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Objective: To pilot feasibility and acceptability of HomeVENT, a systematic approach to family-clinician decision-making about pediatric home ventilation. Methods: Parents and clinicians of children facing home ventilation decisions were enrolled at…
Background: Families who must decide about pediatric home ventilation rely on the clinicians who counsel them for guidance. Most studies about pediatric home ventilation decisions focus on families who opt for this intervention, leaving much unknown…
Objective: To understand what considerations drive family decisions for, and against, pediatric home ventilation. Study design: Qualitative interviews with parents of children who faced a decision about home ventilation in the previous 5 years at 3…
AIM: To retrospectively explore the perspectives of parents of children with severe neurological impairment (SNI), such as those with severe cerebral palsy, epilepsy syndromes, and structural brain differences, on clinician counseling regarding home…
Background: Children with severe neurological impairment (SNI) commonly receive care in the hospital setting necessitating frequent interactions with clinicians. Yet, parents report that clinicians often have a limited understanding of their child's…
BACKGROUND: The provision of pediatric palliative care in Asia Pacific varies between countries and availability of essential medications for symptoms at the end of life in this region is unclear. OBJECTIVE: To determine medications available and…
Decisions to initiate long-term ventilation (LTV) for children with medical complexities often involve unclear risk/benefit ratios. Although the technology may prolong a child's life, the added months to years could largely be spent in the hospital,…
Trisomy 13 and trisomy 18 (T13-18) are associated with high rates of perinatal death and with severe disability among survivors. Prenatal diagnosis (PND) may lead many women to terminate their pregnancy but some women choose to continue their…
This statement presents an integrated model for providing palliative care for children living with a life-threatening or terminal condition. Advice on the development of a palliative care plan and on working with parents and children is also…