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Parents of children with non-malignant life-limiting conditions frequently accept roles that exceed the conventional activities of parenting in relation to the intensity, complexity and temporal nature of the family caregiver experience. This paper…
Abstract Health anxiety by proxy is a newly described phenomenon where parents worry excessively that their child suffers from a serious illness. In a former study, six parents with distressing worries about their child's health were interviewed to…
Paediatric Palliative Care Ambulance Plans ('Plans') are used by New South Wales Ambulance (Australia) to support the care needs of children with life-limiting conditions. We aimed to describe the population of children with Plans and provide details…
This qualitative study used focus groups to identify the differences and similarities in the experiences of parents of children with a disability. Two main themes emerged, showing the ways in which the mothers and fathers are alike or different. One…
Complex paediatric health conditions are increasingly associated with survival into adulthood resulting in more youth with complex care needs (CCN) transitioning from paediatric to adult healthcare. Current transition practices, when present, are…
Parents of children born with complex life-threatening chronic conditions (CLTCs) experience an uncertain trajectory that requires critical decision making. Along this trajectory, hope plays an influential but largely unexplored role; therefore, this…
Sibling relationships are one of the most long-lasting and influential relationships in a human?s life. Living with a child who has a life-threatening condition changes healthy siblings? experience. This scoping review summarized and mapped research…
An increasing number of children with complex life-limiting and life-threatening conditions are being cared for at home by their parents. Negative impacts on maternal health are now being recognised. This study sought to voice parental experiences to…
This study aims to understand the experiences of professionals involved in caring for families of children with life-limiting illnesses to ascertain unmet needs, access issues and expectations of services.A phenomenological approach comprising…
While race and ethnicity have been acknowledged as determinants of health, there remain gaps regarding their effects on experiences of paediatric care. This scoping review examines empirical literature regarding the state and experience of paediatric…
Examining reported costs for Children with Medical Complexity (CMCs) is essential because costing and resource utilization studies influence policy and operational decisions. Our objectives were to (1) examine how authors identified CMCs in…
Providing quality end-of-life care to a child who is dying in hospital can be stressful and challenging, and health professionals often feel ill-prepared and require additional support. End-of-Life Essentials offers online education modules for…
Children living with palliative care needs are less engaged in play, despite its importance in their lives. The environment may have a crucial role in supporting these children's play. Understanding the importance and impact of environmental factors…
Children's hospices are key players in the provision of palliative care services for families with children with life-limiting conditions (LLCs). However, evidence suggests that some of the negative terminology/language which surrounds the notions of…
Being a parent of a child with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), a disease that causes progressive muscle weakness, involves a range of challenges. The purpose of this study was to explore what advice parents of children with severe SMA, in absence of…
The objectives of this review were to identify strategies initiated by parents of children with life-limiting conditions to support their own well-being at home and to describe the impact of these strategies on parental well-being. A systematic…
Sibling relationships are one of the most long-lasting and influential relationships in a human's life. Living with a child who has a life-threatening condition changes healthy siblings' experience. This scoping review summarized and mapped research…
Retention of staff presents major challenges within children's palliative care; this has substantial implications for children, families and the nursing workforce. To address this, a programme was undertaken that provided pathways of professional…
Children's hospices are key players in the provision of palliative care services for families with children with life-limiting conditions (LLCs). However, evidence suggests that some of the negative terminology/language which surrounds the notions of…
The purpose of this cross-sectional descriptive study is to explore pediatricians' and neonatologists' attitudes and standpoints on end-of-life (EOL) decision-making in neonates. Seventy-five physicians, employed fulltime to care for newborns in 23…
Previous research has reported that the families of children with enduring and life-limiting health conditions are at risk of negative psychosocial effects. Adjunct to medical interventions, specialist camp programmes have been developed to promote…
This study explored the feasibility of generating reliable information on the frequency, nature and management of breakthrough pain (BTP) in children with life-limiting conditions and life-threatening illnesses (LTIs) from narrative clinical records.…
Children with life-limiting and disabling conditions are surviving longer than previously, and many require palliative and supportive care, usually at home. Home-based care can put family life under considerable strain, as parents care for their…
The aim of this investigation was to conduct a comprehensive examination of communication between parents and health care professionals (HCPs) in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). A secondary analysis was performed on data from 3 previous…
Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) and Batten disease are rare life-limiting conditions (LLCs) characterised by progressive and permanent physical and cognitive decline. The impact of such conditions on families, and notably on siblings, has not yet been…
Children’s nurse education is experiencing increases in recruitment targets at the same time that clinical placements are decreasing. With regard to end-of-life care, it is has become a challenge to ensure that all students come into contact with a…
Children with life limiting conditions and their families have complex needs. Evaluations must consider their views and perspectives to ensure care is relevant, appropriate and acceptable. We consulted with children, young people, their parents and…
This study aims to capture parental descriptions of how siblings take leave of and mourn a stillborn brother or sister and how their parents support them. Data were collected by questionnaires from 16 parents of siblings to a stillborn child one year…
Children who live with medical conditions that were previously considered incompatible with long term survival are often highly dependent on interventions and equipment which would traditionally have required hospitalization. However, it is generally…
Being ill from a child's perspective has not been often investigated. The aim of this study was to illuminate the experience of being ill between the ages of 11-18 years. Four girls and one boy who were suffering short-term illness were interviewed…
The common paediatric critical care practice in France is for physicians (rather than parents) to maintain the ultimate responsibility for lifesupport decisions in children. Some French literature asserts that it is inappropriate for parents to bear…
Transition is a process that attends to the medical, psychosocial and educational needs of young people as they transfer to adult-orientated care. With a growing population of adolescents surviving with chronic illness well into adulthood, it is…