Browse Items (72 total)

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this article is to report on the quality of the existing evidence base regarding the effectiveness of clinical pathway (CPW) research in the hospital setting. The analysis is based on a recently published Cochrane review of…

BACKGROUND: Pain is common during cancer treatment, and patient self-reporting of pain is an essential first step for ideal cancer pain management. However, many studies on cancer pain management report that, because pain may be underestimated, it is…

BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to adapt and validate culturally the dementia-specific health-related quality of life instrument (HRQoL) into Spanish for patients with mild to moderate dementia. METHODS: Two forward translations, a reconciled…

This study focuses on descriptive accounts of one Macmillan nurse's work, as provided by key individuals coming into contact with this specialist professional service. Twenty respondents (eight patients, five carers, five district nurses and two…

This is the first report on the McGill Quality of Life Questionnaire (MQOL), a questionnaire relevant to all phases of the disease trajectory for people with a life-threatening illness. This questionnaire differs from most others in three ways: the…

Discusses the impact of technology on the practice of medicine. Effect of technology to medical inflation; Influence of technology on the attempt to reform the health care system and on the redirection of the goals of health care system; Problems…

During the past decade, palliative care at home has become an alternative option to hospital care for terminally ill children. This study describes the experience of caring for a dying child at home from a parent's perspective. A qualitative research…

Despite increasing emphasis on advance directives, there has been little methodologic work to assess preferences about the "do not resuscitate" (DNR) order. This developmental work assessed, in a non-patient group, the performance of a…

This study was carried out in eight palliative care services in four Canadian cities. A revised version of The McGill Quality of Life Questionnaire (MQOL) is compared to a single-item scale measuring overall quality of life (SIS), and the…

Since its introduction as a research approach in the late 1940s the Delphi technique has had over 1000 published research utilizations. Most of these have been in the field of social policy. However, a review of contemporary nursing literature…

OBJECTIVES: The authors evaluate a measure of the validity of utility elicitations and study the potential effects of invalid elicitations on population utility values. METHODS: The authors used a computerized survey to describe and measure…

The Delphi technique enables the structuring of group opinion and discussion using a survey approach, maintaining the anonymity of panel members and preventing contamination of individual responses through peer pressure. The Delphi technique was used…

The psychometric characteristics of the Faces Pain Scale (FPS) were evaluated in three groups of preschool and school-aged children (3. 5-4.5; 4.5-5.5 and 5.5-6.5 years, respectively). The FPS was adequately comprehended by even young children. It…

The Faces Pain Scale (FPS; Bieri et al., Pain 41 (1990) 139) is a self-report measure used to assess the intensity of children's pain. Three studies were carried out to revise the original scale and validate the adapted version. In the first phase,…

The Delphi technique is an approach used to gain consensus among a panel of experts. This is normally achieved through a series of rounds where information is fed back to panel members using questionnaires. It has been used extensively within social…

The Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale (MSAS) is a new patient-rated instrument that was developed to provide multidimensional information about a diverse group of common symptoms. This study evaluated the reliability and validity of the MSAS in the…

This study assessed the validity of active and passive coping dimensions in chronic pain patients (n = 76) using the Coping Strategies Questionnaire and the Vanderbilt Pain Management Inventory. The validity of active and passive coping dimensions…

In this review a case is presented for the use of mathematical modelling in the study of pain. The philosophy of mathematical modelling is outlined and a recommendation is made for the use of modern nonlinear techniques and computational neuroscience…

This paper studies test-retest reliability and validity of one measure of adolescent health complaints. The test-retest included an eight-item symptom checklist developed for the survey of Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (n=344). Qualitative…

OBJECTIVE: This report describes the consensus outcome of an interdisciplinary workshop that was held at the National Institutes of Health in April 2001. The purpose of the workshop and this article are to define the terms "spasticity," "dystonia,"…

Passive or emotion-focused coping strategies are typically related to worse pain and adjustment among chronic pain patients. Emotional approach coping (EAC), however, is a type of emotion-focused coping that appears to be adaptive in some nonpain…

This study was undertaken to determine which parental concerns are most associated with significant behavioral/emotional problems and the extent to which parents' concerns can be depended on in the detection of mental health problems. An additional…

OBJECTIVE: To systematically review the accuracy of physicians' clinical predictions of survival in terminally ill cancer patients. DATA SOURCES: Cochrane Library, Medline (1996-2000), Embase, Current Contents, and Cancerlit databases as well as hand…

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the possible role of the immune system in the pathophysiology of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia syndrome and in the differential diagnosis of depression by investigating changes in peripheral…

The Paediatric Pain Profile (PPP) is a 20-item behaviour rating scale designed to assess pain in children with severe neurological disability. We assessed the validity and reliability of the scale in 140 children (76 females, mean age 9 years 11…

Epilepsy has a significant impact on a child's life, the extent to which is based on four factors: epilepsy, cognition, behavioral, and physical/neurologic function. This study evaluates the ability of the 44-item Impact of Childhood Neurologic…

Children's Hospital Boston began a major pain assessment and management initiative 3 years ago: Pain assessment and management are considered one of the institution's primary standards of care. The initiative included State of the Science meetings…

AIM: The aim of this paper was to provide insight into the Delphi technique by outlining our personal experiences during its use over a 10-year period in a variety of applications. BACKGROUND: As a means of achieving consensus on an issue, the Delphi…

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this research was to validate global and behavioral observation methods for measuring pain in children with cerebral palsy (CP)., MATERIALS AND METHODS: Nineteen children diagnosed with CP (2-21 years of age) and their primary…

This paper discusses the state of the science in prospective measurement in end-of-life research and identifies particular areas for focused attention. Topics include defining the scope of inquiry, evaluating experiences of patients too ill to…
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