Story time with pediatric palliative care: A community self-care strategy
Story time with pediatric palliative care: A community self-care strategy
Haskamp A; Scanlon C; Hill A; Hatton A
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
Objectives * Identify a simple, effective way to facilitate selfcare among hospital team members. * Describe the impact story time has had on the attendees' daily practice and self-care strategies. Background. Story time was born out of a photograph posted on social media depicting members of the hospital's pediatric palliative care team conducting story time in their office as a method of self-care amidst a difficult day. After seeing the photo, hospital associates began requesting the expansion of this activity to others within the hospital community. The first story time was held with participants representing nursing, social work, child life, physicians, residents, medical students, and members of the hospital's foundation. Following the first story time, additional requests were received and is now held every two weeks. Aim Statement. To increase awareness regarding the importance of self-care and providing an avenue for this practice among pediatric team members at a large children's hospital. Methods. Story time is conducted outside, weather permitting, and limited to 15-30 minutes in duration. Blankets are placed on the ground to allow for relaxing on the grass while a child's storybook is read. Initially, children's bereavement books were read to increase awareness of available age appropriate books written about pediatric loss and grief. Nostalgic snacks are provided at each story time. Communication regarding story time events is shared using social media and word of mouth. Surveys were completed by attendees following multiple sessions. Results. Participants describe enjoying a moment of their day that allows them to escape through a children's book and snacks. They feel this activity provides a simple, non-intrusive part of their day allowing time for self-care and refocusing of their workday. They also voice appreciation for the opportunity to strengthen community resilience and support. Conclusions and Implications. Story time is a simple, low-cost method of promoting and facilitating self-care among pediatric team members across the hospital and appropriate for all disciplines. A mission of this pediatric palliative care team is to promote wellness for all hospital associates and strive to find ways to build a supportive hospital community.
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May 2018 List
URL Address
Haskamp A; Scanlon C; Hill A; Hatton A, “Story time with pediatric palliative care: A community self-care strategy,” Pediatric Palliative Care Library, accessed January 25, 2025,