Browse Items (63 total)
- Tags: School Child
Living with Pompe disease: results from a qualitative interview study with children and adolescents and their caregivers
Tags: 2024, Adolescent, Adult, Article, Caregiver, Child, Clinical Article, cognitive behavioral therapy, Content Analysis, content validity, Disease Severity, Dyspnea, Emotion, emotional appraisal, enzyme replacement, Fatigue, February List 2025, Female, glycogen storage disease type 2, Hahn A, Hennermann JB, Home Care, Huemer M, Human, inborn error of metabolism, Lagler FB, Landolt MA, Life Expectancy, Male, MAXQDA software, Moslinger D, Multicenter Study, Muscle Weakness, musculoskeletal pain, Orphanet Journal Of Rare Diseases, Pain, Pain Intensity, Palliative Therapy, Perception, Pfrimmer C, psychosocial care, Qualitative Analysis, Qualitative Research, Quality Of Life, Questionnaire, Rohrbach M, School Child, Semi Structured Interview, Severity Of Illness Index, social exclusion, Social Support, sore throat, Truninger MI, Vomiting, Werner H, Young Adult
Intrathecal baclofen therapy as treatment for spasticity and dystonia: Review of cases in a pediatric palliative care unit
Tags: 2024, Adolescent, Adult, Alba RM, alert, antibiotic agent/dt [Drug Therapy], antibiotic agent/iv [Intravenous Drug Administration], Article, Baclofen/dt [drug Therapy], baclofen/po [Oral Drug Administration], baclofen/pv [Special Situation for Pharmacovigilance], baclofen/tl [Intrathecal Drug Administration], benzodiazepine derivative/dt [Drug Therapy], benzodiazepine derivative/po [Oral Drug Administration], benzodiazepine derivative/pv [Special Situation for Pharmacovigilance], botulinum toxin/dt [Drug Therapy], Brain Damage, catheter, Cerebral Palsy, Child, Clinical Article, clobazam/dt [Drug Therapy], clonazepam/dt [Drug Therapy], Congenital Malformation, continuous infusion, de Noriega Echevarria I, Descriptive Research, diazepam/dt [Drug Therapy], disease classification, drug dose increase, drug dose reduction, dystonia/dt [Drug Therapy], enzyme deficiency, Errasti VI, Female, glutaric aciduria, glutaric aciduria type 1, Gross Motor Function Measure, Human, implantation, intrathecal baclofen pump/am [Adverse Device Effect], intrathecal pump, Male, medical device malfunction/co [Complication], meningitis/dt [Drug Therapy], nerve degeneration, Neurologia, November List 2024, Palliative Therapy, pantothenate kinase/ec [Endogenous Compound], Pediatrics, Perez MMA, poly malformative syndrome, Preschool Child, Puertas MV, reservoir, Retrospective Study, School Child, spasticity/dt [Drug Therapy], STATA v16.0, Syndrome, tizanidine/dt [Drug Therapy], tizanidine/po [Oral Drug Administration], tizanidine/pv [Special Situation for Pharmacovigilance], trihexyphenidyl/dt [Drug Therapy], trihexyphenidyl/po [Oral Drug Administration], trihexyphenidyl/pv [Special Situation for Pharmacovigilance], Young Adult
Tags: 2024, anxiety, Beck Anxiety Inventory, care behavior, Caregiver, Child, Clinical Article, conference abstract, Content Analysis, Correlation Analysis, Dying, Family, Fear, Human, Mental Health, Neuro-oncology, October List 2024, Palliative Therapy, Quality Of Life, Questionnaire, School Child, Semi Structured Interview, Tanriverdi M, Yilmaz GG
Navigating the Unique Challenges of Caregiving for Children with Rare Diseases: Are the Care Experiences of All Caregivers the Same? A Focus on Life-Limiting Rare Diseases
Tags: 2024, access to treatment, Adolescent, Adult, Article, care behavior, Caregiver, Child, Diagnosis, Domaradzki J, Emotional Stress, family support, Female, Financial Stress, General Practitioner, Health Care System, Human, Journal of Clinical Medicine, Kaluzny L, Male, Mozrzymas R, October List 2024, Phenylketonuria, Rare Disease, Sample Size, School Child, Self Concept, Severity Of Illness Index, Walkowiak D, Walkowiak J
Permanent cutaneous vesicostomy: a pragmatic approach to safely manage lower urinary tract dysfunction in pediatric patients with chronic and life-limiting conditions and neuropathic bladders
Tags: 2024, Abdelmaguid N, Adolescent, Al Saeedi A, antibiotic agent, antibiotic prophylaxis, Article, bladder catheterization, bladder irrigation, bladder stone, Cerebral Palsy, Child, chronic life-limiting disease, Clinical Effectiveness, conservative treatment, Controlled Study, cutaneous vesicostomy, cystostomy, encephalomyelitis, Female, Follow Up, Frontiers in Pediatrics, Gross Motor Function Classification System, Human, Hydrocephalus, hydronephrosis, hydroureter, hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, Khalil IA, Long Term Care, lower urinary tract dysfunction (LUTD), lower urinary tract symptom, Major Clinical Study, Male, Meningomyelocele, Mohamed RB, Muneer E, nephrolithiasis, neurogenic bladder, neurogenic bladder dysfunction, Neuromuscular Disease, neuropathic bladder, occult spinal dysraphism, Palliative Therapy, Patient Safety, Pippi Salle JL, Polypharmacy, postoperative complication, Postoperative Period, pragmatic trial, Preschool Child, quadriplegia, recurrent infection, Retrospective Study, School Child, September List 2024, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, stenosis, stoma, urinary tract infection, Vallasciani S, vesicostomy
Challenges in Home-Based Pediatric Hospice and Palliative Care: A Case Series
Tags: 2024, Ajayi TA, Article, Case Study, Child, Clinical Practice, Drug Therapy, Friebert S, Grossoehme DH, Hospice, Human, Humphrey L, Jarrell JA, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, knowledge gap, Male, oral drug administration, Palliative Therapy, School Child, September List 2024, special situation for pharmacovigilance, Therapy, Thienprayoon R
Translation and cultural adaptation of the Italian version of the Paediatric Palliative Screening Scale
Tags: 2024, Adaptation, Article, Catalano I, Child, Consultation, Cross-sectional Study, De Zen L, Delphi Study, Diagnosis, European Journal of Pediatrics, Gabrielli M, Germany, Human, Palliative Therapy, Pellegatta F, Peri F, Recchia A, Rizzi B, School Child, Screening, September List 2024, Valente EP, Visconti G, Zamagni G
Free and Appropriate: Navigating School Integration for Pediatric Patients Receiving Palliative Care or Hospice
Tags: 2024, Adolescent, Child, conference abstract, Drug Therapy, Education Program, Female, French C, Glioma, Hospice, Human, Inflammation, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, June List 2024, knowledge gap, Maxwell E, median survival time, medical student, Palliative Therapy, pediatric patient, Physiotherapy, professionalism, Prognosis, Purol N, Quality Of Life, Satty AM, School Child, Self Report, special situation for pharmacovigilance, symptom burden, Teamwork, tumor burden, Ullrich CK, wheelchair
Characterizing Pain in Pediatric Palliative Care Clinical Documentation
Tags: 2024, Aderibigbe T, Adolescent, Carney KB, Child, Childhood Cancer, Clinician, conference abstract, Consultation, Content Analysis, Drug Therapy, electronic health record, Ethnicity, Female, Hispanic, Human, interrater reliability, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, June List 2024, Linder L, Longtin E, Major Clinical Study, Male, Moore D, Newborn, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Retrospective Study, School Child, social life, special situation for pharmacovigilance, Therapy, Wilkes J
Improving family grief outcomes: A scoping review of family-based interventions before and after the death of a child
Tags: 2024, Article, Bereavement, Bidstrup PE, Child, Child Death, Family, Family Therapy, Grief, Guldin MB, Hoeg BL, Hogh J, Human, Larsen HB, May List 2024, Only Child, Palliative Medicine, Palliative Therapy, Practice Guideline, Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses, School Child, Scoping review, Sibling, Systematic Review, Therapy, Volkmann JE, Wolfe J
Gastrointestinal symptoms and problems in children cared by pediatric palliative care teams. Observational study
Tags: 2024, abdominal pain, Adolescent, Andes Pediatrica, Article, Bernada Scarrone MM, Child, Constipation, Consultation, Diarrhea, digestive prosthesis, digestive system hemorrhage, Dysphagia, Gastrointestinal Symptom, Gastrostomy, Human, Infant, Le Pera Garofalo V, Major Clinical Study, May List 2024, mucosa inflammation, Multicenter Study, Nausea, Observational Study, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, pediatric patient, Preschool Child, Prevalence, Prospective Study, Quality Of Life, Questionnaire, School Child, Vomiting
The Use of Cannabinoids in Pediatric Palliative Care-A Retrospective Single-Center Analysis
Tags: 2024, add on therapy, Adolescent, Adverse Drug Reaction, anxiety, April List 2024, Article, Cannabinoid, Cannabinoids, Child, Children, Clinical Article, decreased appetite, Diagnosis, drug combination, drug dose increase, Drug Therapy, Epilepsy, Female, Gravou-Apostolatou C, Human, Human Tissue, Loss Of Appetite, Male, Nausea, Outpatient, Pain, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, paresis, pediatric patient, Quality Of Life, restlessness, Retrospective Study, School Child, Side Effect, Spasticity, special situation for pharmacovigilance, Tagsold D, Therapy, Toni I, Trollmann R, Woelfle J
Comparison of actigraphy with a sleep protocol maintained by professional caregivers and questionnaire-based parental judgment in children and adolescents with life-limiting conditions
Tags: 2024, actigraph, actimetry, Adolescent, April List 2024, Article, BMC Palliative Care, Caregiver, Child, Chronic Disease, Claus B, Clinical Article, Controlled Study, Decision Making, diagnostic procedure, Drug Therapy, Female, Human, Human Experiment, Kubek LA, Male, Palliative Therapy, Prospective Study, protocol, Questionnaire, Questionnaires, School Child, Sleep, sleep efficiency, sleep time, special situation for pharmacovigilance, stage 1 sleep, Therapy, Wager J, wake after sleep onset, Wakefulness, Zernikow B
Musculoskeletal Injections for Palliative Treatment of Neuromuscular Hip Dysplasia patients: How I Do It
Tags: 2024, Adolescent, Amaral JZ, April List 2024, Article, Cerebral Palsy, Child, Diagnosis, Drug Administration, Drug Therapy, hip dysplasia, hip joint, Human, Kan JH, Male, oral drug administration, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Radiology, Quality Of Life, Rosenfeld SB, School Child, Schultz RJ, steroid, Surgery
Palliative Care in Children with Inherited Metabolic Diseases: Why does it matter?
Tags: 2023, Article, Bereavement Support, Cancelinha C, Child, Cohort Analysis, communication disorder, Diogo L, drug combination, Emergency Ward, emotional support, Endocrine, Metabolic and Immune Disorders - Drug Targets, enteric feeding, February List 2024, Female, Ferreira S, Follow Up, Grilo E, Home Care, Hospital Admission, Hospitalization, Human, Intensive Care, Male, medical device, Metabolic Disorder, motor dysfunction, Neurologic Disease, Nogueira A, Noninvasive Ventilation, Palliative Therapy, Patient Referral, Pereira MJ, Place Of Death, respiratory equipment, Retrospective Study, School Child, Symptom Assessment
What do parents think about the quality and safety of care provided by hospitals to children and young people with an intellectual disability? A qualitative study using thematic analysis
Tags: 2023, Adolescent, Adverse Drug Reaction, Aged, Article, Burgess A, Child, Child Parent Relation, Controlled Study, Disability, Drug Therapy, February List 2024, Female, Health Care System, Health Expectations, Hospital care, Human, Intellectual Impairment, Interpersonal Communication, Interview, kindness, Long J, Lucien A, Male, Ong N, Palliative Therapy, Parent, Patient Safety, Pediatric Hospital, Preschool Child, Qualitative Research, School Child, Semi Structured Interview, Side Effect, special situation for pharmacovigilance, Thematic Analysis, Walton M, Weise J
Navigating parental requests: considering the relational potential standard in paediatric end-of-life care in the paediatric intensive care unit
Tags: 2023, Adolescent, Article, Child, Clark J, Clinical Article, Clinician, Diekema D, Drug Therapy, Dudzinski DM, Ethical dilemma, February List 2024, Human, Intensive Care, Journal of Medical Ethics, Kingsley J, Lewis-Newby M, Medical Decision Making, Medical Ethics, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Pediatrics, Physician, School Child, special situation for pharmacovigilance, Terminal Care
Optimizing resource utilization: Palliative care consultations in critically ill pediatric trauma patients
Tags: 2023, Adolescent, Arteaga GM, Article, Baxter J, Child, Child Abuse, childhood trauma, Clinical Feature, Consultation, Controlled Study, Critically Ill Patient, electronic medical record, Elsbernd TA, February List 2024, Female, Goswami J, Human, Infant, injury, Intensive Care Unit, Klinkner DB, Major Clinical Study, Male, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Practice Guideline, Retrospective Study, Schiltz BM, School Child, special situation for pharmacovigilance, Surgery, toddler, Total Quality Management, Trauma Surgery and Acute Care Open, traumatic brain injury
Assessing the suitability of the Carer Support Needs Assessment Tool (CSNAT-Paediatric) for use with parents of children with a life-limiting condition: A qualitative secondary analysis
Tags: 2023, Article, Atkin K, care behavior, Caregiver, Child, Clinical Article, Content Analysis, Diagnosis, Ewing G, Father, February List 2024, Female, Fisher V, Fraser LK, Grande G, Human, Male, Needs Assessment, Palliative Medicine, Palliative Therapy, Parent, School Child, Secondary Analysis, social media, special situation for pharmacovigilance
Development of an Institution-Wide Pediatric End-of-Life Summit
Specialist perinatal palliative care: a retrospective review of antenatal referrals to a children's palliative care service over 14 years
Tags: 2023, Article, Bertaud S, BMC Palliative Care, Brightley G, Child, Craig F, Crowley N, February List 2024, Female, Fetus, Heart, Hospice, Hospital Mortality, Human, Infant, Major Clinical Study, Male, Medical Record Review, Palliative Therapy, prenatal period, Retrospective Study, School Child, Trisomy 18, Uncertainty, Wilkinson D
Children with palliative care needs in Papua New Guinea, and perspectives from their parents and health care workers: a qualitative study
Tags: 2023, 2023 SE5 - Low Resource Setting, acute lymphoblastic leukemia/di [Diagnosis], Adolescent, Adult, Anga G, Article, BMC Palliative Care, bronchiectasis/di [Diagnosis], Cerebral Palsy/di [Diagnosis], Child, Child Health Care, Clinical Article, congenital heart disease/di [Diagnosis], congenital malformation/di [Diagnosis], Controlled Study, Descriptive Research, Duke T, dyspnea/co [Complication], Female, germ cell tumor/di [Diagnosis], Guillain Barre syndrome/di [Diagnosis], health care need, Health Care Personnel, Health Care Quality, hemosiderosis/di [Diagnosis], Human, Human immunodeficiency virus infection/di [Diagnosis], Infant, Interview, job experience, Kilalang C, knowledge gap, Male, malignant neoplasm/di [Diagnosis], Medical Record, Melanesia, neuroblastoma/di [Diagnosis], Only Child, Pacific Islands, Pain/co [complication], Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Papua New Guinea, Parent, pediatric ward, Preschool Child, pulmonary hypertension/di [Diagnosis], Pulsan F, Qualitative Research, retinoblastoma/di [Diagnosis], School Child, thalassemia/di [Diagnosis], Thematic Analysis, tuberculosis/di [Diagnosis], Vince JD, Watch V
Palliative care for children with central nervous system tumors: results of a Spanish multicenter study
Tags: 2023, 2023 SE3 - Oncology, antiemetic agent, Article, asthenia, Cancer Patient, Central Nervous System, Central Nervous System Neoplasms, Central Nervous System Tumor, Child, Childhood Cancer, Clinical and Translational Oncology, communication disorder, Controlled Study, Cruz MO, de Noriega Í, dexamethasone, Female, Garcia AM, Garrido CC, Gros SL, Hospital Mortality, Huidobro LB, Human, Lassaletta A, Llort SA, Lopez IB, Major Clinical Study, Male, Marquez VC, Medulloblastoma, Moreno L, Morey OM, Morgenstern IA, motor dysfunction, Multicenter Study, Navarro-Marchena L, Opiate, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Perez-Torres LM, Place Of Death, pontine glioma, Portugal RR, Preschool Child, Quiroga-Cantero E, Retrospective Study, Rubio PE, School Child, Sedation, Solano-Paez P, Surgery, Tallon GM, Valero AL
Paediatric Palliative Care in a Reference Centre of Inherited Metabolic Diseases
Tags: 2023, Article, Child, Cohort Analysis, daily life activity, Demography, disorders of mitochondrial functions, disorders of peroxisomal functions, Endocrine, metabolic & immune disorders drug targets, Female, Ferreira AC, Gastrostomy, Home Visit, Hospital Admission, Human, lysosome, Major Clinical Study, Male, Metabolic Diseases, Metabolic Disorder, Neurologic Disease, Noninvasive Ventilation, November List 2028, Outpatient, Paiva M, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Patient Referral, pediatric patient, peroxisome, Quality Of Life, Santos S, Saraiva BM, School Child, Surgery, systemic disease
Intractable Feeding Intolerance in Children With Severe Neurological Impairment: A Retrospective Case Review of Nine Children Known to a Pediatric Palliative Care Service
Tags: 2023, Adolescent, American Journal Of Hospice And Palliative Care, Antolovich G, Article, Case Study, Child, Clinical Article, Conversation, Cooper MS, Deterioration, digestive system function disorder, Documentation, drug combination, enteric feeding, Ethics, feeding difficulty, Female, Hospice, Human, Infant, Intensive Care, June 2022 List, Katz NT, Kularatne A, Male, McCallum Z, McGrath KH, Neurodisability, Neurologic Disease, Nomenclature, Only Child, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Parenteral Nutrition, Patient Referral, Prebble A, Preschool Child, Retrospective Study, Sacks BH, School Child, stomach tube, Sutherland I
Assessing well-being in pediatric palliative care: A pilot study about views of children, parents and health professionals
Tags: 2023, Article, Bolance C, Camprodon-Rosanas E, Child, Clinical Article, Controlled Study, Cross-sectional Study, Demography, Emotion, emotional well-being, Female, Guillen M, health practitioner, Human, Limonero JT, Male, May List 2023, Navarro Vilarrubi S, Palliative And Supportive Care, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Perception, Pilot Projects, Pilot Study, psychologic assessment, School Child, Toro-Perez D, vision, Visual Analog Scale, Wellbeing
The Landscape of Outpatient Pediatric Palliative Care: A National Cross-Sectional Assessment
Tags: 2023, Advance Care Planning, Analgesia, Article, Autrey AK, Cesarean Section, Child, Controlled Study, Demographics, Funding, Hospital Patient, Human, James C, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Kaye EC, May List 2023, Miller EG, Morvant A, Mothi SS, Outpatient, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Patient Referral, Program Development, School Child, Stafford C, United States, workflow
At the End of Life: Pediatric Palliative Care Can Make a Difference in Caring for the Child and Family
Tags: 2022, Agitation, Alvarez T, anxiety, Bolanos J, Cancer Patient, care behavior, Child, Claros A, Cleves D, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Cuervo M, December List 2022, Demography, Dyspnea, Fear, Female, Garcia X, Hospital Mortality, Human, Intensive Care Unit, Irritability, Leukemia, Major Clinical Study, Male, middle income country, Molina K, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, pediatric patient, quasi experimental study, Retrospective Study, School Child, Seizure, Skill, social needs, Terminal Care, ward
Examining key sociodemographic characteristics of adolescents and young adults with cancer: A post hoc analysis of the Promoting Resilience in Stress Management randomized clinical trial
Tags: 2020, Adolescent, Article, Bona K, Bradford M C, cancer center, cancer specific quality of life, Child, Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, Controlled Study, Coping Behavior, environmental resilience, Female, Hope Scale, Human, Lau N, Major Clinical Study, Male, McCauley E, Oncology 2020 List, outcome assessment, Palliative Medicine, Palliative Therapy, patient-reported outcome, Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory, Post Hoc Analysis, Psychological Distress Scale, psychosocial development, Quality Of Life, Randomized Controlled Trial, Rosenberg A R, School Child, Scott S, Socioeconomics, Steineck A, stress management, Total Quality Management, Treatment Outcome, Yi-Frazier J P, Young Adult
Medical and end-of-life decision making in adolescents' pre-heart transplant: A descriptive pilot study
Tags: 2020, Adolescent, Adult, Advance Care Planning, Article, Attention, Blume E D, Child, Clinical Article, Cousino M K, Cross-sectional Study, Decision Making, Female, heart graft, Human, Lowery R, Male, May 2020 List, Miller V A, Palliative Medicine, Patient Participation, Pilot Study, Prognosis, Rottach N, School Child, Schumacher K R, Smith C, Uzark K, Young Adult
Palliative care in 9 children with neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation
Tags: 2020, April 2020 List, Article, body mass, Bone Density, bone strength, botulinum toxin, Child, Clinical Article, contracture, Controlled Study, Dangel T, Densitometry, Dystonia, facilitation, Female, femur, Home Care, Hospice And Palliative Care Nursing, Human, hypersalivation, iron, Januszaniec A, ketogenic diet, Kmiec T, Male, Multidisciplinary team, neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation, Neurological Sciences, Pain, Palliative Therapy, pathologic fracture, Prevention, Questionnaire, School Child, skeleton, Spasticity, Spine, Thorax, Wazny B
Paediatric long-term home ventilation: Should we rethink social inclusion for these children?
Tags: 2019, Adolescent, Agosto C, April 2020 List, Artificial Ventilation, assisted ventilation, Attention, Benedetti F, Benini F, Child, conference abstract, Divisic A, European Respiratory Journal, Female, Grigolon E, Human, Lazzarin P, Major Clinical Study, Male, Medical Record Review, Moro N, Neuromuscular Disease, Noninvasive Ventilation, Ometto M, Palliative Therapy, Pellizzon M, Retrospective Study, Rusalen F, School Child, school dropout, secondary health care, social exclusion, social needs, Tracheostomy
Trends in the aggressiveness of pediatric cancer near the end-of-life
Tags: 2018, Adult, aggressiveness, Artificial Ventilation, Cancer Patient, Child, Childhood Cancer, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Death, Diagnosis, Female, Fushimi K, Hematologic Malignancy, Human, Intubation, Japan, Major Clinical Study, Male, Matsumoto K, Oncology 2019 List, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, Resuscitation, School Child, Shinjo D, Terminal Care, Yotani N, Young Adult
Vulnerable Populations Receiving Palliative Radiation in a Children's Hospital: Reporting on the Underreported
Tags: 2019, Adult, Anesthesia, Asia, cancer radiotherapy, Central Nervous System Tumor, Child, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Death, electronic medical record, employer, Female, Follow Up, fraud, housing, Human, Hwang L, immigration, International Journal Of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, Lee H J, Liu K X, lowest income group, Major Clinical Study, Male, Medical Record Review, Mental Stress, Neuroblastoma, Olch A J, Oncology 2019 List, Organization, Pain, Poverty, race, radiation oncologist, Radiotherapy, Retrospective Study, Rhabdomyosarcoma, School Child, South and Central America, Terminal Care, vulnerable population, Wong K, Young Adult
Sleep-disordered breathing and its management in children with achondroplasia
Tags: 2017, achondroplasia, adenotonsillectomy, Amaddeo A, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, apnea hypopnea index, apnea monitoring, Baujat G, BiPAP, bone dysplasia, breathing difficulties, cervical decompression, Child, Clinical Article, Cormier-Daire V, Couloigner V, CPAP, De Sanctis L, ENT surgery, Fauroux B, Human, James S, Khirani S, Michot C, Neurosurgery, obstructive sleep apnea, physical interventions, Polysomnography, Preschool Child, Prevalence, Retrospective Study, School Child, Sleep disordered breathing, Surgery, surgical interventions, Tenconi R, upper respiratory tract, Zerah M
Promoting adaptive behaviors by two girls with Rett syndrome through a microswitch-based program
Tags: 2013, adaptive behavior, Adolescent, Article, Assistive technology, Caffo A O, Case Report, Child Behavior, Female, hand washing, Happiness, Human, Indices of happiness, locomotion, Locomotor behavior, Microswitches, optic sensors, physical intervention, Priority Journal, Research In Autism Spectrum Disorders, Rett syndrome, School Child, Stasolla F, stereotyped movements, stereotypy, tone and motor problems, Wobble microswitch
Otorhinolaryngological, Audiovestibular and swallowing manifestations of patients with Niemann-Pick disease Type C
Tags: 2016, Adolescent, Aksoy S, Akyol U, Article, aspiration scale, auditory response, Balance disorders, body equilibrium, characteristics, Child, Clinical Article, Controlled Study, Demir N, Dysphagia, Endoscopy, feeding difficulties, Female, Flexible endoscopy, hearing, hearing impairment, Hearing problems, Human, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Kuscu O, Male, Niemann Pick disease/di [Diagnosis], Niemann-Pick Disease, NPC, Otorhinolaryngology, penetration, postural imbalance, Preschool Child, Priority Journal, Prospective Study, pure tone audiometry, School Child, Senirli R T, stabilography, Swallowing, Swallowing disorders, tone and motor problems, Topcu M, Trajectory, vestibular system, Yigit O
Polysomnographic recordings of respiratory disturbances in Rett syndrome
Tags: 1995, Adolescent, Aguigah G, Aksu F, apnea, breathing difficulties, Buschatz D, Case Report, characteristics, Conference Paper, Disorder of respiratory control, Female, Human, hyperventilation, hypocapnia, Journal of Sleep Research, Polygraphic recording, Polysomnography, Priority Journal, Respiratory Tract Disease, Rett syndrome, Rett Syndrome/di [Diagnosis], Schluter B, School Child, Trajectory, Trowitzsch E
Gait, Balance, and Coordination Impairments in Niemann Pick Disease, Type C1
Tags: 2 hydroxypropyl beta cyclodextrin, 2018, 94035-02-6 (2 hydroxypropyl beta cyclodextrin), Adolescent, Adult, Alter K, Article, balance impairment, body equilibrium, case control study, characteristics, Child, Clinical Article, clinical evaluation, Comparative Study, coordination disorder, disease severity assessment, Farhat N, Female, gait disorder, Human, Human Development, intervention study, Journal of Child Neurology, Keener L A, Male, molecular stability, motion analysis system, Neurologic Examination, Niemann Pick disease, NIH NPC Neurologic Severity Scale, NPC, outcome assessment, performance, Porter F, Preschool Child, Priority Journal, Research, Retrospective Study, Sansare A, School Child, scoring system, spatiotemporal analysis, stabilography, Stanley C, tone and motor problems, Trajectory, Upper limb, vts 270, Young Adult, Zampieri C
Fatigue and depression in children with demyelinating disorders
Tags: 2013, acquired demyelinating syndromes, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, Adolescent, alertness, Article, Benedict R H B, Canada, characteristics, Child, Child Behavior, Childhood Disease, Clinical Article, Cohort Analysis, Comorbidity, Controlled Study, Cross-sectional Study, demyelinating disease, demyelinating disorders, Depression, disease duration, Epidemiology, Fatigue, Female, Health Survey, Human, Journal of Child Neurology, Male, Mood, Multiple Sclerosis, Parrish J B, Priority Journal, psychological aspect, School Child, Self Report, Sleep, Smerbeck A, Therapy, Trajectory, Weinstock-Guttman B, Yeh E A