Browse Items (126 total)

Objective: To describe nurses' beliefs and attitudes related to care during the end-of-life process and death in a neonatal intensive care unit. Method: Descriptive and qualitative study with nurses working in a neonatal intensive care unit who…

The untimely death of a child is an incredibly traumatic experience for parents and their loved ones. It uproots every aspect of their life, leading the bereaved parents to be far more likely to have poorer physical and mental health outcomes. This…

Introduction: The management of parent’s and family’s bereavement, before, during and after the death of a child is a great challenge for health care professionals (HCPs). Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate bereavement in pediatric…

Abstract Background: Last Aid Courses (LAC) for adults have been established in 21 countries in Europe, Australia and America to improve the public discussion about death and dying and to empower people to participate in end-of-life care provision.…

Abstract The occurrence of perinatal losses is an unfortunate, yet common degeneracy that implements perturbing taxation on the mental, emotional, and marital health of mothers considering the grief they impose. This study is a quantitative venture…

An Asian Indian Hindu family chose no intervention and hospice care for their newborn with hypoplastic right heart syndrome as an ethical option, and the newborn expired after five days. Professional nursing integrates values-based practice and…

OBJECTIVES: To describe practical considerations related to discussions about death or possible death of a critically ill child. DATA SOURCES: Personal experience and reflection. Published English language literature. STUDY SELECTION: Selected…

Abstract Perinatal loss is a devastating event for any mother. What is often overlooked is a mothers continued ability to lactate following the death of her child. Donor breast milk is a commodity highly sought after given its value for feeding sick…

This study explored bereaved mothers' responses to the death of a child from cancer, with a focus on identifying adaptive and complicated grief reactions. To understand the unique meaning of their loss, in-depth interviews were conducted with 13…

Legacy building interventions like plaster hand molds are offered in most children's hospitals, yet little is known about how the concept of legacy is understood and described by pediatric health care providers. Therefore, this study explored…

PURPOSE: Previous research shows that bereaved parents are at an increased risk for intense and prolonged grief responses. To offer effective support to parents during a child's cancer treatment and after their child's death, more knowledge is needed…

This study explored bereaved mothers' responses to the death of a child from cancer, with a focus on identifying adaptive and complicated grief reactions. To understand the unique meaning of their loss, in-depth interviews were conducted with 13…

BACKGROUND: The availability of interventions for bereaved parents have increased. However, most are practice based. To enhance the implementation of bereavement care for parents, an overview of interventions which are replicable and evidence-based…

The death of a child creates especially poignant feelings and extreme stress, distress, and devastation for family members and healthcare providers. In addition, serious or long-term illness forces a reconstruction of our experiences with time and…

In a society of diverse views, faiths and beliefs, what can paediatric palliative care contribute to our understanding of children's spirituality? By failing to recognise and respond to their spirituality in this work, we risk missing something of…

OBJECTIVE: To assess differences in prolonged grief, depression, posttraumatic stress, and sleep disturbances in bereaved parents across years since loss (1-5 years) and by gender and to assess potential interactive effects of time since loss and…

Adolescents who face life-limiting illness have unique developmental features and strong personal preferences around end of life (EOL) care. Understanding and documenting those preferences can be enhanced by practising narrative medicine. This paper…

Objective: To describe the experiences lived by mothers facing the death of their children. Method: A qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research conducted in Guarapuava-PR, with six participants of the "Marias" group that brings together…

The death of a child is a traumatic stressor that takes a toll on the health of parents. This study examined long-term impacts of the death of a child on the risk of early mortality in bereaved parents. In a follow-up analysis, a twin subsample was…

Background: The death of a child can have significant emotional effects on doctors responsible for their care. Trainee doctors working in the paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) may be particularly vulnerable. The aim of this study was to examine…

BACKGROUND: Patients with a terminal illness should have access to their chosen location of death. Cancer is the leading cause of non-accidental death among adolescents and young adults (AYAs; those aged 15-39 years). Although surveys have suggested…

Illness narratives have become very popular. The stories of children, however, are rarely ever studied. This paper aims to provide insight into how children, parents and physicians make sense of progressive childhood cancer. It also explores how this…

Losing a child is devastating for parents and grandparents. Family and friends generally focus on comforting and supporting the bereaved parents, unintentionally ignoring the bereaved grandparents. Grandmothers and grandfathers often struggle with…

Terror Management Theory (TMT), derived from Ernest Becker’s The Denial of Death (1974), maintains that humans are motivated by the desire to overcome our fear of death by constructing meaning and significance in our lives in various ways, including…

The work of perinatal nurses sometimes includes emergencies involving death, or near death, which can leave health care providers with feelings of stress and grief. After experiencing a particularly stressful period, nurses at our organization…

BACKGROUND: A growing body of research indicates that physicians suffer high levels of stress, depression and burnout. Related literature has found that physician stress can negatively impact patient care. This study builds upon previous research…

BACKGROUND: Children's palliative care is a rapidly developing specialism internationally. Bereavement support is an integral component of children's palliative care but to date little research has investigated the bereavement support that mothers in…

Caring for a dying child and the family is one of the greatest nursing challenges. The way in which care is delivered will shape the experience they are about to face. Hope plays a crucial role in helping people cope, and healthcare professionals can…

BACKGROUND: Current options for location of end-of-life (EOL) care for children with cancer include home, hospital, and freestanding pediatric hospice (FSPH). However, access to these options varies greatly depending on geographical location. We…

PURPOSE: Suffering is a complex multifaceted phenomenon, which has received limited attention in relation to children with terminal illness. As part of a wider study we interviewed parents of children with terminal illness to elicit their…

The purposes of research were to describe the neonatal clinicians' personal views and attitudes on neonatal ethical decision-making, to identify factors that might affect these attitudes and to compare the attitudes between neonatal physicians and…

The observed Taiwanese neonatal professionals' more conservative attitudes than their worldwide colleagues towards end-of-life (EOL) decision making may stem from cultural attitudes toward death in children and concerns about medicolegal liability.…

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the quality of care offered to terminally ill children and their families in the last days of life in two Brazilian Paediatric Intensive Care Units (PICUs) from the parents' perspectives. METHODS: This was a qualitative,…

INTRODUCTION: The possibility of sustaining life functions makes it difficult to distinguish between a dying patient and a patient with chances of survival, raising a dilemma for everyone around them. On the one side, continuing with life support…

OBJECTIVE: To explore the end-of-life experience of children with brain tumors and their families. DESIGN: Qualitative analysis of focus group interviews. SETTING: Children's Hospital, London Health Sciences Center. PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-five parents…
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