Browse Items (7 total)
- Tags: Hydration
Ethics at the end of life in the newborn intensive care unit: Conversations and decisions
Tags: 2023, active euthanasia, Artificial Ventilation, Bioethics, Controlled Study, Conversation, Critically Ill Patient, Decision Making, Ethics, Gillam L, Human, Hydration, hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, Infant, Infant Newborn, Intensive Care Units, Intensive Care Units Neonatal, July List 2023, Mercurio MR, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Neonatologist, Newborn, Nutrition, Resuscitation, Review, Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Treatment Withdrawal
Use of subcutaneous fluids in palliative care with children: a case study
Tags: 2020, artificial hydration, Brimble MJ, Child Health, Clinical, End Of Life Care, ethical issues, fluid management, Hospices, Humans, Hydration, Hypodermoclysis/methods/standards, May 2021 List, Nursing Children and Young People, Nutrition, Palliative Care, Palliative Care/methods/standards, Parents, Patient Comfort/standards, Pediatrics/instrumentation/methods, Professional, Quality Of Life/psychology, Smith A, Terminal Care
Artificial nutrition and hydration for children and young people towards end of life: consensus guidelines across four specialist paediatric palliative care centres
Tags: 2019, Anderson AK, Article, Artificial Feeding, Bendle L, BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, Breen M, Burke K, Child, Clinical Decision Making, December 2019 List, Drug Withdrawal, Female, Human, Hydration, Koh M, Male, McCulloch R, Multidisciplinary team, Palliative Therapy, Systematic Review, Terminal Care
Parental perceptions of forgoing artificial nutrition and hydration during end-of-life care
Tags: 2013, Article, Artificial Feeding, Child Care, Child Death, Clinical Practice, Concept Formation, Controlled Study, Decision Making, Female, Human, Hydration, Male, March 2018 List, Newman C, Parental Attitude, Pediatrics, Personal Experience, Priority Journal, Qualitative Research, Quality Of Life, Rapoport A, Religion, Rugg M, Satisfaction, Shaheed J, Steele R, Terminal Care
Self-assessment for competency and educational needs among pediatric resident on end-of-life care
Tags: 2017, 53663-61-9 (opiate), 8002-76-4 (opiate), 8008-60-4 (opiate), Adjuvant, Aged, Child, Clinical Study, Comfort, Communication Skill, Delirium, Drug Withdrawal, Dyspnea, Education, Feeding, Hospice, Human, Hydration, Mohamed A, Oncology 2017 List, Opiate, Patient Referral, Phung B, Psycho-Oncology, Resident, Soliman A, Symptom, Terminal Care, Unclassified Drug, Very Elderly
Guidance on forgoing life-sustaining medical treatment
Tags: 2017, Apparent Life Threatening Event/th [therapy], Article, Awareness, Boss RD, Caregiver, Carter BS, Child Abuse, Child Care, Christian CW, Clinical Decision Making, Comatose Patient, Consensus, Consultation, Critical Illness/th [therapy], Davies D, Death, Death By Neurologic Criteria, Dell ML, Developmental Disorder/th [therapy], Diekema DS, Disease Burden, Disease Course, Elster N, Ethical Decision Making, Extremely Low Gestational Age, Family Decision Making, Family Stress, Feudtner C, Flaherty EG, Fortson BL, Foster Care, Gavril AR, Gestational Age, Goal Attainment, Guinn-Jones M, Hauer JM, Health Belief, High Risk Population, Human, Humphrey LM, Hurley TP, Hydration, Idzerda SM, Imaizumi S, Imminent Death, Informed Consent, Intensive Care, Interpersonal Communication, Katz AL, Klick J, Klipstein S, Laskey A, Laventhal N, Legal Aspect, Legano LA, Leventhal JM, Life-sustaining Medical Treatment, Linebarger JS, Lord B, MacAuley RC, MacMillan H, Medical Ethics, Medical Expert, Medical Information, Medical Procedures, Medical Specialist, Medically Administered Nutrition And Hydration, Moon MR, Neglect, Neurologic Disease/di [diagnosis], November 2017 List, Nutrition, Okun AL, Opel DJ, Oxygenation, Pain/th [therapy], Palliative Therapy, Parker S, Patient Care Planning, Pediatrician, Pediatrics, Practice Guideline, Priority Journal, Prognosis, Quality Of Life, Resuscitation, Rivera F, shared decision making, Social Support, Spiritual Care, Statter MB, Stedt E, Survival, Teamwork, Terminal Care, Tissue Perfusion, Uncertain Prognosis, Weise KL
Palliative Care After Neonatal Intensive Care: Contributions Of Leonetti Law And Remaining Challenges
Tags: 2017, April 2017 List, Archives de Pediatrie, Artificial Feeding, Astruc D, Brain Damage, Climate, Clinical Practice, Clinical Study, Cojean N, Decision Making, Dillenseger L, Drug Withdrawal, Dying, Emotion, Escande B, Ethics, Health Promotion, Human, Human Dignity, Hydration, Kuhn P, Life Sustaining Treatment, Medical Decision Making, Medical Ethics, Medical Practice, Neonatology, Newborn, Newborn Intensive Care, Palliative Therapy, Patient Right, Perinatal Care, Perinatal Nursing, Quality Of Life, Short Survey, Survival, Terminal Care, Treatment Withdrawal, Zores C