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- Tags: 1638949-86-6 (botulinum toxin A)
Pediatric leukodystrophies: The role of the otolaryngologist
Tags: 1309378-01-5 (botulinum toxin A), 1638949-86-6 (botulinum toxin A), 1800016-51-6 (botulinum toxin A), 2017, 93384-43-1 (botulinum toxin A), Adolescent, Adult, Aicardi-Goutières syndrome, anamnesis, Article, aspiration pneumonia, Assessment, Bernard G, botulinum toxin A/dt [Drug Therapy], breathing difficulties, characteristics, Child, Clinical Article, Cohort Analysis, Comorbidity, Daniel S J, Drool, drooling, Dysphagia, feeding difficulties, head and neck disease, hearing impairment, Human, hypersalivation/su [Surgery], International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Kay-Rivest E, Khendek L, Krabbe disease, Leukodystrophy, leukodystrophy/dt [Drug Therapy], nose feeding, otolaryngologist, Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease, physical examination, Physician Attitude, Priority Journal, Quality Of Life, quality of life assessment, Questionnaire, sleep disturbance, stomach tube, Trajectory, x-linked adreno-leukodystrophy
Intrathecal baclofen treatment an option in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy
Tags: 1134-47-0 (baclofen), 1309378-01-5 (botulinum toxin A), 1638949-86-6 (botulinum toxin A), 1800016-51-6 (botulinum toxin A), 2018, 93384-43-1 (botulinum toxin A), Addison disease, adrenoleukodystrophy/dt [Drug Therapy], adrenoleukodystrophy/su [Surgery], Article, baclofen, Baclofen/dt [drug Therapy], baclofen/po [Oral Drug Administration], baclofen/tl [Intrathecal Drug Administration], balance disorder, behavior change, bladder dysfunction, botulinum toxin A, Case Report, Child, Clinical Article, clinical examination, clonus, diplopia, drug dose increase, Dystonia, Ehrstedt C, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, Fatigue, hearing disorder, Hjartarson H T, Human, hyperpigmentation, intrathecal baclofen, intrathecal pump, Leukodystrophy, limited mobility, Male, Pain, pharmacologic interventions, Priority Journal, Quality Of Life, Range of Motion, School Child, Spasticity, strabismus, Tedroff K, tone and motor problems, urinary catheter, visual disorder, X chromosome linked disorder/dt [Drug Therapy], X chromosome linked disorder/su [Surgery], X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy