Browse Items (20 total)
- Tags: Outpatient
Pediatric palliative care for metabolic diseases: 20-year epidemiological survey of outpatients at a Brazilian quaternary hospital
Tags: 2024, Article, Barbosa SMDM, Bueno C, Child, Cohort Analysis, Controlled Study, Data Analysis Software, disease surveillance, do Nascimento AG, energy deficiency type metabolic disorders, Female, Follow Up, Freitas E, Henrique AC, Human, Journal Of Inherited Metabolic Disease, July List 2024, Kok F, Long Term Care, Major Clinical Study, Male, Metabolic Diseases, metabolic disorder/di [Diagnosis], metabolic disorder/ep [Epidemiology], Metabolism, Outpatient, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, PASW statistics 25.0 software, Pathology, pathophysiology, patient monitoring, pediatric patient, Pediatrics, Polastrini RTV, Prevalence, Pugliese C, Retrospective Study, sphingolipidosis, Spolador GM, Zoboli I
The Use of Cannabinoids in Pediatric Palliative Care-A Retrospective Single-Center Analysis
Tags: 2024, add on therapy, Adolescent, Adverse Drug Reaction, anxiety, April List 2024, Article, Cannabinoid, Cannabinoids, Child, Children, Clinical Article, decreased appetite, Diagnosis, drug combination, drug dose increase, Drug Therapy, Epilepsy, Female, Gravou-Apostolatou C, Human, Human Tissue, Loss Of Appetite, Male, Nausea, Outpatient, Pain, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, paresis, pediatric patient, Quality Of Life, restlessness, Retrospective Study, School Child, Side Effect, Spasticity, special situation for pharmacovigilance, Tagsold D, Therapy, Toni I, Trollmann R, Woelfle J
Consultation patterns before and after embedding pediatric palliative care into a pediatric hematology/oncology clinic
Tags: 2023, 2023 SE3 - Oncology, Article, cancer model, Child, Clinical Article, Collura C, Consultation, Controlled Study, embedding, Female, Greenmyer JR, Health Care Delivery, Hematology, Human, Male, McCarthy SR, Medical Record Review, Ngo T, Outpatient, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, rank sum test, Referral And Consultation, Retrospective Study, Schiltz B, Smith M, solid tumor
Paediatric Palliative Care in a Reference Centre of Inherited Metabolic Diseases
Tags: 2023, Article, Child, Cohort Analysis, daily life activity, Demography, disorders of mitochondrial functions, disorders of peroxisomal functions, Endocrine, metabolic & immune disorders drug targets, Female, Ferreira AC, Gastrostomy, Home Visit, Hospital Admission, Human, lysosome, Major Clinical Study, Male, Metabolic Diseases, Metabolic Disorder, Neurologic Disease, Noninvasive Ventilation, November List 2028, Outpatient, Paiva M, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Patient Referral, pediatric patient, peroxisome, Quality Of Life, Santos S, Saraiva BM, School Child, Surgery, systemic disease
What constitutes 'good quality care' from the perspectives of children and young people with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions?
Tags: 2023, Adolescent, Archives of Disease in Childhood, Braybrook D, Bristowe K, Child, Clinical Article, conference abstract, Conversation, Coombes L, developmental stage, Female, Fraser L, genetic transcription, Harding R, Haroardottir D, Hospital Patient, Human, Male, Malignant Neoplasm, Nervous System, October List 2029, Only Child, Outpatient, Preschool Child, Scott HM, Semi Structured Interview, Social Care
The Landscape of Outpatient Pediatric Palliative Care: A National Cross-Sectional Assessment
Tags: 2023, Advance Care Planning, Analgesia, Article, Autrey AK, Cesarean Section, Child, Controlled Study, Demographics, Funding, Hospital Patient, Human, James C, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Kaye EC, May List 2023, Miller EG, Morvant A, Mothi SS, Outpatient, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Patient Referral, Program Development, School Child, Stafford C, United States, workflow
Specialised outpatient paediatric palliative care team–parent collaboration: narrative interviews with parents
Outpatient liaison palliative care for children: Two Years' Experience of Non-profit Charitable Organization
The Use of Concurrent Home Hospice for Pediatric Heart Failure Patients Awaiting Heart Transplant on Milrinone and/or Ventricular Assist Device
Tags: 2020, 78415-72-2 (milrinone), Adams V L, Body Weight, Burnette A L, Child, Clergy, conference abstract, Controlled Study, dietitian, Emergency Ward, Feeding, Follow Up, Heart Failure, heart graft, Henderson H T, Home Visit, Hospice, Hospital Admission, hospital discharge, hospital readmission, Human, inotropism, Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, May 2020 List, milrinone, money, Mortality, Outpatient, Palliative Therapy, Satisfaction, Savage A J, Social Worker, travel
Improving the frequency of symptom assessment in pediatric palliative care patients
Tags: 2018, April 2020 List, Awareness, Child, clinical evaluation, Comfort, conference abstract, E-mail, electronic medical record, Hospital Patient, Human, human cell, information technology, Mark M S, McKenna L, Outpatient, Palliative Therapy, Pediatrics, Quality Of Life, root cause analysis, stem cell, Symptom Assessment, Thienprayoon R, Total Quality Management
Development of an innovative program to improve provision of palliative and hospice care to children and families in the community: The story of QoLA Kids
Tags: 2019, Baker J N, Blazin L J, Cancer Patient, Cancer Prognosis, catchment, Child, Childhood Cancer, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Counselor, Distress Syndrome, Female, Hospice Care, hospital personnel, Human, Kaye E C, Kiefer A C, magnet, Major Clinical Study, Male, March 2020 List, Nurse Practitioner, Outpatient, Palliative Therapy, Patient Referral, Pediatric Hospital, pediatric patient, Pediatrics, Prognosis, program impact, Quality Of Life, registered nurse, Social Worker
Hospital inpatient use in mainland Portugal by children with complex chronic conditions (2011 - 2015). [Portuguese]
Tags: 2019, Acta Médica Portuguesa, Adolescent, Article, Cancelinha C, cancer radiotherapy, Child, Controlled Study, Death, developed country, Female, Hospital Patient, Hospitalization, Human, Lacerda A F, Length Of Stay, Lopes S, Male, Mortality, national health service, Needs Assessment, Newborn, nonparametric test, October 2019 List, Oliveira G, Outpatient, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, pediatric patient, Portugal, Radiotherapy, Retrospective Study
Use of time in people with a life-limiting illness: A longitudinal cohort feasibility pilot study
Tags: 2019, accelerometry, acceptability, Adult, Article, Australia, burden, Caregiver, Child, Clinical Article, Cohort Analysis, cohort study, Controlled Study, Currow D C, European Quality of Life 5 Dimensions Questionnaire, Feasibility, Feasibility Study, Female, Human, Jones T A, Karnofsky Performance Status, Male, multimedia, numeric rating scale, October 2019 List, Olds T S, Outpatient, Palliative Care, Palliative Medicine, Palliative Therapy, Pilot Study, Quality Of Life, Recall, time-use, Williams M T
Providing cost-effective and coordinated care for children with medical complexity
Tags: 2019, administrative personnel, Adolescent, Archives of Disease in Childhood, Artificial Ventilation, Caregiver, Cerebral Palsy, Child, Chow C, conference abstract, Congenital Heart Disease, Controlled Study, Diagnosis, Fatigue, Female, Gastrostomy, Home Care, Human, limited mobility, machine, Major Clinical Study, Male, Medical Technology, Multicenter Study, Multidisciplinary team, Neuromuscular Disease, Nurse, October 2019 List, Outpatient, Pediatrician, salary, Shahdadpuri R, Stress, Tracheostomy, ventilator, working time
When a child becomes terminal: Discrepant adolescent and parent perspectives on discussing a terminal prognosis with adolescents with cardiomyopathy, heart failure, and heart transplant
Tags: 2018, Adolescent, Advance Care Planning, Cancer Prognosis, Cardiomyopathy, Child, Circulation. Conference, Cohen H, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Conversation, Death, Edwards L A, Halpern-Felsher B, Hansen K, Heart Failure, heart graft, Human, June 2019 List, Kaufman B, Luong R, Malignant Neoplasm, Outpatient, Perception, Prognosis, School Child, Yohannes K
Development and delivery of a one-stop multidisciplinary clinic to provide comprehensive palliative and supportive care for children with cancer
Tags: 2018, Ambulatory Care, Anis H, antibiotic agent, Arora R, Bagai P, Cancer Patient, Caregiver, Child, Chuki T, conference abstract, Crack L, dietitian, doctor nurse relation, Drug Therapy, Education, Female, financial management, Holistic Care, Hospital Patient, Human, Major Clinical Study, Male, Malignant Neoplasm, Multidisciplinary team, nutritional counseling, Oncology 2018 List, Outpatient, Pain, Palliative Therapy, patient coding, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, physiotherapist, Physiotherapy, Psychologist, Social Support, Taluja A, Terminal Care, wound
Pediatric palliative care and resident education
Tags: 2018, August 2018 List, Child, Comfort, conference abstract, Curriculum, Decision Making, Dietzen D, Exercise, Hospice, Hospital Patient, Human, Internal Medicine, Journal of Palliative Medicine, Kim G, Outpatient, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Pediatrician, Pediatrics, Penney J, primary medical care, Questionnaire, Resident, Simulation, Survival, terminal disease
Advanced care planning in cystic fibrosis
Tags: 2017, 7782-44-7 (oxygen), Altstein L, Bach K, chest tube, Child, Clinical Article, Comfort, Cystic Fibrosis, durable power of attorney, Female, Forced Expiratory Volume, Friedman D, Georgiopoulos A, hemoptysis, Hospitalization, Human, Islam S, January 2018 List, Lifespan, Linnemann RW, living will, Male, Moskowitz SM, Outpatient, oxygen, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Pulmonology, Pilot Study, pneumothorax, Practice Guideline, School Child, St John A, thinking, Yonker LM
Pediatric palliative care (PPC) access in Chile: Private practice health insurance law implementation
Tags: 2017, Analgesia, Araya E, Central Nervous System Tumor, Child, Chile, Clinical Article, Counseling, Diagnosis, Doctor Patient Relation, Female, Gallastegui A, health Insurance, Home Visit, Human, Leukemia, Lopez P, Nurse, Outpatient, Overall Survival, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, private Practice, Psychologist, Rojas N, Rosas A, School Child, Telephone, Varela J
Pediatric chronic patients at outpatient clinics: A study in a Latin American University Hospital
Tags: 2017, Adolescent, Adult, Alveno RA, Cardiology, Carneiro-Sampaio M, Carvalho WB, Child, Chronic Patient, Controlled Study, Cross Sectional Study, Death, December 2017 List, Emergency Health Service, Emergency Ward, Endocrinology, Farhat SCL, Female, Hematology, Hojo ES, Hospital Admission, Hospitalization, Human, Intensive Care Unit, Jornal De Pediatria., Kidney Transplantation, Major Clinical Study, Male, Miranda CV, Nephrology, Neurology, Odone-Filho V, Oncology, Outpatient, Pain, Passone CG, Physician, Psychiatry, Rheumatology, Silva CA, Tannuri U, University Hospital, Waetge AR