Browse Items (11 total)

BACKGROUND: Children with brain and central nervous system (CNS) tumors experience substantial challenges to their quality of life during their disease course. These challenges are opportunities for increased subspecialty palliative care (PC)…

Objectives: * Identify parent perceptions of suffering at end of life in children with life-threatening complex chronic conditions. * Describe factors associated with child suffering at end of life. Original Research Background: Research in children…

Rett's syndrome is a progressive disorder that occurs in females and is characterized by autistic behavior, dementia, ataxia, loss of purposeful use of the hands, and seizures. Patients with Rett's syndrome have been observed to have stereotyped hand…

Background/Objectives: Although Pediatric palliative care (PPC) has developed worldwide with the increasing number of children with serious illness, the concept of Pediatric palliative care is still unfamiliar in Asia. We report on Pediatric cancer…

Background and aims High symptom burden has been recognised in children with life-limiting conditions (LLC) and symptom assessment and management is a core component of children's palliative care (CPC). A previous audit highlighted a high prevalence…

BACKGROUND: Children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) undergo multiple lumbar punctures (LPs) during their course of treatment for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. LP is a stressful and painful procedure, affecting the quality of life of…

Children with severe impairment of the central nervous system (CNS) experience gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms at a high rate and severity, including retching, vomiting, GI tract pain, and feeding intolerance. Commonly recognized sources of symptoms…

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