, CARE, Cherpanath TGV, Child, Clinical, Conflict, Conversation, critically, de Vos MA, decision, Emotion, Family, Female, Genetic, Health, Human, ill, intensive, Intensive Care Medicine, literacy, making, Male, Management, Morality, Newborn, Patient, Qualitative, Research, responsibility, Schultz MJ, September 2022 List, Smets EMA, Spijkers AS, transcription, Uncertainty, Unit, van de Loo M, van Heerde M, van Kaam AH, van Woensel JBM, Willems DL
Non-endoscopic percutaneous gastrostomy placement in children with recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
Tags: "Push", 2008, Anesthesia, Azizkhan R G, Chile, dilation, epidermolysis bullosa, Esophageal strictures, Farrell M K, feeding difficulties, Gastrostomy, gastrostomy tube placement, iind international-symposium, Johnson N D, Lucky A W, Management, non-endoscopic percutaneous gastrostomy, Nutrition, Pediatric Surgery International, Pediatrics, Racadio J M, santiago, Stehr W, Surgery, surgical intervention
Fluoroscopically Guided Dilation of Esophageal Strictures in Patients With Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa: Long-Term Results
Tags: 2012, Adam A, American Journal Of Roentgenology, Balloon dilatation, benign esophageal stricture, Children, Dourado R, Dysphagia, dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, eb, epidermolysis bullosa, Experience, feeding difficulties, fluoroscopically guided balloon dilation, fluoroscopically guided dilation of esophageal strictures, gastronomy tube placement, Gkoutzios P, Krokidis M, Management, Mellerio J, Nutritional Failure, Radiology Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging, Sabharwal T, Spiliopoulos S, stenosis, surgical intervention
Quantifying behaviors of children with Sanfilippo syndrome: The Sanfilippo Behavior Rating Scale
Tags: 2015, Ahmed A, amygdala volume, Autism, Behavior phenotype, Behavior Rating Scale, behavioral problems, characteristics, Delaney K A, Endocrinology & Metabolism, Genetics & Heredity, Haslett P A J, kluver, Management, Medicine, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, MPSIII, mucopolysaccharidosis type iiia, Nestrasil I, Potegal M, Research & Experimental, Rudser K R, Rumsey R K, Sanfilippo syndrome, Shapiro E G, Trajectory, Wey A, Whitley C B
Botulinum Toxin Type A for the Treatment of Equinus Deformity in Patients With Mucopolysaccharidosis Type II
Tags: 2012, botulinum toxin type A, cerebral-palsy, Children, Disease, equinus deformity, Gautschi M, Grunt S, Hunter syndrome, hunter-syndrome, II, Journal of Child Neurology, Management, MPSII, mucopolysaccharidosis type, Nava E, Neurosciences & Neurology, Nuoffer J M, Pediatrics, pharmacologic intervention, physical intervention, Physical Therapy, Recommendations, serial casting, skeletal-muscle, tone and motor problems, Weber P
Dilatation of esophageal strictures in epidermolysis bullosa patients: a single center experience
Tags: 2016, Children, complications, dilatation, Dysphagia, Endoscopic, epidermolysis bullosa, Esophageal stenosis, esophageal stricture dilatation, Esophagus, feeding difficulties, Gastroenterology & Hepatology, gastrointestinal manifestations, Karaman M, Management, Markos P, Murat-Susic S, Omerza L, Pulanic R, Rustemovic N, surgical intervention
Assessment of impaired coordination between respiration and deglutition in children and young adults with ataxia telangiectasia
Tags: 2016, ataxia telangectasia, cerebral-palsy, characteristics, Crawford T O, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, Disease, dynamics, Dysphagia, expiratory patterns of peri-deglutitive airflow, feeding difficulties, He X M, Lederman H M, Lefton-Greif M A, Management, neurodegeneration, Neurosciences & Neurology, Patterns, Pediatrics, Perlman A L, pharyngeal, Trajectory
Dysphagia in Friedreich Ataxia
Tags: 2017, adults, aspiration, characteristics, Corben L A, Delatycki M B, Dysphagia, feeding difficulties, Friedreich's ataxia, Gait disorders/ataxia, Gupta I, interrater reliability, Keage M J, Management, molecular-genetics, Otorhinolaryngology, pathogenesis, Pathology, penetration, penetration-aspiration scale, Quality Of Life, Speech, Swallowing, Trajectory, Trinucleotide repeat diseases, Videofluoroscopy, Vogel A P
Endoscopic balloon dilatation of esophageal strictures in children
Tags: 2011, Alshammari J, atresia, Balloon dilatation, Children, conservative treatment, Couloigner V, dilation, Dysphagia, endoscopic balloon dilatation, epidermolysis bullosa, Esophageal strictures, Experience, feeding difficulties, ingestion, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Management, Otorhinolaryngology, Pediatrics, Pierrot S, Quesnel S, repair, surgical intervention
Integrating Randomized Comparative Effectiveness Research with Patient Care
Tags: 2016, Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use, Backlog, Care And Treatment, Chlorhexidine - administration & dosage, Clinical Trials, Comparative Effectiveness Research - organization & administration, Comparative Effectiveness Research - standards, Fiore LD, Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors - therapeutic use, Insulin - administration & dosage, Journal Article, Lavori PW, Management, Medical Care, Patients, The New England Journal Of Medicine, Usage
Attention Bias Modification Treatment for Pediatric Anxiety Disorders: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Tags: 2012, Adolescents, American Journal Of Psychiatry, Anxieties, Anxiety in children, Apter A, Attentional bias, Backlog, Bar-Haim Y, Care And Treatment, Child & adolescent psychiatry, childhood, Children, Clinical outcomes, Depression, Diagnosis, Eldar S, FACIAL EXPRESSIONS, Fox NA, INDIVIDUALS, Influence, Journal Article, Lotan D, Management, MANIPULATION, Naim R, Perez-Edgar K, Pine DS, Psychiatry, THREAT, VULNERABILITY
How Many Children And Young People With Life-limiting Conditions Are Clinically Unstable? A National Data Linkage Study
Design National cohort of CYP with LLCs using linked routinely…
Tags: 2016, Age, Archives of Disease in Childhood, Audits, Australian Casemix Classification, Bryony Beresford, Care And Treatment, College Admissions, Consortia, Councils, Datasets, Diseases, End-of-life Care, England, Ethnicity, Health Service, Hospice Care, Hospitals, Intensive Care Units, Life-limiting Conditions, Lorna K Fraser, Management, Medical Research, Minority & Ethnic Groups, Palliative Care, Pat Carragher, Patient Admissions, Patient Outcomes, Patterns, Pediatrics, Picanet, Prevalence, Quality, Registration, Roger C Parslow, Routine data, Scotland, September 2016 List, Stuart Jarvis, Studies
Is It Taking Longer To Die In Paediatric Intensive Care In England And Wales?
All-cause infant and childhood mortality has decreased in the UK over the last 30 years. Advances in paediatric critical care have increased survival in paediatric intensive care units (PICUs) but may have affected how and when…
Tags: 2016, Archives of Disease in Childhood, Child, Childrens Hospitals, Complex Chronic Conditions, Death, Diseases, Health Aspects, Intensive Care, Intensive Care Units, Management, Mortality, October 2016 List, Outcomes Research, Parslow R, Pediatrics, Plunkett A, Prevalence, Risk Factors, Trends, Units
Trisomy 18: A Survey Of Opinions, Attitudes, And Practices Of Neonatologists
Helping Families Cope With The Severe Stress Of Dravet Syndrome.
A child with Dravet syndrome shakes family life to the core. Dravet syndrome usually has three phases: (1) up to 1-1½ years: with episodes of febrile status epilepticus but normal development; (2) age 1½ to ~6-10 years: with frequent…
Tags: 2016, Camfield C, Camfield P, Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences, Dravet Syndrome, Epilepsies, Epilepsies Myoclonic/physiopathology, Epilepsies Myoclonic/psychology, Family, Family Health, Female, Help, Humans, June 2016 List, Male, Management, Myoclonic/nursing, Nolan K, Stress Psychological/etiology, Support, Transition To Adult Care
Opinions Of Paediatricians Who Teach Neonatal Resuscitation About Resuscitation Practices On Extremely Preterm Infants In The Delivery Room.
Objective To describe the opinions of paediatricians who teach resuscitation in Brazil regarding resuscitation practices in the delivery room (DR) of preterm infants with gestational ages of 23–26 weeks.
Methods Cross-sectional study with…
Tags: 2016, Attitudes, Biomedical, Born, Care And Treatment, Clinical Ethics, Cpr (first Aid), Decision Making, Decision-making, End Of Life, Ethical Aspects, Ethics, Ethics Medical, Health, Infant, Journal of Medical Ethics, July 2016 List, Management, Methods, Neonatology, Obstetricians, Perinatal Mortality, Practice Guidelines (medicine), Ruth Guinsburg, Social Issues, Social Sciences, Viability
Living With Dying In The Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: A Nursing Perspective
Despite reported challenges encountered by nurses who provide palliative care to children, few researchers have examined this phenomenon from the perspective of nurses who care for children with life-threatening illnesses in pediatric…
Tags: 2016, American Journal of Critical Care, Analysis, Beliefs, Child, Compassion Fatigue, Critical Care Medicine, Critically Ill Children, Death, Experiences, Family, Grief, Health Aspects, Intensive Care Units Pediatric, J S, July 2016 List, Lockhart, Management, Nurses, Nursing, Opinions And Attitudes, Pediatric Intensive-care, Pediatric Nursing, Practice, Professionals, Stayer
Delivery Room Deaths Of Extremely Preterm Babies: An Observational Study
Many extremely preterm neonates die in the delivery room (DR) after decisions to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatments or after failed resuscitation. Specific palliative care is then recommended but sparse data exist about the…
Tags: 2016, Archives of Disease in Childhood. Fetal and Neonatal Edition, August 2016 List, Birth, Challenge, Comfort Care, Death, Decision Making, Delivery Room, Delivery Rooms, Dying, Epipage-2, Extreme Prematurity, Infant, Management, Palliative Care, Pediatrics, Perinatal Palliative Care, Perspectives, Weeks Gestation, X Durrmeyer