Browse Items (18 total)
- Tags: Pediatric Care
Simulation, Storytelling, and Pediatric End-of-Life Care: A Continuing Professional Development Approach for Nurse Residents
Tags: 2024, August List 2024, Breda Karen Lucas, Education, Evaluation, Female, Hinderer Katherine A, Hospitals Pediatric, Human, Interns and Residents, Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nursing, Male, McNall Avery, Nurse Attitudes, Nursing Knowledge, Nursing Practice Evidence-Based, Oncologic Care, Pediatric Care, Pediatric nurses, Professional Development, Program Evaluation, Simulations, Storytelling, Teaching Methods Clinical, Terminal Care, United States, utilization
Enhancing Quality of Life in Pediatric Palliative Care: Insights, Challenges, and Future Directions—A Systematic Review
Tags: 2024, Child, Descriptive Statistics, ERIC Database, Funding Source, Health And Social Care In The Community, Health Services Accessibility, Holistic Care, Human, In Infancy and Childhood, July List 2024, Palliative Care, Patient Participation, Pediatric Care, Psychological Well-being, PubMed, Quality Of Life, Riera-Negre L, Rossell MR, Systematic Review, Verger Se
Work-related quality of life in professionals involved in pediatric palliative care: a repeated cross-sectional comparative effectiveness study
Tags: 2024, Adult, Attitude Of Health Personnel, Bergstrasser E, Chi Square Test, Comparative Studies, Cross Sectional Studies, Data Analysis Software, Descriptive Statistics, Female, Feuz U, Funding Source, Gerber AK, Health Personnel, Hospitals Pediatric, Human, July List 2024, Male, Middle Age, Mitterer S, Multidisciplinary Care Team, Palliative Care, Palliative Care and Social Practice, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, Pediatric Care, Psychosocial Factors, Quality Of Life, Quality of Working Life, Questionnaires, Regression, Repeated Measures, Shiftwork, Simon M, Sociodemographic Factors, structural equation modeling, Summated Rating Scaling, Support Psychosocial, Switzerland, T-Tests, Von der Weid N, work environment, Work Experiences, workload, Zimmermann K
Cultivating Gratitude in Bereaved Families: Understanding the Impact of the Bereavement Workshop on the Families of Deceased Patients in the Pediatric Palliative Care Program
Tags: 2024, Alvarez Saa T, Bereavement, Bolaños-Lopez JE, Content Analysis, Coping, Correa I, Cuervo-Suárez MI, Death, Descriptive Research, Devia AM, Emotions, Exploratory Research, Family, Female, García-Quintero X, Gift Giving, Grief, Human, Illness, Crisis and Loss, Infant Death, Male, May List 2024, Molina-Gomez K, Nieto ND, Palliative Care, Pediatric Care, Pereira LF, Psychosocial Factors, Qualitative Studies, Seminars and Workshops, Social Isolation
Palliative care models and innovations in 4 Eastern Mediterranean Region countries: a case-based study
Tags: 2022, 2023 SE5 - Low Resource Setting, Al-Shammary SA, Case-Control Studies, Community Service, Diffusion of Innovation, Duraisamy B, Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, Fadhil S, Human, Krakauer E, Leaders, Mediterranean Region, Osman H, Palliative Care, Pediatric Care, Program Development, Program Implementation, Quality Improvement, Rassouli M, Rizkallah R
Setting-up a Supportive and Palliative Care Service for Children with Life-threatening Illnesses in Maharashtra -- Children's Palliative Care Project in India
Tags: 2022, 2023 SE5 - Low Resource Setting, Academic Performance, Administration, Child, Child Advocacy, Cognition, Collaboration, Community Health Services, Critical Illness, Data Collection, Education, Female, Ghoshal A, Health and Welfare Planning, Health Facility Administrators, Health Services Accessibility, Hospitals Pediatric, Human, In Infancy and Childhood, India, Indian Journal Of Palliative Care, International Agencies, Licensure, Male, Marston JM, Muckaden MA, Needs Assessment, Only Child, Pain, Paleri AK, Palliative Care, Pediatric Care, Personnel Health Facility, Program Implementation, Psychosocial Functioning, Quality Of Life, Questionnaires, Symptoms, Talawadekar P, Teamwork
Intersectoral collaboration in home-based end-of-life pediatric cancer care: A qualitative multiple-case study integrating families' and professionals' experiences
Tags: 2023, 2023 SE3 - Oncology, Abitz M, Adolescence, Bidstrup PE, cancer patients, Case Studies, Child, Collaboration, Content Analysis, Data Analysis Software, Denmark, Descriptive Research, Descriptive Statistics, Female, Hammer NM, Hansson H, Home Health Care, Human, In Infancy and Childhood, Larsen HB, Male, Olsen M, Oncologic Care, Palliative Care, Palliative Medicine, Pedersen LH, Pediatric Care, Qualitative Studies, Schmiegelow K, Semi-Structured Interview, Sjøgren P
Telehealth Needs and Concerns of Stakeholders in Pediatric Palliative Home Care
Tags: 2023, Adult, Children, Data Analysis Software, Deckers MJ, Descriptive Statistics, Family Attitudes, Female, Fisch-Jessen M, Funding Source, Hauch H, Health Services Needs And Demand, Heilmann ML, Home Health Care, Human, Kruempelmann S, Male, Middle Age, Moeller H, Nagel L, Nathrath M, November List 2023, Palliative Care, Patient Attitudes, Pediatric Care, Pilot Studies, Qualitative Studies, Quality Of Health Care, Quantitative Studies, Semi-Structured Interview, Telehealth, Telemedicine, Vaillant V, Voelker T, Zimmermann J
Associations between Music Therapy, Pain and Heart Rate for Children Receiving Palliative Care
Tags: 2023, Bernard A, Bradford N, Child, Child Preschool, Confidence Intervals, Convenience Sample, Delaney AM, Descriptive Statistics, Female, Heart Rate, Herbert AR, Human, In Infancy and Childhood, Infant, Infant Newborn, July List 2023, Male, Multimethod Studies, Music Therapy, Music Therapy Perspectives, Only Child, Pain, Palliative Care, Pediatric Care, Pretest-Posttest Design, Prevention and Control, Psychosocial Factors, Purposive Sample, Quality Of Life, scales, Summated Rating Scaling, Thematic Analysis, Therapy
Windmills and Pediatric Palliative Care
Health Professionals' Views on Pediatric Palliative Care: A Mixed Methods Systematic Review
Tags: 2022, Anastasopoulou E, April List 2023, Attitude Of Health Personnel, Collaboration, Communication, Communities, Dousis E, Education, Evaluation, Health Services Accessibility, Hospitals, Human, International Journal of Caring Sciences, Multidisciplinary Care Team, Multimethod Studies, Palliative Care, Pediatric Care, Professional-family Relations, Professional-patient Relations, PubMed, Reward, Systematic Review, Terminal Care
Identifying as a Good Parent: Considering the Communication Theory of Identity for Parents of Children Receiving Palliative Care
Tags: 2021, 2022 Special Edition 2 - Parent Perspectives, Adolescence, Child, Communication, compassion, Conceptual Framework, Coping, Family Centered Care, Hecht ML, Hinds PS, Journal of Palliative Medicine, Kellas JK, Male, Palliative Care, Parental Attitudes, Parenting, Parents, Pediatric Care, Personality, Professional-family Relations, Social Identity, Stress, Support, Theoretical models, Weaver MS
The Photographs of Meaning Program for Pediatric Palliative Caregivers: Feasibility of a Novel Meaning-Making Intervention
Tags: 2019, Action Research, Adaptation, Adult, American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine, August 2019 List, Beaupin L K, Breier J M, Byrwa D J, Caregiver, Caregiver Support, Caregivers -- Psychosocial Factors, Coefficient Alpha, Criterion-Related Validity, Data Analysis Software, Depner R M, Descriptive Statistics, Discriminant Validity, Female, Grant P C, Health Facilities, Human, Internal Consistency, Levy K, Life Purpose, Married Women, meaning-centered psychotherapy, Middle Age, Mothers, Multimethod Studies, Narratives, New York, Pailler M E, Paired T-Tests, Palliative Care -- Psychosocial Factors, Pediatric, Pediatric Care, pediatric caregiver, Pediatric Palliative Care, Personal Satisfaction, Photography, photovoice, Pilot Studies, Pretest-Posttest Design, Program Development, Program Evaluation, Program Implementation, Psychological, Psychotherapy -- Methods, Questionnaires, Reliability, Research Subject Recruitment, Semi-Structured Interview, social media, surveys, Tenzek K E, Whites
Children Enrolled in Hospice Care Under Commercial Insurance: A Comparison of Different Age Groups
Tags: 2019, Academic Medical Centers -- Pennsylvania, Adolescence, Age Factors, American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine, Analysis of Variance, Chi Square Test, Child, Child Preschool, Chronic Disease -- Classification -- In Infancy and Childhood, Cohrs A C, Comparative Studies, Cross Sectional Studies, Data Analysis Software, Descriptive Statistics, Female, Funding Source, Geographic Factors, Health Care Costs, Health Resource Utilization, Hospice Care -- Economics -- In Infancy and Childhood, Hospice Patients -- Psychosocial Factors, Human, Infant, Insurance Health, Keim-Malpass J, Length Of Stay, Leslie D L, Lindley Lisa C, Male, March 2019 List, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, Pediatric Care, Pennsylvania, Prospective Studies, Retrospective Design, Sex Factors
Intranasal fentanyl for respiratory distress in children and adolescents
Tags: 2018, Acute Drug Therapy, Administration, Adolescence, BMC Palliative Care, Child, Descriptive Statistics, Fentanyl Administration and Dosage, Fentanyl Adverse Effects, Fentanyl Therapeutic Use, Human, Infant, Intranasal, October 2018 List, Palliative Care, Pediatric Care, Pieper L, Preschool, Record Review, Respiratory Distress Syndrome, September 2018 List, Treatment Outcomes, Wager J, Zernikow B
Benefits of Early Referral to Pediatric Palliative Care for a Child With a Rare Disease
Tags: 2018, August 2018 List, Child, Clinical, Connective Tissue Diseases Diagnosis, Connective Tissue Diseases Familial and Genetic In Infancy and Childhood, Connective Tissue Diseases Symptoms, Connective Tissue Diseases Therapy In Infancy and Childhood, Decision Making, Dyspnea Drug Therapy, Face Pathology, Family Education, Fibrosis, Health Education, Intellectual Disability, Intensive Care Units, Male, McHardy M, Morphine Therapeutic Use, Muscle, Mutation, Pain Management, Palliative Care, Parental Attitudes, Pediatric, Pediatric Care, Pediatrics, Referral And Consultation, Skeletal Abnormalities, Vadeboncoeur C
Self-Assessment of Skills and Competencies among Residents Participating in a Pediatric Hospice and Palliative Medicine Elective Rotation
Tags: 2018, Academic Medical Centers, April 2018 List, Course Evaluation, Education, Health Services Accessibility, Hospice Care, Hospices, Human, Humphrey L, Internal Medicine, Interns and Residents, Journal of Palliative Medicine, Palliative Care, Pediatric Care, Pediatricians, Professional Development, Psychosocial Factors, Rossfeld ZM, Rotation, Self Assessment, Social Behavior, Social Skills, surveys, Terminally Ill Patients, tertiary health care, Time Factors, Tumin D
Palliative care in Poland -- the Warsaw hospice for children
Tags: 2006, Backlog, Brun S, Child, Dangel T, Editorial Board Reviewed, European Journal Of Palliative Care, Expert Peer Reviewed, Friedrichsdorf SJ, Hospice palliative care, Journal Article, Nursing Journals, Online/Print, Palliative Care/ei [Ethical Issues], Palliative Care/td [trends], Patient Admission, Patient Discharge, Pediatric Care, Pediatric Care/td [Trends], Peer Reviewed Journals, Poland, UK & Ireland Journals., Zernikow B