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Introduction: Patients undergoing treatment in palliative care units often complain of symptoms such as nausea, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and pain. For individuals with life-threatening or limiting critical illnesses, effectively managing these…
BACKGROUND: Children and young people with life-limiting conditions and their families need physical and emotional support to manage the challenges of their lives. There is a lack of synthesised qualitative research about how music therapy is…
Today every aspect of our life is published and shared online, including grief. The virtual cemeteries and social networks' use could be considered as a new modern mortuary ritual. Starting from the keyword stillbirth, 50 videos published on YouTube…
Background: Empirical descriptions of a 'good death' exist for older adults with cancer, and these have served as the foundation for providing quality end of life care. In contrast, little is known about what, if anything, constitutes a 'good death'…
Music enables us not only to reflect upon the world in which we live but also to become active agents in creating and shaping it and ourselves. The Treehouse Choir is an innovative, therapeutic programme open to all adult service users and staff at…
Objectives: This presentation will describe a collaborative intervention that can enhance resilience in hospitalized patients when they are struggling with the emotional sequelae of their medical illness. The presentation will discuss the specialty…