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Tags: 2012, Adam A, American Journal Of Roentgenology, Balloon dilatation, benign esophageal stricture, Children, Dourado R, Dysphagia, dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, eb, epidermolysis bullosa, Experience, feeding difficulties, fluoroscopically guided balloon dilation, fluoroscopically guided dilation of esophageal strictures, gastronomy tube placement, Gkoutzios P, Krokidis M, Management, Mellerio J, Nutritional Failure, Radiology Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging, Sabharwal T, Spiliopoulos S, stenosis, surgical intervention
Tags: 2017, Adolescent, Adult, Anesthesia, Article, Ates U, Balloon dilatation, Can O S, Child, Clinical Article, Clinical Effectiveness, colon interposition, digestive endoscope, Dindar H, Diseases of the Esophagus, Dysphagia, endoscopic balloon dilatation, epidermolysis bullosa, Ergun E, esophagus balloon, esophagus perforation, esophagus stenosis/co [Complication], esophagus stenosis/th [Therapy], feeding difficulties, Female, Gastrostomy, Gollu G, Human, Male, Patient Safety, Preschool Child, Priority Journal, Retrospective Study, School Child, surgical intervention, Young Adult
Tags: 2004, Adolescent, Adult, Anderson S H C, Article, Balloon dilatation, barium, Body Weight, Chappiti U, contrast enhancement, Doig L, Dysphagia, Eady R A J, endoscopic balloon dilatation, endoscopic therapy, epidermolysis bullosa, epidermolysis bullosa/th [Therapy], esophagus dilatation, esophagus stricture/th [Therapy], feeding difficulties, Female, Follow Up, Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Human, Major Clinical Study, Male, Meenan J, Morbidity, Nutritional Status, Prinja H, Priority Journal, Propofol, School Child, scoring system, surgical intervention, Thompson R P H, Treatment Outcome, Williams K N
Tags: 2011, Alshammari J, atresia, Balloon dilatation, Children, conservative treatment, Couloigner V, dilation, Dysphagia, endoscopic balloon dilatation, epidermolysis bullosa, Esophageal strictures, Experience, feeding difficulties, ingestion, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Management, Otorhinolaryngology, Pediatrics, Pierrot S, Quesnel S, repair, surgical intervention