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- Tags: Selicorni A
Sleep disorders in Cornelia de Lange syndrome
Tags: 2016, Adolescent, Adult, Ajmone P, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part C - Seminars in Medical Genetics, Article, body mass, Canevini M P, characteristics, Child, Clinical Article, Comorbidity, Controlled Study, De Lange syndrome, Epilepsy, Female, Fossati C, Furia F, Gastroesophageal Reflux, gene, gene mutation, Gervasini C, HDAC8 gene, histone deacetylase 8, Human, Intellectual Impairment, Kullman G, Male, Masciadri M, NIPBL gene, Priority Journal, problem behavior, RAD21 gene, Russo S, Selicorni A, sleep disorder, sleep disturbance/disorders, SMC1A gene, SMC3 gene, Taiana M, Trajectory, Turner K, Vignoli A, Zambrelli E
Gastroesophageal reflux and Cornelia de Lange syndrome: typical and atypical symptoms
Tags: 2003, Adolescent, Adult, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, characteristics, Child, Child Preschool, De Lange syndrome, Esophagogastric Junction, feeding difficulties, Female, Gastroesophageal Reflux, Humans, Infant, Luzzani S, Macchini F, Male, Milani D, Selicorni A, Trajectory, Valadè A
The behavioural phenotype of Cornelia de Lange Syndrome: a study of 56 individuals
Tags: 2007, anxiety, attention disorder, Autism, autistic-like features, Basile E, behavioral problems, behavioural phenotypes, brachmann-delange syndrome, CdLS, characteristics, Children, cognitive level, Communication, compulsive disorders, Cornelia de Lange, De Lange syndrome, Education & Educational Research, Genetics & Heredity, hyperactivity, Intellectual Disability, Intelligence, Journal Of Intellectual Disability Research, language-skills, mental-retardation, Molteni M, Neurology, Neurosciences &, nipbl, normal, Psychiatry, Rehabilitation, Self-Injurious behavior, self-injury, self-mutilative behavior, Selicorni A, Syndrome, Trajectory, Villa L
Communication, Cognitive Development and Behavior in Children With Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (CdLS): Preliminary Results
Tags: 2014, AAC (augmentative and alternative communication), ability, Ajmone P F, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, autistic behavior, Behavior, behavioral symptoms, brachmann-delange syndrome, CdLS, Cereda A, characteristics, Costantino A, Dall'Ara F, De Lange syndrome, delange cornelia, externalizing behavior, Genetics & Heredity, INDIVIDUALS, intellectual disability (ID), language-skills, Milani D, Monti F, morphosyntactic, normal intelligence, Phenotype, Psychiatry, Rigamonti C, Selicorni A, tone and motor, Trajectory, Vizziello P