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CONTEXT: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a dramatic impact on palliative care delivery and patient experiences. Less is known about the experiences and responses of palliative care clinicians. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to describe the pandemic's impact on…
BACKGROUND: Medical interpreters are critical mediators in communication with pediatric subjects and families to include participation in difficult conversations. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this pilot study was to provide suggestions from medical…
CONTEXT: Telemedicine has the potential to extend care reach and access to home-based hospice services for children. Few studies have explored nurse perspectives regarding this communication modality for rural pediatric cohorts. OBJECTIVES: The…
Background: The experience of starting and growing a pediatric palliative care program (PPCP) has changed over the last 10 years as rapid increases of patient volume have amplified challenges related to staffing, funding, standards of practice, team…
Background: Children in rural geographies are not universally able to access pediatric-trained palliative or hospice providers. Objective(s): Determine whether telehealth inclusion of a familiar pediatric palliative care provider during the first two…
Parents of ill children have willingly identified their personal beliefs about what they should do or focus on to fulfill their own internal definition of being a good parent for their child. This observation has led to the development of the…
Children are seeing rapid changes to their routines and facing an unpredictable future. Palliative care teams may consider expanding their communication training and skill sets to help families consider caring ways to communicate with their children…
BACKGROUND: Spinal muscular atrophy is an autosomal-recessive, progressive neuromuscular disease associated with extensive morbidity. Children with spinal muscular atrophy have potentially increased life spans due to improved nutrition, respiratory…
Children with cancer and their families experience shifts in spiritual wellness from diagnosis through treatment and survivorship or bereavement. An interdisciplinary team conducted a systematic review of quantitative and qualitative research on…
PURPOSE: Although the bulk of current pediatric palliative care (PPC) services are concentrated in inpatient settings, the vast majority of clinical care, symptom assessment and management, decision-making, and advance care planning occurs in the…
BACKGROUND: Rural pediatricians and adult-trained hospice teams report feeling ill-prepared to care for children at end of life, resulting in geographies in which children are not able to access home-based services. OBJECTIVES: To develop a pediatric…
OBJECTIVE: The role of aromatherapy in supportive symptom management for pediatric patients receiving palliative care has been underexplored. This pilot study aimed to measure the impact of aromatherapy using validated child-reported nausea, pain,…