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Tags: Child, Hospice Care, Hospital Care, Human, Thematic Analysis, 2021, Adult, BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, Built Environment, Cinahl, Collins A, Comfort, Conception, data extraction, Data Synthesis, Emergency Ward, Family Interaction, Family Management, Female, Furniture, Hospice Care, Hospital care, Hospital Patient, Human Dignity, January List 2023, Male, McLaughlan R, Medline, Narrative, nursing home, Nursing Home Care, Palliative Therapy, Philip J, Privacy, Psycinfo, Review, Systematic Review, Wong K
Tags: 2019, Bilodeau M, Child, Ciapponi A, clinical assessment, Cochrane Library, Cohort Analysis, Comandé D, Consensus, Controlled Study, data extraction, Dussel V, Embase, End Of Life, Female, Global Health, Human, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Male, Marcus K L, Medline, October 2019 List, outcome assessment, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, patient reported outcome, Patient-reported Outcomes, Pediatrics, Psycinfo, Quality Of Life, Randomized Controlled Trial (topic), Review, Risk Assessment, Santos G, Selection Bias, synthesis, Systematic Review, Web of Science, Wolfe J
Tags: 2019, Article, August 2019 List, Child, Children, Chong P H, Cinahl, data extraction, Death, Embase, Female, Health Care System, Hughes S, Human, Journal of Palliative Medicine, life-shortening conditions, Male, Medline, Narrative, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Palliative Care, Perception, Psycinfo, Social Care, synthesis, Systematic Review, Walshe C, Web of Science
Tags: 2019, anxiety, Beernaert K, Checklist, Child, Cinahl, Cohen J, data extraction, Deliens L, Embase, Female, Human, Male, Medline, meta analysis, Narrative, Pain, Pauwels N, Pediatrics, Piette VE, publication, quality control, Quality Of Life, random sample, Research Priority, Review, September 2019 List, synthesis, Systematic Review, Systematic reviews, Van Der Werff Ten Bosch J, Web of Science
Tags: 2019, Adolescent, Adult, anxiety, Article, Barker MM, Beresford B, Bland M, Child, data extraction, Depression, Embase, Female, Fraser LK, Human, Human Tissue, Incidence, Interview, JAMA Pediatrics., Male, Medline, meta analysis, Monitoring, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Prevalence, psychologic assessment, Psycinfo, Regression Analysis, September 2019 List, synthesis, Systematic Review, Young Adult
Tags: 2018, Article, Artificial Ventilation, Baker JN, Blazin L, cancer center, cancer susceptibility, Child, Childhood Cancer, Cohort Analysis, Controlled Study, Cost Effectiveness Analysis, data extraction, Death, DeMarsh S, Experimental Therapy, Female, Gushue CA, Hospice, Hospital Patient, Hospitalization, Human, Intensive Care Unit, invasive procedure, Jerkins J, Johnson LM, Kaye EC, Levine DR, Life Change Events, Lu Z, Major Clinical Study, Male, Morrison RR, Oncology 2018 List, Only Child, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, Personal Experience, phase 1 clinical trial, Quality Of Life, Resuscitation, Retrospective Study, Snaman JM, Sykes A