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Background: Palliative care is an essential component of children's health services but is accessed by fewer children than could potentially benefit. Aim(s): Appraise the evidence to identify factors influencing referral and access to children's…
Pediatric neurocritical care teams care for patients and families facing the potential for significant neurologic impairment and high mortality. Such admissions are often marked by significant prognostic uncertainty, high levels of parental emotional…
Outcomes: 1. Describe two major patterns of symptom trajectories over time among children receiving palliative care services. 2. Identify three clinical and research implications of the two major symptom trajectory patterns observed in pediatric…
Introduction: Advancement in medical expertise and technology has led to a growing cohort of children with medical complexity (CMC), who make up a rising proportion of childhood deaths. However, end of life in CMC is poorly understood and little is…
Purpose of review: Thirty-day mortality (30DM) is an emerging consideration for determining whether terminally ill adult patients may benefit from palliative radiotherapy (RT). However, the efficacy and ethics of delivering palliative RT at the end…
Background: Infants with life-limiting conditions are a heterogeneous population. Palliative care for infants is delivered in a diverse range of healthcare settings and by interdisciplinary primary healthcare teams, which may not involve specialist…