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The development of an empathetic approach when working with parents and families is fundamental to both social work and children's nursing; however, opportunities to develop this are limited. RealCare Baby infant simulator dolls were used with the…
Social workers in Perinatal Palliative Care (PPC) play an essential role in caring for birthing people carrying a baby with a life-limiting condition and their families. Perinatal palliative care is consistent with social work values concerning…
Background: Chronic non-cancer pain in childhood is widespread, affecting 20% to 35% of children and young people worldwide. For a sizeable number of children, chronic non-cancer pain has considerable negative impacts on their lives and quality of…
Objective: The role of social workers, who are beginning to be integrated into the entire health system, is now becoming more and more understood. In our study, we aimed to discuss the duties of social workers at PICU, the results of their work in…
Separation and loss characterise a child's experience in care, yet losses in the care-experienced population have rarely been studied as a possible source of trauma or as events that may justify a grief response. A literature search of five databases…
While social workers are a well-established, part of the pediatric palliative care team, this manuscript presents the first published definition of the core competencies of a pediatric palliative care social worker. National experts in the field,…
Bereaved parenting, a role that entails parenting surviving children after experiencing the death of a child, is a unique but understudied phenomenon within bereavement research. Not much is known about the impact of a child's death on this crucial…
In palliative care, we strive to provide care to the whole patient. When we think about the whole patient, we include the people who are important in our patients' lives. Our New York City-based palliative care team has found that caring for…
Program Goals: Our program is uniquely positioned in a safety net hospital that serves as a large tertiary referral center for pediatric transplant, trauma and heart failure as well as being an international catchment area for the southern…
Background: Best practice, palliative and end-of-life care (EOLC) enhances symptom management and quality-of-life for individuals who are palliative and dying, and their families. Although Gold Coast Health (GCH) has a dedicated, interdisciplinary…
Objectives: The goal of this study was to assess pediatric oncology providers' perceptions of palliative care in order to validate previously identified barriers and facilitators to early integration of a pediatric palliative care team (PCT) in the…
Background: Parenting children with life-threatening illness (LTI) and their healthy siblings requires parents to consider their various needs. Objective and Methods: We conducted a concurrent, cross-sectional mixed-methods study to describe…
Social workers from clinical, academic, and research settings met in 2002 for a national Social Work Leadership Summit on Palliative and End-of-Life Care. Participants placed the highest priority on the development and broad dissemination of a…
Caring for a child with cancer is a demanding experience for both parents, yet most research focuses on mothers. In this paper, we present the findings of a secondary analysis of data from a study in which the care-giving experience of fathers is…
An increasing body of research suggests that the death of a child results in a unique form of bereavement for surviving parents. A study reviewed research findings on parental bereavement, including those from the author's ongoing longitudinal study.…
What are social work's unique roles and functions in behalf of patients and their families in hospice care? The question is answered in the first phase of a Joint Research Project of social work faculty, hospice social workers and graduate social…
This article describes social work's contribution to hospice philosophy and practice, calls attention to the lack of a distinct social work function on hospice teams, and examines various ways to resolve the problem of social work identity in hospice…
Recently, researchers in several different fields have discovered that people who have experienced seriously adverse events frequently report that they were positively changed by the experience. Respondents in these studies typically have reported a…
Bereaved families that collectively make meaning of their grief experiences often function better than those that do not, yet most social work bereavement interventions target individuals rather than family units. In this article, authors describe an…
Pediatric palliative care is an evolving field of practice in social work. As such, research plays a critical role in informing best social work practices in this area. For parents, caring for a child with a life-limiting illness (LLI) is a stressful…