Browse Items (76 total)

Sibling of children with a life-limiting condition (LLC) face challenge. Yet there is relatively little research specifically investigating the psychosocial impact on siblings living with a child with an LLC. A qualitative participatory methodology…

Background: Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a rare, incurable genodermatosis that presents with blistering and skin fragility. Complications can be localised or generalised, limited to the skin or have systemic effects resulting in death. Caring for a…

Background: Children with medical complexity (CMC) represent a small, but growing, proportion of all children. Regardless of their underlying diagnosis, by definition, all CMC have similar functional limitations and high healthcare needs. It has been…

The patient's perspective is an essential component of understanding the individual experience of suffering in children with palliative needs, but it is a perspective that is often overlooked. The aim of this study was to compare the perception of…

BACKGROUND: Support groups available to parents/carers of children with a disability or developmental delay (DDD) are predominately attended by women. Limited data exists reporting experiences of the few male-only support groups. This paper examines…

Introduction: Being responsive to end-users is essential to good care. Limited in-depth exploration of parental perspectives on care received by children over the course of serious illness has hindered the development of process measures to evaluate…

Objectives: The goal of this study was to assess pediatric oncology providers' perceptions of palliative care in order to validate previously identified barriers and facilitators to early integration of a pediatric palliative care team (PCT) in the…

Objective: Barriers to palliative care for children with serious illness include system constraints and vastly different training and attitudes toward palliative care. This study aimed to explore trainee and faculty physician perceptions of barriers…

BACKGROUND: Legacy building interventions are used in pediatric healthcare settings to help families cope with difficult healthcare experiences and typically reserved for intentional use at or near the end of a child's life. However, little is known…

Background: When making end-of-life decisions for a child in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), standard practice is to involve parents in shared decision-making so that the values of parents are considered and decisions are made in the…

BACKGROUND: Neonatal death is often preceded by end-of-life medical decisions. This study aimed to determine whether the context of death - after a decision of withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatment (WWLST) or despite maximum care - was…

OBJECTIVES: Our research aims to compare the perception that children in the pediatric palliative care setting have of their emotional well-being, or that expressed by the parents, with the perception held by the professionals involved in their care.…

PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to examine the medical student knowledge regarding pediatric palliative care (PPC) and determine the predictors of knowledge among them toward PPC. METHODS: A cross-sectional engaging study was directed with 326…

End-of-life (EOL) care for newborns is challenging and requires well-prepared nurses to provide the best care for the dying baby and to prepare and support parents during such a difficult experience. This study aimed to explore Jordanian neonatal…

OBJECTIVES: Neonatal palliative care (NPC) is an emerging subset of care in United States (US) neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) that provides relief for both infants and families at the end of life for infants with terminal diagnoses. Families…

Context: More than 74% of pediatric deaths occur in an intensive care unit (ICU), with 40% occurring after withdrawal of life-sustaining therapies (WOLST). No needs assessment has described provider needs or suggestions for improving the WOLST…

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the current study is to suggest a powerful strategy to overcome the misperceptions of undergraduate nursing students' about paediatric palliative care (PPC), through simulation technique. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A one-group…

Little is known about how nursing care at the end of a child's life impacts long-term parental bereavement. We aimed to explain, contextualize, and examine comparisons between quantitative trends in children's end-of-life care and parents'…

CONTEXT: The death of a child from cancer is a devastating event, placing bereaved parents at risk for both physical and psychosocial morbidities. Despite growing awareness of these outcomes and increased hospital-based support, bereaved parents…

CONTEXT: It is challenging to provide supportive intensive care to infants in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), giving them every chance for survival, while also trying to minimize suffering for both the infant and parents. Parents who believe…

Fathers are under-represented in pediatric palliative care research despite frequently playing a key role in the lives of their children. The purpose of this study was to identify factors that affected paternal study invitation and participation. A…

Background: Pediatric palliative care occurs across contexts through the child's illness trajectory, including within the child or young person's community. Interactions with the ambulance service may occur with a child's deterioration, crisis, or…

Purpose of study Care for children with cardiac disease often involves difficult decisions and clinical uncertainty. Genomic Sequencing (GS) promises to improve clinical prognostics and could impact how difficult decisions are made. We sought to…

Objectives: * Describe a longitudinal, iterative, and cross-organizational design process. * Describe pediatric palliative care program structure and process measurement. * Create additional opportunities to expand the benchmark data available for…

Objectives: * Recognize how PICUs/NICUs implement GBS IPPC recommendations. * Describe how PICUs/NICUs' resource influence their GBS care provision as related to IPPC recommendations. Original Research Background: Grief and bereavement support (GBS)…

Background: Legacy-making (i.e., a way for patients with terminal illness to create or do something for others as a means of remembrance) is rising in popularity in palliative medicine, although only one study has examined its impact in a pediatric…

Objectives: Palliative radiation therapy (pRT) is often used to improve quality of life for pediatric patients. Though palliative doses are generally lower than those for cure, pRT may still introduce undesirable effects. The decision to pursue…

Background: It is difficult to perceive the preparation of a good death for children because of its social and cultural issues. Among the children with serious diseases, they can be alienated and the whole processes are done by the decision of the…

Background: Despite advances in medical technology, resources for pediatric palliative care (PPC) for children with serious illnesses are limited in South Korea. Physicians' awareness of and willingness to provide general palliative care and refer to…

BACKGROUND: The majority of children with advanced heart disease in the inpatient setting die in an intensive care unit under 1 year of age following multiple interventions. While pediatric cardiology and palliative care provider attitudes have been…

BACKGROUND: Medical technologies and technological advances have resulted in a growing number of children with medical complexity (CMC), many of whom would not have survived previously. Despite these advances CMC are still at high risk of morbidity…
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