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Tags: 2011, breathing difficulties, characteristics, Cornelia de Lange syndrome, De Lange syndrome, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Ishman S L, Kimball A, Kline A D, Levy H P, Mettel T L, Sleep disordered breathing, sleep disturbance, Sleepiness, snoring, Stavinoha Rose C, Trajectory
Tags: 2012, Benke J R, Boss E F, characteristics, Cornelia de Lange syndrome, De Lange syndrome, insomnia, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Ishman S L, Kimball A, Kline A D, Levy H P, melatonin, Mettel T L, Otorhinolaryngology, Pediatrics, Rajan R, Sleep, sleep disturbance, sleep disturbance/disorders, Sleepiness, smith-magenis-syndrome, Trajectory
Tags: 2016, aberrant behavior, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part C - Seminars in Medical Genetics, Autism spectrum disorder, Behavior, behavioral problems, Brain, characteristics, Checklist, Clemens J, Cornelia de Lange syndrome, De Lange syndrome, functional connectivity, Genetics & Heredity, Grados M A, hypoplasia, INDIVIDUALS, Kimball A, Kliewer M A, Kline A D, Lal T R R, Lopes T, mental-retardation, MRI, mutations, neuroanatomy, nipped-b, O'Connor J, Phenotype, Rebsamen S L, Trajectory