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Background/objectives: Shared decision-making is widely accepted as the best approach for end-of-life decision-making for children with life-limiting conditions. Both paediatricians and parents find benefit in preparing for such decisions. However,…
OBJECTIVE: To describe how paediatricians undertake the process of end-of-life decision-making for a child with a life-limiting condition who is unable to participate in decision-making for themselves. DESIGN: A qualitative phenomenological study…
INTRODUCTION: Simulations, which represent reality, are effective in pediatric healthcare communication skills education and training. Parents are increasingly engaged in simulation development, particularly for authentic character development, to…
AIM: Following the establishment of paediatric palliative care services over recent decades, this study sought to identify information to inform future policy and practice. METHODS: A rapid review using thematic synthesis was conducted to synthesise…
OBJECTIVES: This article focuses on compassionate discharge from an ICU setting for pediatric patients. DATA SOURCES: Not Applicable. STUDY SELECTION: Not Applicable. DATA EXTRACTION: Not Applicable. DATA SYNTHESIS: The rationale for compassionate…
AIM: To describe the clinical course for children with severe physical disability (SPD) in the 2 years prior to their death and to identify whether these children had palliative care involvement and advance care planning prior to death. To…
BACKGROUND: Written resources in adult intensive care have been shown to benefit families facing end of life (EoL) decisions. There are few resources for parents making EoL decisions for their child and no existing resources addressing ethical…
BACKGROUND: Communication with parents about end-of-life care and decisions is a difficult and sensitive process. The objective of the present study was to ascertain clinicians' views on the acceptability and usefulness of a handbook and web-based…
Background: Geography and population distribution present challenges to the care of children with life-limiting conditions (LLC) within Australia. Children and young people have unique needs in relation to the provision of palliative care within…
Experiential studies in paediatric palliative care are needed to enable an ongoing international agenda which supports the development of responsive family supports.
To provide an in-depth exploration of the prevalent lived…