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In this discussion, we summarize the main aspects of the research presented in the papers and discuss what we see as their strong points. To analyze recent developments in identity research, we compared the present issue with the special issue of the…
Although adolescents suffer from a variety of complaints, they do not often consult a doctor. Following a high rate of medical consultation during infancy and childhood, the rate dramatically decreases at the age of 10 and increases again around the…
In a longitudinal study, the causal links between different types of stressors, coping styles and adolescent symptomatology were investigated. A total of 94 adolescents and their mothers participated in three annual assessments of critical life…
The study investigated the determinants of delay behaviour in health care seeking in a sample of 292 adolescent patients (20 years and younger) with STD symptoms. Fifty six percent (56%) of the adolescents sought health care within the first 6 days…
This paper studies test-retest reliability and validity of one measure of adolescent health complaints. The test-retest included an eight-item symptom checklist developed for the survey of Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (n=344). Qualitative…