Browse Items (12 total)
- Tags: hyperactivity
Medicinal cannabis in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: A scoping review
Tags: 2022, Adolescent, anxiety, Autism spectrum disorder, behaviour, Child, Child, Preschool, Child: Care, Health and Development, Communication, Fletcher S, Huh L, Humans, hyperactivity, Infant, Infant, Newborn, Ip A, Medical Marijuana, Medicinal Cannabis, Oberlander TF, Parents, Pawliuk C, Prospective Studies, Rassekh SR, Retrospective Studies, Siden H
Medicinal cannabis in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: A scoping review
Autism traits in children and adolescents with Cornelia de Lange syndrome
Tags: 2014, Aberrant Behavior Checklist, adaptive behavior, Adolescent, Adult, Age, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, Article, Autism, behavior disorder, Behavioral phenotype, behavioral problems, characteristics, Checklist, Child, Childhood Autism Rating Scale, Clark B, Clinical Article, Communication, communication disorder, compulsion, Cornelia de Lange syndrome, daily life activity, De Lange syndrome, Diagnosis, Disease Severity, Emotion, Female, Grados M A, Human, hyperactivity, Intellectual Impairment, Interpersonal Communication, Irritability, Kline A D, Landy-Schmitt C, Language, lethargy, limb, maladjustment, Male, Phenotype, Priority Journal, psychological rating scale, Rating Scale, Repetitive behaviors, rigidity, Skill, social cognition, Socialization, Specht M, Srivastava S, stereotypy, Trajectory, Verbal Communication, Vineland Adaptive Behaviors Scales
Self-injurious behaviour in Cornelia de Lange syndrome: 1. Prevalence and phenomenology
Tags: 2009, Arron K, behavioral problems, behavioural phenotype, brachmann-delange syndrome, characteristics, compulsive behaviors, compulsive behaviour, Cornelia de Lange syndrome, De Lange syndrome, Education & Educational Research, Genetics & Heredity, Hall S, hyperactivity, INDIVIDUALS, Intellectual disabilities, Journal Of Intellectual Disability Research, maladaptive behavior, mental-retardation, mutilative behavior, Neurology, Neurosciences &, Oliver C, People, Phenotype, prader-willi-syndrome, Psychiatry, rating-scale, Rehabilitation, repetitive behaviour, self-injurious behaviour, Sloneem J, stereotyped behaviour, stereotyped disorders, Trajectory
Developmental and degenerative patterns associated with cognitive, behavioural and motor difficulties in the Sanfilippo syndrome: an epidemiological study
Tags: 1983, Adolescent, Adult, Aggression, behavioral problems, characteristics, Child, Child Preschool, Child Behavior Disorders, Child Development, Cognition, Family, feeding difficulties, Female, Humans, hyperactivity, Infant, Journal of Mental Deficiency Research, Kelly T E, Male, Motor Skills, MPSII, MPSIII, Mucopolysaccharidoses, Mucopolysaccharidosis III, Nidiffer F D, Parents, physical aggression, sleep disturbance, sleep problems, Stress Psychological, Trajectory, urinary incontinence
Behavior problems in children with tuberous sclerosis complex and parental stress
Tags: 2008, Adolescents, Attention, Autism, Autism spectrum disorder, behavioral problems, Behavioral Sciences, Cancer, characteristics, diagnostic-criteria, Disorders, Epilepsy, Epilepsy and Behavior, Families, frequency, hyperactivity, infantile spasms, Kopp C M C, Mental, methylphenidate, mixed seizure disorder, Muzykewicz D A, Neurosciences & Neurology, parenting stress, Population, Psychiatry, Pulsifer M B, retardation, Seizure, Staley B A, Thiele E A, Trajectory, tsc1, Tuberous Sclerosis, Tuberous sclerosis complex
Clinical overview of children with mucopolysaccharidosis type III A and effect of Risperidone treatment on children and their mothers psychological status
Self-injury and aggression in tuberous sclerosis complex: cross syndrome comparison and associated risk markers
Tags: 2014, Aggression, ASD, autism spectrum disorders, behavioral problems, challenging behavior, characteristics, cognitive impairments, De Lange syndrome, de Vries P J, de-lange-syndrome, Developmental-disabilities, early-childhood, Eden K E, functional-analysis, hyperactivity, impulsivity, Intellectual disabilities, Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, low mood, Mood, Moss J, Neurosciences & Neurology, Oliver C, Pain, pain behaviors, problem behavior, psychometric properties, repetitive language use, Repetitive/stereotyped behaviour, Richards C, self-injury, Trajectory, Tuberous Sclerosis, Tuberous sclerosis complex
Correlates of maladaptive behavior in individuals with 5p- (cri du chat) syndrome
Tags: 1997, Adjustment Disorders/etiology, Adolescent, Adult, Aggression, Analysis of Variance, behavioral problems, characteristics, Child, Child Preschool, Child Behavior Disorders/etiology, Clarke D J, Cri-du-chat, Cri-du-Chat Syndrome/genetics/psychology, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, Dykens E M, Female, Gene Deletion, Humans, hyperactivity, impulsivity, Intellectual Disability/psychology, low mood, Male, Mental Disorders/etiology, Mood, pain behaviors, Psychiatric Status Rating Scales, repetitive language use, Risk Factors, self-injury, Surveys And Questionnaires, Trajectory, Translocation Genetic
Adaptive and maladaptive behaviour in children with Cri-du-chat syndrome
Behavioural phenotype of Cornelia de Lange syndrome
The behavioural phenotype of Cornelia de Lange Syndrome: a study of 56 individuals
Tags: 2007, anxiety, attention disorder, Autism, autistic-like features, Basile E, behavioral problems, behavioural phenotypes, brachmann-delange syndrome, CdLS, characteristics, Children, cognitive level, Communication, compulsive disorders, Cornelia de Lange, De Lange syndrome, Education & Educational Research, Genetics & Heredity, hyperactivity, Intellectual Disability, Intelligence, Journal Of Intellectual Disability Research, language-skills, mental-retardation, Molteni M, Neurology, Neurosciences &, nipbl, normal, Psychiatry, Rehabilitation, Self-Injurious behavior, self-injury, self-mutilative behavior, Selicorni A, Syndrome, Trajectory, Villa L