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- Tags: Overall Survival
The burden and scope of childhood cancer in displaced patients in Jordan: The King Hussein Cancer Center and Foundation Experience
Tags: 2023, 2023 SE5 - Low Resource Setting, Article, bone sarcoma, Brain Tumor, cancer center, Cancer Patient, Cancer Registry, Child, Childhood Cancer, drug cost, Female, Follow Up, Foundations, Frontiers in Oncology, Health Care Cost, Human, Iraqi, Jeha S, Jordan, Jordanian, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Major Clinical Study, Male, Mansour A, Nababteh M, Neoplasms, Overall Survival, Palliative Therapy, Public Health, refugee, retinoblastoma, Rihani R, Rodriguez-Galindo C, Social Support, Sultan I, Syrian, Yemeni
Real World Presentation and Treatment Outcomes with a Predominant Induction Chemotherapy Based Approach in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: A Sixteen Year Report from a Teaching Hospital in India
Tags: 2023, 2023 SE5 - Low Resource Setting, adjuvant therapy, Adolescent, Adult, Aged, albumin/ec [Endogenous Compound], Anemia, antiemetic agent, Article, Bahadur S, Bhasker S, Biswas A, bone metastasis, Cancer Investigation, Cancer Recurrence, Cancer Staging, capecitabine/dt [Drug Therapy], carboplatin/cb [Drug Combination], carboplatin/dt [Drug Therapy], cervical lymph node, chemoradiotherapy, Child, cisplatin/ae [Adverse Drug Reaction], cisplatin/cb [Drug Combination], cisplatin/dt [Drug Therapy], cisplatin/to [Drug Toxicity], cobalt therapy, Cohort Analysis, cranial nerve paralysis, cyclophosphamide/cb [Drug Combination], cyclophosphamide/dt [Drug Therapy], date of death, Diarrhea, diplopia, distant metastasis, docetaxel/cb [Drug Combination], docetaxel/dt [Drug Therapy], dysphasia, epirubicin/cb [Drug Combination], epirubicin/dt [Drug Therapy], exophthalmos, febrile neutropenia, Female, fluorouracil/cb [Drug Combination], fluorouracil/dt [Drug Therapy], Follow Up, gemcitabine/dt [Drug Therapy], Gogi R, Headache, hearing impairment, Histopathology, Hospitalization, Human, hypothyroidism, India, induction chemotherapy, Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy, Kumar R, liver metastasis, lung metastasis, Major Clinical Study, Male, Mohanti BK, mucosa inflammation, multiple cycle treatment, nasopharynx carcinoma/dt [Drug Therapy], nasopharynx carcinoma/rt [Radiotherapy], nasopharynx carcinoma/su [Surgery], neck dissection, neck swelling, Neutropenia, nose obstruction, overall response rate, Overall Survival, paclitaxel/cb [Drug Combination], paclitaxel/dt [Drug Therapy], palliative chemotherapy, peripheral neuropathy, Pramanik R, primary tumor/rt [Radiotherapy], progression free survival, Radiotherapy Dosage, Retrospective Study, Salvage Therapy, Sharma A, Sikka K, Singh AC, Smoking, Spinal cord, survival prediction, teaching hospital, Thakar A, thrombocytopenia, Thulkar S, toxicity/si [Side Effect], treatment interruption, Treatment Outcome, trismus, Vomiting, xerostomia
Pediatric palliative care (PPC) access in Chile: Private practice health insurance law implementation
Tags: 2017, Analgesia, Araya E, Central Nervous System Tumor, Child, Chile, Clinical Article, Counseling, Diagnosis, Doctor Patient Relation, Female, Gallastegui A, health Insurance, Home Visit, Human, Leukemia, Lopez P, Nurse, Outpatient, Overall Survival, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, private Practice, Psychologist, Rojas N, Rosas A, School Child, Telephone, Varela J