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Tags: 2024, alienation, April List 2024, Article, avoidance behavior, Bereavement, Cacciatore J, Child Death, community care, complicated grief/dt [Drug Therapy], continuing education, Coping, Decision Making, Depression, Emotion, Emotional Stress, emotional support, family history, Family Stress, Fear, Guilt, Human, Identity, lactation, Loneliness, mourning, naltrexone/dt [Drug Therapy], Palliative Therapy, Personal Experience, PostTraumatic Stress Disorder, Prevalence, rage, regret, Sadness, Self Concept, Seminars in Perinatology, shame, social bonding, Social Support, sorrow, spontaneous abortion, Stigma, Stillbirth, Suicide, traffic accident
Tags: 2020, 2022 Special Edition 2 - Parent Perspectives, Baker JN, Barakat LP, Breitbart W, Brinkman TM, Caregivers, Catarozoli C, Coats TC, Decision-making, Fogarty JJ, Grief, Holland JM, Lichtenthal WG, Neimeyer RA, Neoplasm, Palliative Medicine, Pediatric, Prigerson HG, regret, Roberts KE, Schofield E, Wiener L, Zaider T
Tags: 2020, Baker J N, Barakat L P, Breitbart W, Brinkman T M, Caregivers, Catarozoli C, Coats T C, Decision-making, Fogarty J J, Grief, Holland J M, Lichtenthal W G, Neimeyer R A, Neoplasm, Oncology 2020 List, Palliative Medicine, Pediatric, Prigerson H G, regret, Roberts K E, Schofield E, Wiener L, Zaider T