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Tags: 2024, Adolescent, Adult, Article, Barton KS, Bogetz J, brain ventricle peritoneum shunt, Child, Child Parent Relation, Clinical Article, Cohort Analysis, confusion (uncertainty), Controlled Study, Disease Severity, ethnic background, Father, feeding tube, Female, Health Survey, Home Care, Hospital Admission, hospital discharge, Human, implanted vagus nerve stimulator, intrathecal baclofen pump, Journal of Palliative Medicine, legal guardian, Length Of Stay, Life Expectancy, Male, mortality risk, Neurodisability, noninvasive positive pressure ventilation, October List 2024, Oslin E, Palliative Therapy, Parental Stress, Patient Advocacy, Pediatric Hospital, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Personal Experience, Prospective Study, Qualitative Research, Quantitative Study, Rosenberg AR, Semi Structured Interview, Tracheostomy, Trowbridge A, United States, VULNERABILITY, Watson RS, Yi-Frazier J
Tags: 2024, Amarri S, Angelhoff C, Avagnina I, Baker J, Benini F, Bergstraesser E, Bernadá M, Bin-Hasan S, Blankenburg M, Bogetz J, Bruni O, Castronovo V, Catalano I, Ceranoglu TA, Chan K Ching C, Chong PH, complex healthcare needs, Consensus, Crabtree V, de Oliveira ISB, De Zen L, Downing J, Fagondes S, Farquhar M, Ferreira EAL, Ferreira R, Ferri R, Findling RL, Frühwald M, Goh DYT, Gradisar M, Gringras P, Hauch H, Hauer J, Huijer HAS, July List 2024, Keenan S, Kreicbergs U, Kudchadkar SR, Kuhn BR, Lacerda A, Lazzarin P, Li A, Li Shirley X, Lopes MC, Lopez JGDA, Marinetto A, Martino-Alba R, Matlen L, Mercadante S, Mercante A, Mindell J, Moreira GA, Narang I, Nilsson F, Nobili L, Noce S, Nosetti L, Nunes ML, Oliveira L, Owens J, Palliative Care, Papa S, Pediatric Palliative Care, Pizza F, Plazzi G, Ragsdale L, Rios M, Santini A, Santos CF, Sejersen T, Sheldon SH, Siden H, Simakajornboon N, Sleep, Sleep Medicine, sleep problems, Soster LA, Spruyt K, Stenmarker M, Strambi LF, Streuli J, Suh S, Traslaviña GAA, Verrillo E, Wang G, Wille J, Wolfe J, Wolfson AR, Zanin A, Zernikow B, Zhou ES
Tags: 2024, Adult, Bogetz J, care behavior, Caregiver, Caregiver Support, Child, Child Death, Clinician, conference abstract, ethnography, Female, Grief, Human, Human Experiment, Interpersonal Communication, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, June List 2024, Male, McCarthy S, Palliative Therapy, Participant Observation, Personal Experience, Porter AS, rejuvenation, Self Report, Snaman JM
Tags: 2024, Adolescent, Adult, biological marker, Bogetz J, Boyden JY, Child, Cohort Analysis, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Ethnicity, Female, Feudtner C, Friebert S, Hall M, Hill DL, Hinds P, Human, Johnston E, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, June List 2024, Kang TI, Male, Mortality, Nye R, Pain, Palliative Therapy, pediatric patient, Symptom, Wolfe J