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A 15-year-old patient with metastatic synovial sarcoma conveyed to his palliative care physician that his dying wish was to start gender-affirming hormone therapy. His medical team was able to identify resources to support both him and his family as…

Purpose: This study aimed to clarify the concept of pediatric hospice and palliative care through conceptual analysis. It also sought to identify the differences between related concepts such as pediatric death care and pediatric spiritual care, in…

Paediatric palliative care aims to support children and young people with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions, and their families, from the time of diagnosis. Early integration within oncology has been recognised as having benefits for all…

Introduction: Providing care for children in the end of life entails special challenges and exceptional requirements for all health professionals involved. Aim: The aim of the study is to explore the views of health professionals about pediatric…

With increasing facilities for antenatal diagnosis, lowering gestation for intiation of intensive care, palliative care in the perinatal period is increasingly recognized as a specialist area. There have been standards and pathways developed in the…

Background Good end-of-life care planning is vital to ensure optimal care is provided for patients and their families. Two key factors are open and honest advance care planning conversations between the patient (where possible), family, and health…

Perinatal palliative care allows for an active partnership among a pregnant woman, her family, and her multidisciplinary treatment team and addresses her specialized medical care, emotional, social, and familial needs when a life-limiting fetal…
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