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Background: Providing end-of-life (EOL) care to pediatric patients and their families is challenging. Newly licensed nurses, especially those working with the hematology/oncology population, have little to no experience providing the specialized care…

Pediatric palliative care (PPC) programs are essential in encompassing not only the affected children but also their family system and the healthcare and educational professionals involved. Despite the field’s significance, there is a notable…

Abstract Background Grief in parents has been described as a very intense long-lasting experience, characterized by deep sadness, and social isolation, therefore, the recommendation of scientific societies in pediatrics is to provide bereavement care…

Background: There is a global agreement that palliative care should be universally accessible. However, in low- and middle- income countries and conflict zones, most people lack access to it. In the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR), no country has…

Background: Many children and adolescents with incurable cancer and their families prefer to receive end-of-life care and to die at home. This implies a transition of care from hospital to home and presupposes the establishment of a well-functioning…

Abstract Pediatric palliative home care (PPHC) provides care for children, adolescents, and young adults with life-limiting illnesses in their own homes. Home care often requires long travel times for the PPHC team, which is available to the families…

Abstract Music therapy (MT) is a widely used non-pharmacological intervention in pediatric health care, an integral part of pediatric palliative care (PPC). Yet, there is a lack of evidence of efficacy, and best practices are not well established.…

A Review of Pediatric Care: A Model for Exemplory Practice This book i sbased on research across three settings where children with complex, chronic, and potentially life-threatening conditions are often cared for: neonatal intensive care, oncology…

Introduction: Providing care for children in the end of life entails special challenges and exceptional requirements for all health professionals involved. Aim: The aim of the study is to explore the views of health professionals about pediatric…

Background: Parents of seriously ill children are at risk of psychosocial morbidity, which may be mitigated by competent family-centered communication and role-affirming conversations. Parent caregivers describe a guiding desire to do a good job in…

Respiratory distress is one of the most common and frightening symptoms of children with life-limiting conditions. Because treatment of the underlying cause is frequently impossible or insufficient, in many children, symptomatic treatment is…

OBJECTIVE: To describe our institutional experience with a four-week pediatric HPM elective rotation and its impact on residents' self-rated competencies. BACKGROUND: In the spirit of bolstering primary hospice and palliative medicine (HPM) skills of…

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