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BACKGROUND: Despite advances in neonatal care for extremely low gestational age (ELGA) infants, they experience high rates of mortality and morbidity. Local data on survival, predictors, and outcomes of ELGA infants is crucial in order to provide…
Background/aims: The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in global mass bereavement; in the UK alone there have been 140,000 deaths to date, with a disproportionate impact on Black, Asian or minoritized ethnic (BME) communities. Voluntary and community…
OBJECTIVES: Place of death (POD) is considered a key quality indicator for adult end of-life care, but paediatric evidence is limited. Data from Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) databases provides an opportunity to describe trends in POD as regional…
Objectives: * Recognize how PICUs/NICUs implement GBS IPPC recommendations. * Describe how PICUs/NICUs' resource influence their GBS care provision as related to IPPC recommendations. Original Research Background: Grief and bereavement support (GBS)…
Background: Despite advances in pediatric oncology care, most children that die each year from cancer report significant suffering at end-of-life. Commonly reported symptoms include pain, anxiety, and nausea. More than half of pediatric cancer…
Aims There is a statutory requirement to review all child deaths in England. The aim of this study is to collate and evaluate child death data from all Child Death Overview Panels (CDOPs) within a single UK region to inform strategic planning.…
This investigation addressed the question of whether mothers and fathers have different problems during a child's fatal illness. A study of 145 parents of children who were treated for cancer or blood disorders at a large urban pediatric hospital and…