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The death of a child is a traumatic event that can have long-term effects on the lives of parents. This study examined bereaved parents of deceased children (infancy to age 34) and comparison parents with similar backgrounds (n = 428 per group)…
Emotional health of bereaving parents (N = 62; control N = 56) were explored 5 years after the death of a child (age 0-12) in Israel. The Symptom Check List-90 was utilized as the primary measurement instrument. Comparisons to controls according to…
Using data from Americans' Changing Lives: Wave 1, 1986, this study examined the long-term effects on the personal functioning of older women and men following the death of an adult child or a spouse. Guided by Weiss's (1993) theoretical framework,…
This statement presents an integrated model for providing palliative care for children living with a life-threatening or terminal condition. Advice on the development of a palliative care plan and on working with parents and children is also…
This article reviews the literature on parental bereavement over the family life course drawing attention to the meaning of the loss. The conceptual framework for this article arises from the intersection of Klass and Marwit's {[}1] theory of…
Notes that grieving following the death of child tends to be intense and enduring, often resulting in diminished psychological and interpersonal functioning for surviving parents. Reviews literature on parental bereavement focusing on unique nature…