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Abstract Introduction: Perinatal palliative care (PPC) is a rapidly growing and essential reproductive health care option for pregnant persons with a diagnosed life-limiting fetal condition who continue their pregnancy. The provision of PPC is within…
Background: Pediatric palliative care (CPP) is defined as active and holistic care of the child's body, mind and spirit, actively supporting the centrality and role of the family. They have as their primary objective the improvement of the quality of…
Background: First Nations Peoples endure disproportionate rates of stillbirth compared with non-First Nations Peoples. Previous interventions have aimed at reducing stillbirth in First Nations Peoples and providing better bereavement care without…
The untimely death of a child is an incredibly traumatic experience for parents and their loved ones. It uproots every aspect of their life, leading the bereaved parents to be far more likely to have poorer physical and mental health outcomes. This…
Purpose: To conduct a scoping review of the published evidence on parents' perceptions of power wheelchair prescription for children with a neuromuscular disorder and clinicians' influence on timely wheelchair implementation. Method: Nine electronic…
Little is known about how parents perceive their role or the role of health care providers (HCPs) during end-of-life decision making (EOL DM) in the context of the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). The authors searched CINAHL, PubMed, Ovid…
Background: Globally, an estimated eight million children could benefit from palliative care each year. Effective communication about children with life-limiting conditions is well recognized as a critical component of high-quality pediatric…
Conceptual confusion is a primary barrier to providing quality palliative care. This study aimed to analyze pediatric palliative care (PPC) guidelines from a conceptual perspective to facilitate a shared understanding of palliative care in…