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Tags: 2023, Callard E, Child, conference abstract, Consultation, Controlled Study, Distress Syndrome, evidence based practice center, Female, Fisher J, Hematopoietic Stem Cell, Hematopoietic Stem Cells, Human, human cell, July List 2023, Kent L, Learning, Major Clinical Study, Male, Medical Record Review, Morbidity, Mortality, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Pinner LA, Pyke-Grimm K, Retrospective Study, Risk Assessment, Satisfaction, staff training, Stem Cell Transplantation, Transplantation, Transplantation and Cellular Therapy, Williams M
Tags: 2020, Adult, Attention, Bereavement, cancer center, Cancer Patient, Child, Childhood Cancer, chimeric antigen receptor T-cell immunotherapy, Current Opinion In Pediatrics, Devine K A, Distress Syndrome, evidence based practice center, hereditary tumor syndrome, Human, Infant, Oncology 2020 List, outcome assessment, Palliative Therapy, patient reported outcome, Psycho-Oncology, psychosocial care, Review, Sibling, Survivorship, Thompson A L, toddler, Wiener L, Young Adult