Browse Items (13 total)

Objectives: Many children undergo surgery or an invasive procedure during their terminal hospital admission.1 The types of procedures, patients, and the intent of the procedures has not been well defined. Understanding these details may help…

Kyungpook National University Children's Hospital initiated pediatric palliative care (PPC) services in January 2019, focusing on children and adolescents with life-limiting conditions (LLC). A study examined changes in the end-of-life processes in…

Objectives: * Describe a prospective study to evaluate how parents of children with advanced heart disease (AHD) perceive communication about prognosis with their child's physicians. * Describe results from this analysis that found no correlation…

Backgrounds: Many adult patients with cancer who knowthey are dying choose less intense care. High intensity careis associated with worse caregiver outcomes. Little is knownabout intensity of treatment of end-of-life care in children withcancer in…

Background/Objectives: Despite the dramatically improved outcomes for pediatric cancer patients, cancer is the leading cause of death in Taiwan, accounting for 21.8% of death in 2014. The pediatric end-of-life (EOF) care has not been extensively…

STUDY OBJECTIVES: No large study has addressed whether parents want to be present when invasive procedures are performed on their children in the emergency department. We conducted a survey to address this question. METHODS: The study used a…

Physiological, plasma beta-endorphin and cortisol responses to nasotracheal intubation were studied in 20 distressed infants of median age 0.3 days (range 0.1-23 days) randomized into groups given pethidine 1 mg/kg (n = 10) or alfentanil 20…

Pediatric surgeons can play an important role in offering procedures that may improve the quality of life for terminally ill children. As with all palliative interventions, surgical therapies should be evaluated in the context of explicitly defined…

BACKGROUND: Many adult patients with cancer who know they are dying choose less intense care; additionally, high-intensity care is associated with worse caregiver outcomes. Little is known about intensity of end-of-life care in children with cancer.…
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