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Tags: 2024, Amarri S, Angelhoff C, Avagnina I, Baker J, Benini F, Bergstraesser E, Bernadá M, Bin-Hasan S, Blankenburg M, Bogetz J, Bruni O, Castronovo V, Catalano I, Ceranoglu TA, Chan K Ching C, Chong PH, complex healthcare needs, Consensus, Crabtree V, de Oliveira ISB, De Zen L, Downing J, Fagondes S, Farquhar M, Ferreira EAL, Ferreira R, Ferri R, Findling RL, Frühwald M, Goh DYT, Gradisar M, Gringras P, Hauch H, Hauer J, Huijer HAS, July List 2024, Keenan S, Kreicbergs U, Kudchadkar SR, Kuhn BR, Lacerda A, Lazzarin P, Li A, Li Shirley X, Lopes MC, Lopez JGDA, Marinetto A, Martino-Alba R, Matlen L, Mercadante S, Mercante A, Mindell J, Moreira GA, Narang I, Nilsson F, Nobili L, Noce S, Nosetti L, Nunes ML, Oliveira L, Owens J, Palliative Care, Papa S, Pediatric Palliative Care, Pizza F, Plazzi G, Ragsdale L, Rios M, Santini A, Santos CF, Sejersen T, Sheldon SH, Siden H, Simakajornboon N, Sleep, Sleep Medicine, sleep problems, Soster LA, Spruyt K, Stenmarker M, Strambi LF, Streuli J, Suh S, Traslaviña GAA, Verrillo E, Wang G, Wille J, Wolfe J, Wolfson AR, Zanin A, Zernikow B, Zhou ES
Tags: 1983, Adolescent, Adult, Aggression, behavioral problems, characteristics, Child, Child Preschool, Child Behavior Disorders, Child Development, Cognition, Family, feeding difficulties, Female, Humans, hyperactivity, Infant, Journal of Mental Deficiency Research, Kelly T E, Male, Motor Skills, MPSII, MPSIII, Mucopolysaccharidoses, Mucopolysaccharidosis III, Nidiffer F D, Parents, physical aggression, sleep disturbance, sleep problems, Stress Psychological, Trajectory, urinary incontinence
Tags: 2015, Actigraphy, autistic spectrum disorders, Bigger B, Canal M, characteristics, circadian rhythms, CONTROLLED-TRIAL, disturbance, Hare D J, Intellectual Disability, Jones S, Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Light, Mahon L V, melatonin, MPSIIIA, MPSIIIB, Mucopolysaccharidosis type III, Multiple disabilities, Mumford R A, Neurosciences & Neurology, Rare Disease, Sanfilippo, Sleep, sleep disturbance/disorders, sleep problems, smith-magenis-syndrome, Therapy, Trajectory
Tags: 11q terminal deletion disorder, 2008, Behavior, Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology, Braam W J, characteristics, Children, Curfs L M G, Didden R, Disabilities, disturbance, Ethics, Genetic Counseling, Genetics & Heredity, Grossfeld P D, Jacobsen syndrome, Korzilius H, Maas A, Medical, Questionnaire, Research & Experimental Medicine, Sleep, sleep disturbance/disorders, sleep problems, Smits M G, Trajectory
Tags: 2015, anxiety, Behavior, breathing difficulties, breathing problems, characteristics, Cianfaglione R, Clarke A, Felce D, hand stereotypies, Hastings R P, Heald M, inappropriate fear, Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Kerr M, Moss J, Oliver C, Rett syndrome, sleep problems, stereotypy, tone and motor problems, Trajectory