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- Tags: PostTraumatic Stress Disorder
Palliative Care Family Support in Neonatology
Tags: 2023, Acute Stress Disorder, anxiety, Currie ER, Decision-making, Depression, End Of Life Care, End-of-life Care, Family bereavement supports, family support, Family-centered Care, Fetal Diagnosis, Grandparent bereavement, Life-limiting, Life-threatening, May List 2024, Navaneethan H, Neonatal, Non-Hispanic Black infants, Non-Hispanic White infants, Palliative Care, Parent grief, Perinatal Death, Perinatal Mortality, PostTraumatic Stress Disorder, Principles of Neonatology, Question Prompt List, sibling bereavement, Stress, Trisomy 18, Weaver MS
The most painful estrangement: Death at birth
Tags: 2024, alienation, April List 2024, Article, avoidance behavior, Bereavement, Cacciatore J, Child Death, community care, complicated grief/dt [Drug Therapy], continuing education, Coping, Decision Making, Depression, Emotion, Emotional Stress, emotional support, family history, Family Stress, Fear, Guilt, Human, Identity, lactation, Loneliness, mourning, naltrexone/dt [Drug Therapy], Palliative Therapy, Personal Experience, PostTraumatic Stress Disorder, Prevalence, rage, regret, Sadness, Self Concept, Seminars in Perinatology, shame, social bonding, Social Support, sorrow, spontaneous abortion, Stigma, Stillbirth, Suicide, traffic accident
Pediatric oncology nursing research in low- and middle-income countries
Tags: 2020, Afungchwi G M, Alqudimat M R, alternative medicine, Burkitt lymphoma, cancer incidence, Cancer Survival, Caregiver, Caregiver Burden, caregiver burnout, Challinor J M, Cytotoxicity, Day S W, Developing World 2020 List, economic status, Fatigue, geographic distribution, gross national income, Health Care Personnel, high income country, Human, immune status, Impact of Events Scale, Infant Mortality, Kaposi sarcoma, lifestyle, low income country, malnutrition, Methodology, middle income country, nurse training, Nursing Care, Nursing Practice, nursing science, Nutrition, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Oncology, pediatric oncology nursing, PostTraumatic Stress Disorder, Priority Journal, Quality Of Life, risk factor, Sepsis, Southeast Asian, Southern Europe, Stress, traditional medicine, treatment response
Moral distress, trauma and burnout in staff in relation to changes in picu outcomes, challenging cases and media involvement in disagreements about end-of-life care
Tags: 2018, Adult, Archives of Disease in Childhood, Awareness, Berger Z, Brierley J, Burnout, Child, Colville G, conference abstract, Controlled Study, court, Death, depersonalization, Disability, Emotional Stress, Human, June 2018 List, Life Sustaining Treatment, Morality, Nurse, PostTraumatic Stress Disorder, Questionnaire, Rutt M, Staff, Terminal Care, Titman P, Wellbeing
Enhancing resilience in hospitalized children and adolescents
Tags: 2017, anxiety, biofeedback, California, Child, clinical psychology, Comorbidity, Complication, Distress Syndrome, Female, Hospitalization, Hospitalized Child, Human, Ihle EC, Journal Of The American Academy Of Child And Adolescent Psychiatry, Male, March 2018 List, Mental Health, music, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Pet Therapy, PostTraumatic Stress Disorder, psychiatrist, psychosocial care, Socialization, Wellbeing