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Tags: Article, Child, Female, Fetus, Infant, Newborn, 2022, American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM, Buskmiller C, Chen M, Cohort Analysis, Comfort, Consultation, Controlled Study, Crowe E, Demographics, Expectation, Fetus Malformation, Gants S, Ho S, Hospice, Human, income group, Lopez S, November 2022 List, outcome assessment, Palliative Therapy, postpartum hemorrhage, Prenatal Diagnosis, Prognosis, Retrospective Study, Trisomy 13
Tags: 2019, Abortion, anencephalus, Child, Clergy, Comfort, conference abstract, Controlled Study, electronic medical record, Female, Fetus Malformation, Hospice, Human, Intensive Care, Journal Of Investigative Medicine, June 2019 List, May R, Neonatologist, Newborn, Nurse, Oklahoma, Palliative Therapy, Perinatal Care, Practice Guideline, Prenatal Diagnosis, Shah B A, Social Worker, tertiary care center, White L, Wlodaver A
Tags: 2016, Adult, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, Article, Attitude Of Health Personnel, Attitude To Abortion, Biggio JR, Caucasian, Christian, Chromosomes Human Pair 18, Clinical Practice, Correlation Analysis, December 2017 List, Demography, Disease Management, Disease Severity, Edwards RK, Family, Female, Fetus Malformation, Health Care Surveys, Human, Humans, Intellectual Impairment, Jacobs AP, Male, Marriage, Medical Decision Making, Medical Society, Neonatologist, Neonatologists/px [psychology], Newborn Care, Normal Human, Outcome Assessment (health Care), Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Parental Attitude, Philips JB 3rd, Physician Attitude, Practice Patterns Physicians', Prenatal Diagnosis, Priority Journal, Race Difference, Resuscitation, Robin NH, Subramaniam A, Survival Rate, Tang Y, Trisomy 18, Trisomy/di [diagnosis], United States