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- Tags: Symptom
The Psychiatric Care of Children and Young Adults With Neurodegenerative Diseases
Tags: 2024, Adolescence, Aggression, Agitation, antiemetic agent/pv [Special Situation for Pharmacovigilance], anxiety disorder, apathy, appetite stimulant/pv [Special Situation for Pharmacovigilance], Augustine EF, automutilation, Behavior Therapy, body weight gain, Brown HB, Caregiver Burden, Child Psychiatry, Childhood Mortality, choreoathetosis/dt [Drug Therapy], cognitive defect/si [Side Effect], collaborative care team, Comorbidity, degenerative disease/dm [Disease Management], degenerative disease/dt [Drug Therapy], Dementia, disease exacerbation, Dysphagia, Editorial, Expectation, extrapyramidal symptom, February List 2025, feeding disorder, feeding tube, first-line treatment, gabapentin/dt [Drug Therapy], gabapentin/pv [Special Situation for Pharmacovigilance], Hauptman AJ, high risk behavior, Human, Huntington chorea/dm [Disease Management], iatrogenic disease/si [Side Effect], Interpersonal Communication, Irritability, Journal Of The American Academy Of Child And Adolescent Psychiatry, juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis/dm [Disease Management], Lafora disease, Live Birth, Medication therapy management, mental health care, mirtazapine/pv [Special Situation for Pharmacovigilance], mood disorder, motor dysfunction, neuroleptic agent/ae [Adverse Drug Reaction], neurologic disease/dm [Disease Management], neuropsychiatry, obsession, onset age, Palliative Therapy, parenting education, parkinsonism, Patient Care, Patient Comfort, pediatric patient, perseveration, Polypharmacy, Prevalence, Prognosis, psychiatric neuropalliative care, psychoeducation, psychosis, Quality Of Life, quetiapine/dt [Drug Therapy], quetiapine/pv [Special Situation for Pharmacovigilance], responsibility, risperidone/dt [Drug Therapy], risperidone/pv [Special Situation for Pharmacovigilance], Seizure, sensory dysfunction, Side Effect, sleep disorder, Spasticity, Symptom, symptom burden, tardive dyskinesia/si [Side Effect], Tay Sachs disease, trazodone/dt [Drug Therapy], trazodone/pv [Special Situation for Pharmacovigilance], visual impairment, Young Adult
Symptom Trajectories and Mortality Among Children Receiving Palliative Care: A Prospective Cohort Study
Tags: 2024, Adolescent, Adult, biological marker, Bogetz J, Boyden JY, Child, Cohort Analysis, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Ethnicity, Female, Feudtner C, Friebert S, Hall M, Hill DL, Hinds P, Human, Johnston E, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, June List 2024, Kang TI, Male, Mortality, Nye R, Pain, Palliative Therapy, pediatric patient, Symptom, Wolfe J
Pharmacological Management of Symptoms in Children with Life-Limiting Conditions at the End of Life in the Asia Pacific
Tags: 2018, analgesic agent/pd [Pharmacology], analgesic agent/po [Oral Drug Administration], Article, Asia, Chee J, Child, Chong LA, Chong P H, Developing World 2018 List, drug bioavailability, Dying, Dyspnea, Health Care Access, high income country, Human, Journal of Palliative Medicine, Life, Nausea, online analysis, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Pediatrics, pharmacognosy, restlessness, Seizure, sputum, Symptom, Terminal Care
Self-assessment for competency and educational needs among pediatric resident on end-of-life care
Tags: 2017, 53663-61-9 (opiate), 8002-76-4 (opiate), 8008-60-4 (opiate), Adjuvant, Aged, Child, Clinical Study, Comfort, Communication Skill, Delirium, Drug Withdrawal, Dyspnea, Education, Feeding, Hospice, Human, Hydration, Mohamed A, Oncology 2017 List, Opiate, Patient Referral, Phung B, Psycho-Oncology, Resident, Soliman A, Symptom, Terminal Care, Unclassified Drug, Very Elderly
Preferences of advanced cancer patients for communication on anticancer treatment cessation and the transition to palliative care
Tags: 2017, Advanced Cancer, Cancer Localization, Cancer Patient, Cancer Therapy, Child, Diagnosis, Distress Syndrome, Doctor Patient Relation, Female, Fujimori M, Human, Kinoshita H, Life Expectancy, Major Clinical Study, Male, Matsushima E, Medical Record, Multiple Regression, Oncology 2017 List, Palliative Therapy, Paternalism, Psycho-Oncology, Symptom, Uchitomi Y, Umezawa S
Home-Based Palliative Care for Children With Incurable Cancer: Long-term Perspectives of and Impact on General Practitioners
Tags: 2017, Bindels PJE, Cancer Epidemiology, Child, Controlled Study, Cross-sectional Study, Darlington ASE, Death, Distress Syndrome, Doctor Patient Relation, Fatigue, General Practitioner, Human, Human Versus Animal Comparison, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Major Clinical Study, Michiels EMC, Nonhuman, Oncology 2017 List, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Panic, Pieters R, Pluijm SMF, Powerlessness, Questionnaire, Sadness, Symptom, Thermometer, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM, van der Geest IMM, van der Heide A
"His ears are so soft!" Animal-assisted interventions in oncology settings: Implications for oncology social work practice
Tags: 2016, 50-56-6 (oxytocin), 51-61-6 (dopamine), 54577-94-5 (oxytocin), 60118-07-2 (endorphin), 62-31-7 (dopamine), Adult, Animal Experiment, Animal Model, anxiety, Bach C, Blood Pressure, Cancer Patient, Cancer Therapy, Cerebrovascular Accident, Clinical Practice, Distress Syndrome, Dog, Dopamine, Ear, Endogenous Compound, Endorphin, Family Study, Female, Gene Expression, Happiness, Heart Rate, Hospice, Hospital Patient, Human, Human Versus Animal Comparison, Infusion, Journal Of Psychosocial Oncology, Male, Narrative, Nonhuman, Oncology, Oncology 2017 List, Oxytocin, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Pet Therapy, Program Development, Recreation, Skill, Social Support, Social Work Practice, Storytelling, Symptom, Total Quality Management, Trust, Volunteer, Waiting Room
Development Of Research Priorities In Paediatric Pain And Palliative Care
Tags: 2017, Anderson AK, April 2017 List, Awareness, British Journal of Pain, Child, Chronic Pain, Clinical Research, Clinical Study, Clinical Trial, Data Base, Exercise, Gabapentin, Howard R, Human, Liossi C, Nonsteroid Antiinflammatory Agent, Opiate, Palliative Therapy, Pharmacokinetics, Postoperative Pain, Research Priority, Safety, Symptom, Uncertainty, United Kingdom
Aims And Tasks In Parental Caregiving For Children Receiving Palliative Care At Home: A Qualitative Study
Tags: 2017, Bosman DK, Child, Child Parent Relation, Clinical Article, Colenbrander DA, Controlled Study, European Journal of Pediatrics, Family Life, Grootenhuis MA, Home Care, Human, Interview, Kars MC, March 2017 List, Palliative Therapy, Personal Experience, Qualitative Research, Schouten-Van Meeteren AYN, Sound, Symptom, Thematic Analysis, van Delden JJ, Verberne LM
Historical Developments In Children's Deep Brain Stimulation
Tags: 2017, Adult, Basal Ganglion, Brain Depth Stimulation, Central Nervous System, Child, Cif L, Clinical Feature, Clinical Outcome, Clinical Study, Coubes P, Degenerative Disease, Dystonia, Dystonia/su [surgery], Dystonic Disorder/su [surgery], European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, Globus Pallidus, Human, March 2017 List, Medical History, Myoclonus, Myoclonus Dystonia/su [surgery], Nerve Cell Network, Nerve Conduction, Neuromodulation, Palliative Therapy, Pediatrics, Priority Journal, Review, Side Effect, Subthalamic Nucleus, Surgery, Symptom, Thalamus, Thalamus Nucleus
Families Are Not The Barrier: Evaluating Attitudes Toward Early Integration Of Palliative Care In Pediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant
Tags: 2017, anxiety, Attention, Baker J, Child, Constipation, Diarrhea, Family, Female, Graft Recipient, Hematopoietic Stem Cell, Human, Levine D, Loss Of Appetite, Major Clinical Study, Male, Mandrell B, Nausea, October 2017 List, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Parental Attitude, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, Quality Of Life, School Child, Speech, Sykes A, Symptom
Quality Of Care Collaborative For Paediatric Palliative Care In Australia (quocca)
Tags: 2017, anxiety, Australia, Baggio S, Burr C, Child, Clinical Trial, Delaney A, Diagnosis, Donovan L, Duc J, Duffield J, Dyspnea, Education, Family Study, Female, Fleming S, Herbert A, Heywood M, Human, Hynson J, Irving H, Johnson S, Major Clinical Study, Male, McLarty A, Momber S, Nausea, Nurse, October 2017 List, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Patient Referral, Pedersen LA, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, Phillips M, Questionnaire, Ryan S, Seizure, Slater P, Staff, Symptom, Telehealth, Terminal Care, Trethewie S
Evaluating Palliative Care Training Experiences Of Paediatric Trainees Across Scotland
Tags: 2017, Analgesia, Archives of Disease in Childhood, Bland R M, Child, Consensus Development, Downie J, Exposure, Family Study, Female, Grief, Human, Human Experiment, Male, Nausea And Vomiting, Palliative Therapy, Recipient, Scotland, September 2017 List, Simulation Training, Student, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Symptom, Teaching
Family-oriented Palliative Care: Parents' Perspective And Experience
Tags: 2016, Brain Damage, Child, Chromosome Disorder, Chromosome Disorders, Complication, Controlled Study, Dyspnea, Family Study, Gene Deletion, Hospice, Hospital, Human, June 2017 List, Length Of Stay, Life Expectancy, Medical Service, Metabolic Disorder, Neuromuscular Disease, Neuropediatrics, Only Child, Pain, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Pietz J, Quality Of Life, Seizure, Spasticity, Spiritual Care, Symptom
End Of Life Care In Paediatric Neurodegenerative Disease: A Regional Experience
Tags: 2016, Case Study, Child, Clinical Article, Controlled Study, Degenerative Disease, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, Donald A, England, Family, Hospital, Human, Kauffmann L, May 2017 List, Myoclonus, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Neurology, Only Child, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Personal Experience, Ram D, Rare Disease, Seizure, Social Welfare, Symptom, Terminal Care, Vassallo G