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Tags: 2024, Child, Clinical Practice, Clinician, collaborative care team, conference abstract, Distress Syndrome, diversity equity and inclusion, Frechette EM, health disparity, health literacy, hospital planning, Human, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, June List 2024, medical interpreter, Palliative Therapy, Patient Care, Personal Experience, Porter AS, professionalism, Snaman JM, Speech, structural racism, Teamwork, video interview, videorecording, Wise AF
Tags: 2022, Adult, Advance Care Planning, Aoun SM, Article, attitude to illness, body movement, Caregiver, Child Care, Children, Cohort Analysis, collaborative care team, Content Analysis, Conversation, Disease Burden, Family Centered Care, Family Decision Making, Feasibility Study, Female, Fratantoni K, Human, Human Relation, July List 2023, Livingston J, Lyon ME, Palliative Therapy, Parent, Parental Attitude, pediatric patient, psychosocial care, Qualitative Analysis, Rare Disease, Schellinger SE, social connectedness, videorecording
Tags: 2021, April 2021 List, Bacqué MF, Burial Practices, Descriptive Statistics, Human, Laurenti Dimanche AC, Mothers -- Psychosocial Factors, music, Omega: Journal Of Death & Dying, Perinatal Death, Photography, Qualitative Studies, Religion and Religions, Sani L, social media, User-Computer Interface, videorecording
Tags: 2020, Bereavement Support, Child, Complicated Grief, conference abstract, Exercise, Hospice, Human, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Learning, March 2020 List, Palliative Therapy, Professional Practice, Program Development, Remke S S, risk factor, Shukraft A E, Supiano K P, survivor, videorecording, Wladkowski S P
Tags: 2020, Adult, Burroughs A, Child, conference abstract, Coppess S, E-mail, Human, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Lemon A, March 2020 List, Mental Health, Miller J, national health organization, Nursing Research, Palliative Therapy, pediatric patient, transcription initiation, videorecording, Wellbeing
Tags: 2018, Awareness, Brother, California, Child, conference abstract, Documentation, Face, February 2020 List, Female, Fisher J M, Grief, hearing, Heat, hot water, Human, literature, Male, Memory, motion, Palliative Therapy, Pediatrics, Photography, Physician, Pyatt S, Sound, Teacher, Teaching, touch, videorecording, Voice
Tags: 2019, Adolescent, Advance Care Planning, Alderfer M, Caregiver, Child, Comorbidity, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Feasibility Study, Female, Fraser J, Fratantoni K, Friebert S, Gaines J, health disparity, Human, Human Experiment, Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Interview, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Lyon M, Major Clinical Study, Male, Malignant Neoplasm, March 2019 List, Medical Care, Needle J, Needs Assessment, Nonhuman, Palliative Therapy, Pediatrics, Rare Disease, rigor, Skill, Social Isolation, Uncertainty, videorecording, Wellbeing, Wiener L
Tags: 2018, American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine, Claudio CH, Cross Sectional Studies, Dizon ZB, Emotions, Facebook, Health Education, Health Information Evaluation, Human, Information Seeking Behavior, Internet Utilization, Medline, October TW, Palliative Care, Quality Of Life, Search Engines, September 2018 List, Social Media Utilization, Thematic Analysis, Twitter, videorecording, World Wide Web