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CONTEXT: Public and patient involvement is increasingly becoming an expectation of research funders and policy makers. Not all areas of health research are public-facing. Here, we outline an approach for building the skills and developing the…
In order to gain more insight on the influence of ethnic diversity in paediatric cancer care, the perspectives of care providers were explored. Semi-structured interviews were conducted among 12 paediatric oncologists and 13 nurses of two different…
Background Provision of language services in pediatric hospice enables nurses to communicate effectively with patients who have limited English proficiency. Language barriers contribute to ethnic disparities in health care. While language service use…
Few studies have fully explored the problem of communication barriers in pediatric palliative care, particularly the detrimental effects of poor interaction between staff and families on children's health and well-being. A literature review was…
BACKGROUND: Communication plays an important role for the well being of patients, families and also health care professionals in cancer care. Conversely, ineffective communication may cause depression, increased anxiety, hopelessness and decreased of…
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this research was to validate global and behavioral observation methods for measuring pain in children with cerebral palsy (CP)., MATERIALS AND METHODS: Nineteen children diagnosed with CP (2-21 years of age) and their primary…
OBJECTIVE: To determine types, sources, and predictors of conflicts among patients with prolonged stay in the ICU. DESIGN AND SETTING: We prospectively identified conflicts by interviewing treating physicians and nurses at two stages during the…
OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency, types, sources, and predictors of conflict surrounding the care of pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) patients with prolonged stay. SETTING: A tertiary care, university-affiliated PICU in Boston. PARTICIPANTS:…
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Advance care discussions (ACD) occur infrequently or are initiated late in the course of illness. Although data exist regarding barriers to ACD among the care of adult patients, few pediatric data exist. The goal of this…
CONTEXT: The families of oncology patients requiring intensive care often face increasing complexity in communication with their providers, particularly when patients are cared for by providers from different disciplines. OBJECTIVE: To describe…
INTRODUCTION: Adequate communication by medical personnel is especially important at certain points during the treatment of childhood cancer patients. AIM: To investigate the timing and manner of communication with parents concerning the introduction…
It is known that if one partner wants to talk after the loss of a child, while the other does not, the less satisfied they are with the relationship. The aim of this study was to increase our understanding of parental relationships following the loss…