Browse Items (28 total)

BACKGROUND: Despite the growing availability of advance directives, most patients in the intensive care unit lack written directives, and, therefore, consultation with families about treatment decisions remains the rule. In the context of decision…

OBJECTIVES: Professional societies, ethics institutes, and the courts have recommended principles to guide the care of children with life-threatening conditions; however, little is known about the degree to which pediatric care providers are aware of…

Conceptual confusion is a primary barrier to providing quality palliative care. This study aimed to analyze pediatric palliative care (PPC) guidelines from a conceptual perspective to facilitate a shared understanding of palliative care in…

The UK adopted the opt-out system (deemed or presumed consent) in end-of-life organ donation enforceable in May 2020. Presumed consent applies to adults but not children. Transplant advocates have recommended that all children on end-of-life care…

Cachexia is a disturbing and disfiguring aspect of many advanced cancers. Parenteral nutrition (PN) is a controversial and expensive treatment for cancer cachexia. Guidelines for the use of PN for these patients have been suggested. These two case…

Assess pain regularly throughout the course of treatment. Follow the WHO Analgesic Ladder for selecting pain-relief drugs, that is, a stepwise approach to analgesic management, where a child's pain severity determines the level of analgesics. Use…

This work was undertaken by the Science Committee of the Association for Palliative Medicine of Great Britain and Ireland (APM) as a demonstration project in developing clinical guidelines relevant to palliative care from a pragmatic approach to…

Procedural sedation and analgesia for children--the use of sedative, analgesic, or dissociative drugs to relieve anxiety and pain associated with diagnostic and therapeutic procedures--is now widely practised by a diverse group of specialists outside…

BACKGROUND: While developing and distributing clinical practice guidelines are important in optimising clinical healthcare, insight into actual care is necessary to achieve successful implementation. Developing quality indicators may be the first…

BACKGROUND: Intensivists must provide enough analgesia and sedation to ensure dying patients receive good palliative care. However, if it is perceived that too much is given, they risk prosecution for committing euthanasia. The goal of this study is…

The cyclical nature of chronic illness requires that children with inflammatory bowel disease be transitioned to the adult medical system with as much continuity of care as possible. Transition from pediatric to adult medical care continues to…

A notable and welcome increase in palliative care research has led to a multitude of ethical issues and concerns for researchers, clinicians, patients (subjects) and their family members (who also might be subjects), granting agencies, and…

OBJECTIVES: The decision to forgo life support is frequently made in pediatric intensive care units (PICUs). A group of experts is currently preparing recommendations for guidelines concerning this decision-making process in France. We have performed…

PURPOSE: Palliative sedation therapy (PST) is a controversial issue. There is a need for internationally accepted definitions and standards. METHODS: A systematic review of the literature was performed by an international panel of 29 palliative care…

Hospice and palliative care principles mandate clinicIans to provide "total" care to patients and their families. Such care incorporates not only physical, emotional, and psychosocial care, but spiritual care as well. Even though considerable…

This statement presents an integrated model for providing palliative care for children living with a life-threatening or terminal condition. Advice on the development of a palliative care plan and on working with parents and children is also…
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