Browse Items (239 total)

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Parents and family caregivers of children with severe neurologic impairment (SNI) experience many stressors, especially during their child's critical illness. This study aimed to examine parent experiences around the time…

OBJECTIVE: This qualitative study aimed at understanding the experiences of fathers of very ill neonates in the NICU., METHODS: Sixteen fathers of very ill and/or very preterm infants who had been in the NICU for >30 days were interviewed by a male…

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: To provide support to parents of critically ill children, it is important that physicians adequately respond to parents' emotions. In this study, we investigated emotions expressed by parents, physicians' responses to these…

Context: Loss of a child to a life-limiting condition (LLC) is 1 of the most traumatic life events for parents. Research focusing on fathers' experiences is in its infancy. Objectives: Using a meta-ethnographic approach, we systematically reviewed…

CONTEXT: Children with incurable cancer may participate in research studies at the end of life (EOL). These studies create knowledge that can improve the care of future patients. OBJECTIVE: To describe stakeholder perspectives regarding research…

10.1542/6315738932112Video AbstractPEDS-VA_2022-0589056315738932112Many patients receiving pediatric palliative care (PPC) present with surgically treatable problems. The role of surgery in the care of these patients, however, has not yet been…

Children with complex chronic conditions (CCCs) and their families deserve high-quality pediatric palliative care (PPC) throughout their illness trajectory, including at end of life (EOL). Standard EOL quality measures (QM) have only recently been…

Pediatric palliative care, including end-of-life care, remains a relatively new area of interdisciplinary clinical practice and research. Improving the multifaceted and complex care of children and their families involves research that (1) documents…

Many NICUs have reached an inflection point where infant deaths following limitation of life-sustaining treatments outnumber those following unsuccessful resuscitations, and many infants who survive continue to require intensive supports. Families of…

The question of optimal disposition for children with complex medical and social circumstances has long challenged the well-intentioned clinician. The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic created unique difficulties for patients, families, and health…

Caring for a child with a serious or life-limiting illness presents many challenges for families and health care providers. Through that experience (and, many times, as it ends), parents are compelled to find and make meaning from their ultimate loss…

The emergence of efficacious human gene therapy for life-limiting genetic diseases such as spinal muscular atrophy type 11 has raised hopes among families of children with previously incurable genetic disorders. However, a number of concerns have…

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Genetic testing is expanding among ill neonates, yet the influence of genetic results on medical decision-making is not clear. With this study, we sought to determine how different types of genetic information with…

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: There is a gap in family knowledge of their adolescents' end-of-life (EOL) treatment preferences. We tested the efficacy of Family Centered Advance Care Planning for Teens with Cancer (FACE-TC) pediatric advance care…

Parents of ill children have willingly identified their personal beliefs about what they should do or focus on to fulfill their own internal definition of being a good parent for their child. This observation has led to the development of the…

OBJECTIVES: To characterize patterns of surgery among pediatric patients during terminal hospitalizations in children's hospitals. METHODS: We reviewed patients ≤20 years of age who died among 4 424 886 hospitalizations from January 2013-December…

Since its inception in 2010, the Concurrent Care for Children Provision of the Affordable Care Act has enabled seriously ill pediatric patients and their families to access comprehensive, supportive hospice services while simultaneously receiving…

OBJECTIVES: Partnership with parents is a tenet of pediatric medicine; however, initiatives to include parents in education and research have been limited. Through focus groups, we included parents at the beginning of curriculum development by asking…

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Pediatric palliative care (PPC) is integral to the care of children living with serious illnesses. Despite the growth in the number of established palliative care programs over the past decade, little is known about the…

CONTEXT: Parental caregiving for a child with a life-limiting condition (LLC) is complex physical and mental work. The impact of this caregiving on parents' physical health is unknown. OBJECTIVES: (1) To review existing evidence on the physical…

* Abbreviations: IRB — : institutional review board PPC — : pediatric palliative care Patient- and family-centered care “is an innovative approach to the planning, delivery, and evaluation of health care that is grounded in a…

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Little is known about how families respond to pediatric advance care planning. Physicians are concerned that initiating pediatric advance care planning conversations with families is too distressing for families. We…

CONTEXT: The death of a child is devastating, and complicated grief adversely impacts parental physical and psychosocial well-being. Most research currently is centered on bereaved mothers, and the experiences of fathers remains underexplored.…

BACKGROUND: Children with neurologic impairment (NI) are at risk for developing co-occurring chronic conditions, increasing their medical complexity and morbidity. We assessed the prevalence and timing of onset for those conditions in children with…

BACKGROUND: When children are seriously ill, parents rely on communication with their clinicians. However, in previous research, researchers have not defined how this communication should function in pediatric oncology. We aimed to identify these…

Charlie Gard (August 4, 2016, to July 28, 2017) was an infant in the United Kingdom who was diagnosed with an encephalopathic form of mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome caused by a mutation in the RRM2B gene. Charlie's parents raised 1.3 million…

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Home nursing is essential for children with medical complexity (CMC), but provision varies substantially across states. Our objectives were to quantify state-to-state variability in distribution of posthospitalization home…

* Abbreviations: CHAM — : Children’s Hospital at Montefiore COVID-19 — : coronavirus disease In March 2020, Montefiore Health System in the Bronx, New York, received an influx of adults who were critically ill with coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The…

The alleviation of suffering has always been central to the care of the sick. Yet as medical technology has advanced and life-sustaining treatments multiplied, medicine's capacity to both prevent and create suffering has grown exponentially. In…

Title “You have made all the loving choices”: A qualitative study of physician “good parent” statements during Pediatric Intensive Care Unit care conferences Background Parents’ ideas about what it means to be a “good parent” to their seriously ill…

Parents of ill children have willingly identified their personal beliefs about what they should do or focus on to fulfill their own internal definition of being a good parent for their child. This observation has led to the development of the…

The article presents a discussion between bereaved parents on the Quality of Life Steering Council at a large academic pediatric cancer center and interdisciplinary pediatric palliative care clinicians about the coexistence of hope and realism.…

Many ethical issues arise concerning the care of critically ill and dying patients during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. In this issue's Ethics Rounds, we present 2 cases that highlight 2 different sorts of ethical issues. One is…

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Children with medical complexity (CMC) often have multiple life-limiting conditions with no unifying diagnosis and an unclear prognosis and are at high risk for morbidity and mortality. Advance care planning (ACP)…

The use of a palliative care guideline in infants remains controversial in the NICU community. Triggers are only intermittently utilized within the NICU setting. Most NICUs implement strategies for near-death care, but few have guidelines for those…

High quality symptom management for children receiving palliative care relies on accurate and timely documentation of symptoms. Our pediatric palliative and comfort care team (PACT) previously established a mechanism in to assess and document…

Purpose: Compassion fatigue (CF) is emotional distress experienced by providers from ongoing contact with patients' suffering. Burnout (BO) is personal distress due to uncontrollable workplace factors that manifest in career dissatisfaction. CF and…

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