Browse Items (22 total)

Background: Children with medical complexity (CMC) represent a small, but growing, proportion of all children. Regardless of their underlying diagnosis, by definition, all CMC have similar functional limitations and high healthcare needs. It has been…

Background: Infants with life-limiting conditions are a heterogeneous population. Palliative care for infants is delivered in a diverse range of healthcare settings and by interdisciplinary primary healthcare teams, which may not involve specialist…

Background GPs are rarely actively involved in healthcare provision for children and young people (CYP) with life-limiting conditions (LLCs). This raises problems when these children develop minor illness or require management of other chronic…

Objectives: * Explain a novel method for creating pediatric palliative care resources using telehealth technology. * Describe preliminary data demonstrating project feasibility and satisfaction.

Background and context: In DR Congo, many cancer patients in the terminal phase of their condition have minimal access to palliative care. There is a combined effect of poverty, the deteriorationofthe health system and the absenceof a well-defined…

Palliative care services are increasingly available to primary care physicians for both expert consultations and services to seriously ill patients. The United States now has more than 1400 hospital-based palliative care teams and more than 4700…

BACKGROUND: There is only limited knowledge about the emotional impact that performing euthanasia has on primary care physicians (PCPs) in the Netherlands., OBJECTIVE: To obtain more insight into the emotional impact on PCPs of performing euthanasia…

This article reviews mood disorders in children and adolescents, the diagnostic criteria, and important differential diagnoses to be considered. Critical points in the treatment of mood disorders and comorbid conditions and the important role the…

OBJECTIVE: To examine unmet needs among families of children with chronic health conditions treated in primary care settings and to identify predictors of these needs. METHOD: Primary care physicians referred 83 caregivers of children with chronic…

BACKGROUND: The influence of continuity of care on outcomes of care for patients with type 2 diabetes is poorly understood. OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationships between continuity, glucose control, and advancement through stages of change for…

Despite repeated initiatives over the past decade, migraine remains under-recognised, under-diagnosed and under-treated in everyday clinical practice. The Migraine in Primary Care Advisors (MIPCA) group has produced new guidelines for migraine…

BACKGROUND: Mixed methods or multimethod research holds potential for rigorous, methodologically sound investigations in primary care. The objective of this study was to use criteria from the literature to evaluate 5 mixed methods studies in primary…

Longitudinal data from The Rand Corporation's Health Insurance Experiment were used to test the hypothesis that provider continuity can be modeled as one behavioral consequence of patient satisfaction. Bivariate and multivariate analyses (controlling…

Most morbidity and mortality among adolescents results from their participation in health-compromising behaviors. Recent guidelines for clinical adolescent preventive services recommend that primary care clinicians routinely screen for and counsel…

Adolescent health problems are often undetected in physicians' offices. The Dartmouth Primary Care Cooperative Information Project has developed a validated and reliable approach to identify adolescent health problems and initiate education in a…

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