Browse Items (7 total)
A description of adaptive and maladaptive behaviour in children and adolescents with Cri-du-chat syndrome
Tags: 2011, Adolescent, adults, behavioral problems, behaviour, Chappaz I O, characteristics, Child, Cri-du-chat, cri-du-chat syndrome, development, Education & Educational Research, Emerich D R, Epidemiology, Gatto K R, Genetics & Heredity, INDIVIDUALS, Journal Of Intellectual Disability Research, Kim C A, maladaptive behaviors, Neurology, Neurosciences &, Orsati F T, Prevalence, Psychiatry, Rehabilitation, Rimerio R C, Teixeira Mctv, Trajectory
Self-injurious behaviour in Cornelia de Lange syndrome: 2. association with environmental events
Tags: 2009, Arron K, behavioral problems, behavioural phenotype, brachmann-delange syndrome, Children, Cornelia de Lange syndrome, De Lange syndrome, demand denial no contact, descriptive analysis, Education & Educational Research, Environment, environmental conditions, functional-analysis, Genetics & Heredity, Hall S, INDIVIDUALS, Intervention, Journal Of Intellectual Disability Research, Neurology, Neurosciences &, Oliver C, Phenomenology, Phenotype, prader-willi syndrome, Prevalence, Psychiatry, psychological intervention, Rehabilitation, self-injurious behaviour, self-injury, Sloneem J, social reinforcement, Symptoms
Self-injurious behaviour in Cornelia de Lange syndrome: 1. Prevalence and phenomenology
Tags: 2009, Arron K, behavioral problems, behavioural phenotype, brachmann-delange syndrome, characteristics, compulsive behaviors, compulsive behaviour, Cornelia de Lange syndrome, De Lange syndrome, Education & Educational Research, Genetics & Heredity, Hall S, hyperactivity, INDIVIDUALS, Intellectual disabilities, Journal Of Intellectual Disability Research, maladaptive behavior, mental-retardation, mutilative behavior, Neurology, Neurosciences &, Oliver C, People, Phenotype, prader-willi-syndrome, Psychiatry, rating-scale, Rehabilitation, repetitive behaviour, self-injurious behaviour, Sloneem J, stereotyped behaviour, stereotyped disorders, Trajectory
Cornelia de Lange Syndrome: Correlation of Brain MRI Findings With Behavioral Assessment
Tags: 2016, aberrant behavior, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part C - Seminars in Medical Genetics, Autism spectrum disorder, Behavior, behavioral problems, Brain, characteristics, Checklist, Clemens J, Cornelia de Lange syndrome, De Lange syndrome, functional connectivity, Genetics & Heredity, Grados M A, hypoplasia, INDIVIDUALS, Kimball A, Kliewer M A, Kline A D, Lal T R R, Lopes T, mental-retardation, MRI, mutations, neuroanatomy, nipped-b, O'Connor J, Phenotype, Rebsamen S L, Trajectory
Communication, Cognitive Development and Behavior in Children With Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (CdLS): Preliminary Results
Tags: 2014, AAC (augmentative and alternative communication), ability, Ajmone P F, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, autistic behavior, Behavior, behavioral symptoms, brachmann-delange syndrome, CdLS, Cereda A, characteristics, Costantino A, Dall'Ara F, De Lange syndrome, delange cornelia, externalizing behavior, Genetics & Heredity, INDIVIDUALS, intellectual disability (ID), language-skills, Milani D, Monti F, morphosyntactic, normal intelligence, Phenotype, Psychiatry, Rigamonti C, Selicorni A, tone and motor, Trajectory, Vizziello P
Quantitative Evaluation of the Clinical Efficacy of Attention Bias Modification Treatment for Anxiety Disorders
Tags: 2015, Anxieties, anxiety, Anxiety Disorders, Anxiety Disorders - therapy, Backlog, Bar‐Haim Yair, Children, Clinical, Clinical Trials, Cognition, COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL THERAPY, computer, Confidence Intervals, Depression, Depression And Anxiety, GENERALIZED SOCIAL PHOBIA, INDIVIDUALS, Internet technology, Journal Article, Linetzky M, Meta-Analysis, MODIFICATION PROGRAM, Pergamin-HL, Pine DS, Psychiatry, Psychology, RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED-TRIAL, STIMULI, THREAT, Treatment
Attention Bias Modification Treatment for Pediatric Anxiety Disorders: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Tags: 2012, Adolescents, American Journal Of Psychiatry, Anxieties, Anxiety in children, Apter A, Attentional bias, Backlog, Bar-Haim Y, Care And Treatment, Child & adolescent psychiatry, childhood, Children, Clinical outcomes, Depression, Diagnosis, Eldar S, FACIAL EXPRESSIONS, Fox NA, INDIVIDUALS, Influence, Journal Article, Lotan D, Management, MANIPULATION, Naim R, Perez-Edgar K, Pine DS, Psychiatry, THREAT, VULNERABILITY