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In care patients; pneumonia is common due to being bedridden, atrophy of respiratory muscles and use of medical devices. Dyspnea is the second most common symptom after pain in pediatric palliative care. In this study, it was aimed to examine the…
Purpose: To analyse the preference of end of life care place in paediatric oncology patients, and to understand the end of life care needs and regrets among the care givers. Method(s): This was an observational qualitative study. Parents of…
BACKGROUND: Discomfort exists discussing goals of care (GOC) with families of children with advanced life-threatening illnesses. There also exists important variability in the management of these patients. OBJECTIVE(S): This study seeks to explore…
Children with severe neurological impairment (NI) are at risk for recurrent respiratory illness with risk for associated distressing respiratory symptoms as respiratory exacerbations become more frequent. Evidence for treating dyspnea in adults with…